Happenings Await

     “Joe Biden” will be removed most likely by his own party before an impeachment inquiry can be launched in Congress. Not even The New York Times and CNN would able to ignore the horrific spectacle and the party’s own minions might be shamed into learning how they were hosed for so many years. The unseen hands that jammed “JB” into the White House can then figure out what to do about the hapless Kamala Harris while Congress turns its attention to impeaching Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Xavier Bacerra. At least that’s how it might work if the USA was a sane polity.

   Speaking of happenings this autumn, expect the war in Ukraine to come to an end. The news media might omit to inform you about this, but it awaits. Russia will not trumpet its victory, so as to avoid inflaming America’s crazed neo-cons. Rather it will just quietly take charge of its successfully neutralized neighbor, make provision for some sort of administration over what remains of the rump state — in a way that affords Russia a sense of permanent security — at the same time that Russia commences new negotiations separately with several European nations to reestablish realistic relations.

     If you think that these various momentous happenings won’t affect the financial markets and the banking system in the coming season, prepare to be amazed. This is how America truly gets to feel the pain, and this might be how the pitchforks finally come out for the people who wrecked our country.


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1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Well, Tom it looks like we are growing closer and closer in actually stepping into the trench warfare very shortly against these wicked people, even at my age Iam still agile enough and still know what to do, i was trained very well in the very 1960’s if you know what i mean, I have lost nothing in the art of being invisible if I have to.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

I know what you mean Phil, they keep pushing and getting the results they want. Until we put a stop to it once and for all, trench warfare is good.

1 year ago

The Ukrainians haven’t had any success with their so called offensive. All they’ve done is lose lots of troops and armor. They haven’t even broken through the first Russian line of defense. They’re stuck in the crunch zone. The Ukrainians have lost 4 more fixed wing aircraft in the last week and 4 more helicopters. Including pilots. I actually thought they were nearly out of air assets.