Has A “Silent Depression” Already Started In The United States?

There is a reason why 62 percent of the country is currently living paycheck to paycheck.The cost of living has become incredibly oppressive for most Americans, and nobody can deny that reality.

When Whoopi Goldberg declared that “Millennials just need to work harder” during one of her crazed rants, Smith followed up with another video about the rising cost of living…

Many Americans are working as hard as they can, but they just keep falling farther and farther behind.


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kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

I’ve been using that definition for about a year now, we were in recession and have now slipped into depression, just no one is saying it. The previous depression was quantified by the stock market crash, Toda an artificial market and an economy propped up by continuous printing of worthless green backs is the fragile veil that is keeping the American society mesmerized,

1 year ago

It has been a slow and steady Destruction of the Purchasing Power of the U.S.A. Dollar through the years, now decades. The strategy, tactic and technique was to keep We The People perpetually distracted with various and a multitude of events here, on the home front, as well as worldwide with wars and needing to bomb such and such country and that country’s regime over there is “oppressing the people and they need democracy;” “babies being thrown out with bath water;” how other countries are worse than the U.S.A. as “they” perform some nefarious mission and disruption to another country “to provide and support the belief: ‘you see, the U.S.A. Is so much better’….” send constant U.S.A. Dollars to other countries, send our military on immoral missions and foreign entanglements, collapse other country’s currencies …..while the Ruling Class Families and their black-mailable and beholden to them lackey-minions get multitudes of financial increases and absurd “perks and privileges” ALL ROOTED in EVIL agendas and activities. Through the years, this EVIL group has been whittling away and dwindling supplies, most severely, most pronounced and most extreme during the “Company —CO — Verification — V —- I.D. / ID-19 / Corona virus — “crown themselves ‘Lords of the Earth’ created agenda with the continuous manufacturing of Biological Weapons man-made/ woman-made in (hazardous) laboratories. This IS a violation and Trespassing of Holy Sacred Divine Law!
It is a combined formula: dwindle the supplies in which the demand super exceeds + Erode and thus, destroy, the Purchasing Power of the U.S. Dollar, + plus have the U.S.A. Dwindle its skills and talents with the ability to manufacture much needed goods, + plus coerce the population to sit behind the computer screen to enter digits and figures and information at some company which most definitely adds value to one’s life, meets basic needs of living life and adds such superior quality of life to the life of people!

1 year ago

History, in a sense, repeats itself. The Hebrew slaves, during famine, ended up with nothing and ultimately had to sell themselves into slavery. I think that is what the globalists are trying to do with the people today, little by little. These self proclaimed gods such as Klaus Schwab have made it known that “You will own nothing and be happy.”