Hamas-linked CAIR markets “Islamophobin” gum as cure for “Islamophobia”

Islamophobia pills

Hamas-linked CAIR is congratulating itself on its “witty and humorous” idea, but it isn’t even original to CAIR. Back in July 2010, while speaking in Sweden, I was handed a box of “Islamofobil” pills that promised to cure “Islamophobia” and promote “multiculturalism” and “open-mindedness.”

Anyway, Hamas-linked CAIR’s self-proclaimed “witty and humorous” new product claims to cure “Blind Intolerance,” “Unthinking Bigotry,” “Irrational Fear of Muslims,” and “U.S. Presidential Election Year Scapegoating.” It even promises that it “SPREADS LOVE.”

Aren’t there laws against making false claims for a product? But let’s take them at their word. “Islamophobin” gum cures “blind intolerance”? Wonderful! So if Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik had been chewing away on some “Islamophobin,” they wouldn’t have stormed a Christmas party in San Bernardino last December and murdered fourteen non-Muslims, right? If Islamic jihadists had had some “Islamophobin” gum in November, they wouldn’t have murdered 130 people in Paris, eh? And apparently if they had had some of this miracle love-spreading gum in Brussels last March, they wouldn’t have murdered 32 people and wounded over 300 in bombings at the airport and the metro station.


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