Hand and Bicycle Powered Generator

From YouTube:

Safe and Ready Life provided me with a crank a watt to evaluate. They are a survival store in Ohio that caters to preppers. Jeremy the manager is offering 10% off this product for a few weeks. Use the code southernprepper1 when you check out. http://safeandreadylife.com/pages/Home/itemdetail/423/ The unit is made in USA by Moeller Engineering (FULL DISCLOSURE I have not received or will receive any financial compensation for this review or if you purchase one I was permitted to keep the unit which Iam very grateful for.


Camo Deluxe Hand Crank Portable Generator

Camo Deluxe Hand Crank Portable Generator

Uses: Charging batteries (12 or 24 volts) and operating 120 volt a/c appliances. Be prepared if the power grid goes down! Charge cell phones, lap top computers, rechargable flashlights, tv’s, ham radios, Ipads, boat batteries, power drills, walkie-talkies, water pumps for wells and cisterns. Operates standard household appliances.


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