Happy Thanksgiving to Our Congressmen

I am wishing our United States Congressmen a belated Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that you shared a wonderful meal and thanked the Lord for your bounty. I also hope that you asked Him for forgiveness for your actions concerning the country and its people. I am referring to your complicit acceptance of the inhumane treatment of political prisoners who were viciously attacked, manipulated and blackmailed for standing up for the Constitution on January 6th.

Please see the actions of the Capitol Police on Americans starting at the 29 second mark:

For those of you who think that you are not complicit and are helping these prisoners, you may be fooling yourselves but you are not fooling the people in this nation who make this country work.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

I agree with you whole heartedly about that disgusting and contemptable attack on innocent American patriots who went to the Capital building on that day. May the Lord rebuke all of the federal agencies as well as the crony Capital police under Direct supervision of the N.Y. and Baltimore, Md. Mafia Don, Dallesandro’s Daughter Pelosi who gave those detestable orders on that day. all pre planned by the democrats as well as Schumer and Mitch McConnell. they all have innocent blood on their dirty hands. May they all burn in the pits of hell on judgement day.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

They are complicit in their treasonous actions, every last one of them. #FreeJeremyBrown and all of the Jan 6th prisoners of war and make no mistake this is war.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

And War it Is!!!

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

too bad I don’t reside within the landed boundaries of America.

1 year ago

The power behind the American throne pays them well to shut up.

Timothy Minnich
1 year ago

Anyone who still believes that J6 was an insurrection is a freakin’ moron. End of story.

1 year ago

…..i’m gonna go there, knowing, I shouldn’t.
As I lack fully, 100% , any religious knowledge.

Grandma always said…
“God helps those who help themselves”

Concerning J6—
Look who helped themselves.
And Look who isn’t.

Concerning, our current State——
Look Whom is helping themselves.
And Look Who isn’t.

Ok…ready for the beatin.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Reader

granny was wrong, that phrase as time honored as it be, does not appear in the Holy Bible. As to the concept, well, hell yeah.
Perhaps it is high time to help ourselves and show them what an insurrection really looks like. Don’t know what it looks like in the books of folks far smarter that I, but in my book, it looks like guerilla warfare. Never fight your war on their terms, fight it on your terms. In the RSVN, Mr. Chuck understood the farmer by day role, nightmare by night role.
Just me pontificating in regard to the sad state of affairs we find ourselves mired in.

1 year ago

J6 happened how they designed it to happen, it just didn’t turn into CWII they way they had hoped. We patriots have to think a little more Fifth Gen, a little farther down the road than to gather on masse on enemy held territory in the presence of their troops. They planned it, they staged it and it happened and they grabbed the narrative immediately. Anyone that has played a little chess or a little 8 ball knows better than to be led around by their adversary like that, because it never works out. That said, those patriots went and protested according to their Constitutional rights. They did nothing wrong and the J6 POW’s have suffered great injustice. If you know your opponent executes a full court press or a half court trap with predictable frequency, don’t fall for the trap and have a plan to defeat their plan. Our hearts were in the right place, no doubt, but our strategy sucked.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  highdesert

Yep, get your three and four man teams prepped and ready they cannot stop what is coming, the best laid plans go out the window when the first shot is fired. I am not saying don’t plan and strategize those are important things to do, when your about to whoop some a##.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Do you feel it!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

Yes I do Irod.

1 year ago
Reply to  highdesert

Trump knowingly or unknowingly led them all into a trap and Trump should have used his gut feelings and written a blanket pardon for each and every one at the rally afterwards, as a just in case scenario that would occur by the democratic party and their media mouthpieces. This all played out exactly as the demon-crats and rino-rats planned it. Mike Pence was one of the lynch pins who go against Trump at the final end. Pence was undermining his presidency from the very beginning and placed inside the white house to leak out information to the media and the democrats by McConnel and his band of miscreant rinos. Pence should be thrown into prison for the rest of his stinking lying life and put into solitary confinement just like they are doing to the innocent J6 patriots.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil


1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Here, here!!!

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Orange-man was surrounded by filthy lifer-political critters and traitors.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

No best wishes for anyone in the Senate and House. They had a sumptuous dinner no doubt. No bugs, no grass, nothing organic for that bunch. Hope they choke on their millions, and may God have mercy on their souls.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

Every member of the J6 committee should be arrested immediately. The rest of the CON-gress critter should be dismissed now. Over your Thanksgiving night sleep, they added $41 billion to the national debt. How’s that for an early X-mas gift.
Those imprisoned for the J6 should be released post-haste and duly compensated for the injustice foisted upon them by the contemptable people in Washington’s shithouse on the hill.