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I know I am… | Bustednuckles It pays to hate America and what it used to stand for, I did not know we had so many communists in this country.
There are many righteous reasons to despise America; the permissiveness and tolerance of abortion, the mass murder, sterilization, and genocide of people through the Covid-19 theater, poisonous injections, and contaminated tests, working diligently and not being able to pay one’s bills, being college and university-degreed with no viable work prospects, churches that won’t take corrective actions on these fronts and others. Maybe the reward is in the stance of not agreeing to these things. Why then would such individuals want to fight in preserving their so-called country? Essentially, enough people from many different postures no longer like America enough to want to to fight for what it purportedly represented. It doesn’t mean that individuals wouldn’t fight for survival, to preserve life, property and liberty. However, what America was supposed to be was not a real-life experience for most and they feel shorted.