I am not one who says I told you so. That accomplishes nothing.
Two points to consider:
- While Joe Biden will always be the poster child for voter fraud and manipulation, Fetterman is a close second. Absolutely no one in this country believes a brain dead communist won in Pennsylvania. And that fact calls the other elections into question.
- People have not suffered enough to stand up for their children.
You are welcome to vent or even gloat as you watch your future erode even further into a dystopian nightmare.
David DeGerolamo
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Been calling TINVOWOOT since I first heard Obama’s name in 2007
About the same time here. That is when I gave up hope on the government totally.
Sometimes told you so does work. But I think there is really no one here that thought the elections would be fair. I live in Jackson County Ohio. All the levies passed by +70%. I guess people are also not tired of more money coming out of their pocket. Fools all of them. So where is the New Republic going to be?
Well, told you so is just what we need, there is only one way out of our situation. We know the way; we just need the courage to act, if we do not act, we are doomed to slavery and death, looks like it will be the latter.
Hate to say this being the newbie, but the men of today are no JOSHUA or CALEB’s. We , the American people, have went the way of saying we are grasshoppers in the sight of these giants. How did “I VOTED” work for ya? Can you see that RED wave?
Actually. This is all a good thing. Maybe it will open a few eyes. Even if not, the faster the decline the sooner we come out the other side.
Winner winner chicken dinner. The only silver lining I see is that maybe more people will wake up.
Nothing will happen yet, but it may open a few eyes.
the people will never awaken, yesterday proved it, the Republic is filled with very stupid carbon units. The fact that the “blue wave” came ashore is the final proof of the people being “woke” rather than awakened. Too bad.
Also, this was a dry run for managing the steal in 2024.
You are correct Sir. People have not suffered enough. They have their sportsball, their bbq, their ‘church’ on sundays… they do not want to acknowledge whats happening, so they won’t.
The wheels came off the wagon last night, by fraud or voter stupidity or both. Beto trying for Gov in Texas did not get to take everyone’s AR 15. But that is no great concern, he was not going to get them anyway…. Unless five seats go to the Republicans and the house gains many more.. Its over.. Jesus, Food, water, security better be on your christmas list
I’m still lookin’ for the ignition switch. Someone please help me find the ignition switch.
I gotta say Dave that you nailed it all along.I had some hope but I knew you were right.
Why are we surprised Trump said it best in his last rally the Democrats know how to cheat and they’re good at it and they’ll never stop. We had problems with several machines, but we were told it was just a matter of them not counting some ballots. But it was quickly solved. YEP…RIGHT! Also the absentee ballot counting was done in a room without windows. Cause they didn’t want no one videoing like they did in 2020, when they were caught double counting the same ballots several times. Which later after investigating the video wasn’t clear enough…. Oh Really!
Here in Michigan working hard on The Dixon Campaign which I thought would be a sure thing. Forgot what my dear ole mother use to tell me, “don’t count your chicken until they hatched”.
I’m thinking back to about a month ago when the wicked Gov. Witchmer of Michigan stated that she will win by eight points and all proposals will pass big time. Well Guess What, she was right! Did she know something we didn’t know…..cough….cough.