Happy Birthday 14th Amendment: Sorry For All The Abuse

RyanBombergerOn July 9th, 1868, a monumental shift happened in the legal landscape. Slavery had just been abolished by the 13th Amendment as an institution three years prior, and now black people were finally being recognized as humans and citizens by the law. Of course, no one needs a law to affirm anyone’s humanity, but I’m glad as a person with mocha brown skin that legislation caught up with common sense.

But sadly, the 14th Amendment has been a victim of deteriorating common sense in this country allowing nearly everything to become legal under this race-based Reconstruction Amendment.

Due process. Equal protection under the law. These two phrases have become both a battering ram for judicial activists to obliterate our actual Constitutional freedoms and a magic wand to conjure up “rights” out of thin air. Federal judges are quite adept at this abuse. The Supreme Court, at least the majority of it, has mastered the art of Constitutional mutilation.

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