“Racism is nothing more, and nothing less, than the defense of one’s own people. It has nothing to do with skin color, hate, or any of the other globalist lies. To be anti-racist, to smugly declare that “you don’t see color”, is to literally and materially accede to the conquest and destruction of your self, your family, and your nation.”
The Chinese are racist and that is why they will win. We’d best wake up!
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They have corrupted everything especially our language, just as discriminate is now a dirty word, everyone discriminates it is human nature we associate with who we feel comfortable with, likes, dislikes, etc.
Then why were whites and blacks respectively, indifferent to their own (as the two main people groups, previously in America), such as allowing and encouraging their women to have abortions (which is nation-dissolving), and much of their people to devolve into intellectual, cultural, and social decline, and then further into poverty and abject poverty, often completely stratified and outside of upward mobility? If people say ‘white space’, ‘black space’, or ‘latino or asian space’ (the latter two probably being more cohesive because their familiy structures are different), for instance, it seems that in many cases they expect people to clamor to them without necessarily conveying their message in a way that demonstrates more equity (in terms of how people live their lives) rather than in their everyday circumstances. To put the question another way, did the blacks coerce or force the whites to have abortions, and did the whites likewise coerce or force the blacks to have abortions? The point being that whites, blacks, and other people groups can also ruin their own.
Also, where would you consider the demarcation line to be as to when an individual people group ruins its own, versus when multiculturalism interferes with, and, or ruins it?
I don’t understand your argument, as it doesn’t disprove anything or counter anything TF said.
It is also mostly incorrect, as many people didn’t go along with it; only a small % of women have abortions.
a small percentage of women?
How many men go along with it?
How much of society, while not (actively participating) ” go along with it?
Many are more than happy this is going on, weeds out the undesirables.
Who funds it, both knowingly and unknowingly?
We’ve all just gone along with it Lon. We should be waging war for our independence from fusa already.
Our independence (set- apartness)from the world and the worldly is the battle we should be waging, and concentrating upon.
People are wrong in dismissing what they do not understand, and i know, many will not listen, yet the Word needs to be spoken.
“My power is perfected in weakness.”
“For when i am weak i am strong.”
Irrelevant. Stop babbling your philosophy nonsense.
Who or what are you?
Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is an Iranian religion and one of the world’s oldest continuously-practiced organized faiths, based on the teachings of the Iranian-speaking prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zaraθuštra in Avestan or as Zartosht in Persian).
Are you indifferent to the babies murdered? Many Muslim men, for instance, come here because they claim ‘they will take this country from the wombs of its women’ (a reference to the abortion rates and dysfunctional marriages and relationships among and between the sexes). They will establish families and work towards repopulating with native-born women, in promoting and furthering their economic and social positioning. Whites have yet, collectively, to articulate and put into effect any economic policy for their own, in order to maintain viability, politically and as relates to replacing its own population.
Decades into multiculturalism, I’m still waiting for a logical explanation of how “diversity is our greatest strength!” I’ve asked many times, but the answer is always along the lines of “you are a Bad person if you don’t believe it!”
I remember a debate between Jared Taylor and “a tenure-track HBCU Professor (K-State) with a PhD (Southern Illinois) and a law degree (University of Illinois)”.
With all those credentials and a 2 hour debate the only benefits of diversity he could come up with was better sports teams and better food. We have the recipes, and sports is important in training youth not in being competitive.
Have you listened to Ken Ham from the Answers in Genesis and other channels, as he explains that we’re all one race, giving biblical proof, and exegesis, but does state the caution is in recognizing and distancing based on spiritual races?
Sounds like utter nonsense. We can’t be all be one race, since race is by definition the different races. Which is how race was defined. There is a much better argument that blacks are not the same species as whites or asians than there is for us all being the same race.
Yes, I’ve heard Ken’s argument and I even bought into it for about fifteen minutes. One cannot examine Chinese, African, and European races/cultures/languages and accept that they can live harmoniously together. If you’re a Christian, as I am, I’ll ask a question they couldn’t answer for me in Bible college. Cain went to the land of Nod to find a wife. Where did those people come from? There is no reason for hate, but there are plenty of reasons for separation.
Just as a family can ruin its own, so can a people group or race, as it can be run like a business like most other things. Whites didn’t fare well or live harmoniously together in the past recent decades with each other, and that all can’t be attributed to multiculturalism, as they’re more alienated now than perhaps throughout recent history. If it was so harmful to whites, why couldn’t or wouldn’t they ban together to build up their unification (again, this points to the alienation)? As to your question about where Cain’s wife came from, I may have heard it discussed peripherally, but am not familiar with the topic. What do you consider the answer to be?
It hasn’t been banned by Whites because Whites do not control our own countries any more.
“ The Chinese are racist and that is why they will win. ”
The Multi-Cultists experiment has proven out.
FAILURE, of The Spectacular kind.
Though that story isn’t spoken.
Wanting to be with and work together with like minded people does not equate to hating someone for the color of their skin alone.
That is as ignorant as you can get.
We need more unity and inclusion, not more wedges driven between sectors of society. That’s how they bring you down, divide and conquer.
I’m not saying go hang with the Crips or MS-13, but just because someone has different color skin from you, you’re gonna reject them, even if they are on board with everything you want?
Think a little before you break your brain.
With all due respect, you don’t ‘get’ it. It is not about hate. Perhaps you should read the article a little closer? Perhaps also read some history. Multi-cultural empires do fine as long as there is enough wealth, bread, and circuses to go around, but when they falter, the different people groups fight over the carcass. Also ask yourself this. When will the black folks in this country have had enough with the blame game? They’ve been free for 157 years and still they blame whitey.
Also, the Muslims … are you ready to convert or die? Read the Koran if you think I’m being hyperbolic.
The Tower of Babel
…6And the LORD said, “If they have begun to do this as one people speaking the same language, then nothing they devise will be beyond them. 7Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” 8So the LORD scattered them from there over the face of all the earth, and they stopped building the city.…
So who do we blame?
“Unity and inclusion” equates to multiculturalism.
Yes, they bring us down with divide and conquer, which is why they brought in other races. Because they know that almost by definition different races will band together with each other, creating the perfect scenario to exploit. The only solution is to separate the races.
Even liberal scientists are forced to admit multiculturalism inevitably leads to strife:
So personal experience plus virtually all the research available says a multi-racial society leads to many negatives. What are the positives exactly? I’ve never heard anyone give a positive to multiculturalism that wasn’t an appeal to morality or a wider range of restaurants (we have the recipes now).
Looking at this as east against west and ‘why’ may be the best way to see what is happening.
Biblehub “Tidings from the east”
negative? i can see why many would not turn to the Bible.
“The Chinese are racist and that is why they will win.”
So,” three cheers for racism!”
Someone tell me again that we can all get along …
PURE EVIL: A Tennessee Church is Demanding Justice After Security Cameras Caught Two Women Robbing a 78-Year-Old Lady As She Was Praying -- (VIDEO)
The Hard Truth:
Sin, is what is breaking down America.
Now that is 100% correct!