Have You Noticed?

I went to Walmart tonight and the parking lot was about 40% less crowded than I have ever seen. We then went into town and found multiple parking spaces on main street. I have not seen that in over eight years. As a friend told me tonight: We have a real President again.

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 month ago

They are hiding, but not for long.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 month ago

Elections have consequences.

1 month ago

And as Paul Harvey might say “The Rest of the Story”.

Remember what I posted here earlier about the Democrats ALLOWED Hoover to “Win” the Presidental Election vs a nobody Democrat named Smith so Hoover would get the BLAME for the known by smart money “Recession” known now as the Great Depression.

The Democrats got FDR a well-known socialist as President for 4 TERMS. Talk about the stealing of American gold for fiat money and so on… The “New Deal” and stacking the Supreme court for decades to come.

Trump was given a word salad nobody named Harris AND where DID Biden’s Extra 18 million votes GO?

I suspect that Trump and MAGA is set up to be the scapegoats for the Greater Depression AKA the Great Taking and America’s Bankruptcy.

THESE Reports of working fleeing or not showing up for work. HELLO GUYS. these are the illegals that WORKED FOR A LIVING.

Not the gangbangers, not the rapists, these were the guys that did what our current layabouts playing with iPhones “adults” DON’T want to DO.

A fair % of the Truckers that safely deliver EVERY FREAKING THING in America (Fuel, food, medical supplies, water sanitation supplies and so on) ARE THE SAME WORKING FOR A LIVING ILLEGALS.


Hell, my local McD’s pays more than most illegal construction workers get. AND they cannot fill them with a high school and college next door.



Otherwise, America’s construction and a fair part of its trucking, LET ALONE the hand picking of fresh fruits and vegetables IS CRIPPLED.

The Titanic got a New Captain, but it seems AFTER the Titanic hit that iceberg of MASSIVE DEBT, LACK of Work Ethic and laziness.

Trump got handed a decade’s worth of economic foolish of offshoring real jobs, killing off the institutional knowledge of those skillsets, the scrapping or rusting away of the infrastructure and WORST OF ALL decades of BAD SCHOOLING that created mostly useless Protestors and “I wanna WORK from HOME” folks.

I’ve mentioned many times before how the local nurses, linemen, truckers, electricians, plumbers and so on were getting to Retirement Age and NOBODY seemed all that interested in stepping up to GOOD PAYING but WORKING MAN Jobs.

THE VAST % of our replacements are coming from home schooled and or FAMILY MEMBERS of those Linemen and so on.

Hospitals for at least a decade were creating Free just work with us Nursing programs. Some success but struggling to keep older experienced nurses from retiring faster than we can get new inexperienced nurses in, let alone trained up properly.

Of two minds said it well, worth a reading.

Of Two Minds -- The Do-It-Yourself Decade

Get busy friends, the lifeboats are crowded, and your family needs you.

Trusted friends, trusted family and trust in God will do more than “money in the Bank” or gold in hand.

Molly P
Molly P
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

A very well written, thought provoking post. I was going to suggest we keep the illegals here long enough to train their replacements, then send them back, but there won’t be enough home bred folks to step up for the jobs. What a sobering realization. It will be really interesting to watch the not -well thought out repercussions on society at large, and the economy.

1 month ago
Reply to  Molly P

Molly, maybe we should sort the working Honest ones from the crap criminals.

Matthew 13:
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

Give them a path to citizenship. Deport the rest.

I’d rather have a proven honest worker than most inner city thugs as citizens myself.

wv citybilly
wv citybilly
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

You left out the part that no illegal alien arrived here without the aid of organized crime, a terrorist organization, or a country with hostile interests.
You left out the part where illegal aliens are trafficked for labor and especially children for sex slaves.
You left out the part where illegal aliens cost us over 100 billion of dollars each year.
You left out the part where every persons or organizations hiring illegal aliens are committing multiple crimes, including identity theft, insurance fraud, payroll tax fraud, etc.
And you’re regurgitating propaganda we’ve been listening to for more than a half century, while countries emptied their prisons and mental institutions into our country.

1 month ago
Reply to  wv citybilly

WV hillbilly

Please provide links for your VERY BROAD STATEMENTS. Some are mostly true, some almost true and a few well…

For Decades illegals and Quazi-illegals have been coming into America. When I was a child picking apples in the Yakima Valley there were Mexicans there.

Most were good folks, just working for the season before heading back home where their wages went a LOT Further.

Fraud can be delt with by APPLYING the LAWS we’ve had for Decades.

Drop the histrionics, sir. Show me where I am wrong in the FACTS that MANY SERVICES ARE Being DONE by them and SHOW ME the EAGER AND WILLING Americans JUMPING FOR JOY at DOING those jobs.

I’ll wait here with my coffee pot for your answer.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

A long time ago in CA (the 1950’s), America had the Bracero Program. Migrant workers-Mexican citizens would come up to CA to harvest crops. As a little boy, I used to see them all over the San Fernando Valley. My dad even contracted with Sunkist to have them come and harvest our Valencia oranges from the trees we had on our property.
These men lived in barracks and a portion of their wages were withheld and sent directly to their families in Mexico. At the end of the season, they would return to their homes and families. The system worked well.
Flash forward to sometime after 1963 when LBJ took over. He ended the program as a sop to Ceasar Chavez and the UFW. And viola! The price of produce went up, farmers in the Central Valley went broke, Mexicans showed up with their entire families and began breeding like rabbits. Social service budgets had to increase. Hospital ERs became an overloaded pandemonium. And quiet neighborhoods became festive with gunfire and loud mariachi music. I saw it all growing up and for over 30 years as a Peace Officer.
So, Michael. Should the Golden Golem bring back the Bracero Program? What say you?

1 month ago

I recall the Bracero Program. It worked well enough.

But as you said LBJ decided along with his donators (THE UNIONS) to CHANGE the law and here we are.

Might have been “unintended consequences” or worse.

Removing the criminals who you KNOW as a former Peace Officer were even back then “Frequent Fliers” to deport WITH ALL their Kin would DO WONDERS.

Matthew 13:
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Would apply well here, don’t you think?

Mamma WOULD HAVE WORDS with her kids and Hubby about acting stupid, I bet.

At one time the Black Church Ladies were a formidable force in keeping their men and children in line. Once there was prosperous Black Communities that were proud NOT TO BE ON WELFARE.

Attitude matters.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

Thanks, but I will take the greater depression and bankruptcy WITHOUT the side dish of illegals. Anyone who employs or shelters an illegal must be dealt with. Cultural suicide is progressing just fine without them as an additional factor.

1 month ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Quartermain while in general I agree with your thoughts.

Thus, my constant reminder to protect your trusted family and trusted friends FOR the Greater Depression and Chaos nearby.

BUT, They don’t address the FACTS on the Ground that currently BECAUSE of Illegal ACTIONS of our Government and Big Businesses FOR DECADES WE HAVE LITTLE Skilled Workforce for Trades and such available.

Nor has the “School system” done anything to make skilled and semi-skilled laborer to drive those essential trucks, build and repair houses and keep the Damn LIGHTS ON.

You might, friend LOOK at how SMALL the Actual Army Corps of Engineers IS. AND Look at what a HUGE Percentage of their Subcontractors are running a Mostly Illegal Workforce.

Maybe we should send semi-trucks full of building supplies to Wester NC and California and tell them to DO IT YOURSELF.

A FEW CAN and Would. Most would do poorly at best and probably be part of the protests that Trump’s FAILING THEM for not giving them Free Shit.

I’m ALL FOR Taking every ICE criminal and tossing the out of the country. I’d not cry if it was at 20,000 feet but I’m old fashioned about that.

But the facts support that the Deep State and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) HAVE SET A TRAP to destroy our Republic, Trump and MAGA with the Greater Depression and all the social Chaos that WILL HAPPEN when the SONG of the Land is “Daddy I’m HUNGRY”.

I’m a Trump supporter. I’m a voter. I’m a semi-retired Medical sort that had to drop out of work for over a year because I refused the Not a Vaxx UNTIL the Hospital decided they NEEDED my skillset and made allowances for a non-vaxxed employee.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 month ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Right answer.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

The meat processing plants laid off the Americans and did a total replacement with illegals. Warehouses in my area are staffed with invaders working for what I got paid in 1980. Affirmative action forced a lot of White workers out of the highway jobs, etc. I could go on and on. Farm workers usually leave after 14 months. As soon as they learn “the system”. Hate on some other race. I have no time for you characters.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

Nobody, that was illegal by the law CURRENT at the Time.

Government and Big Business hand in hand Disregarded the LAWS OF THE LAND.

In my eyes that is the actions of traitors to our once healthy Republic.

Hate on the Traitor sir. THEY SCREWED YOU and ME.

The illegals like Drugs wouldn’t COME INTO AMERICA Unless there is an ACTIVE DEMAND FOR THEM.

Angie C
Angie C
1 month ago

Our family had a residential framing family bustiness in Wake County for nearly 30 years . Once the illegals started pouring in several decades ago , they quickly learned the trade and builders started hiring them over American citizens, as they were hired using fraudulent social security numbers and used 1099’s instead of W2’s to avoid paying taxes. Many now run their own businesses, and some have huge crews . My young adult son grew up loving the work ( he was born at home in the house his dad built ), and now works on a framing crew . He is the only American on the crew and most every crew in Wake County consists of foreign labor . This takeover of the trades happened long before Biden and it is so sad to see . Deporting “ criminal aliens “ will never be enough to restore jobs and wages for Americans in the trades !

1 month ago
Reply to  Angie C

Angie C you’re telling the truth. The WORKING Illegals learned the trade and are doing it.


Got a lot of motivated learners awaiting those jobs?

I still stand beside my observations that most Americans DON’T WANT to do WORKING JOBS. I cannot hire for 20 dollars cash an hour a college student nor a teenager to do basic handyman work around the place. I CAN however find several Hispanics who will work themselves silly for that.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

No editing function so sorry for double posting.

For the non-business folks here 20 dollars an Hour CASH in Hand is equal to at least 24 dollars an Hour job pay and then adding insurance and all that about 32 dollars an hour Per employee.

And that’s for unskilled labor. Rake and shovel work.

What does an Uber Driver get per hour if anybody cares to report?

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 month ago

I drive for uber. I have not had a Hispanic rider in a week. Very odd.

David Bovender
David Bovender
1 month ago

It’s pretty simple. The lay abouts either go to work or starve.

1 month ago
Reply to  David Bovender

Food Riots in 3,2,1….

Even Rome was smart enough to have bread and circuses to keep the people from Buring things down as Slaves took all their farm jobs.

Today it seems it’s AI and Robotics are the modern slaves once the illegals are gone.

Reality check, the Tantrums Wars are here, just quietly Resisting in Washing DC and state governments for now.

DAVID who’s going to hire a NON-Skilled employee to do serious WORK?

Training takes TIME and Aptitude. Aptitude isn’t something I’ve seen in most youngsters up to and including 40-year-olds.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
1 month ago

Favorite games of every color of American construction worker. 1 Screaming La Migra while standing on the highest completed floor and pointing to the site entrance.2 CALLING IMMIGRATION and reporting cheap ass contractors. Spent most of my career at 2 companies that made you prove either citizenship or green card before a job application was allowed to be filled out.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 month ago

The fact that someone is willing to break our immigration laws to enter our country and continue to break our immigration laws every day that they remain our country reveals a serious character flaw. No one should be surprised if they also break our tax laws and criminal laws.

This is not good for our economy.

1 month ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

comment image

Not all of the illegals are drug dealers, seems we already have a lot of home-grown ones. A Justice problem.

Not all illegals are rapists, murderers and criminals, seems we already have a lot of home-grown ones. A Justice problem.

We have Judges that flagrantly apply “Social Constructs” like Dat poor fellow grew up sad to simple application of THE LAWS OF THE LAND and those Judges are a Justice problem.

Treason has many faces. The Founding Fathers set up our Government to BE Inefficient as so a King wouldn’t rise up and make us His subjects again.

Checks and Balances sort of thing. That a Judge can disagree and force a legal challenge to a President or CONgressional (spelling intentional) was deemed a GOOD thing to keep any branch of Government from simply running it as a rubber stamp machine.

That Judges are NOT HELD Accountable FOR their Judgements has put us in this place of Lawfare and now near treasonous Tantrum Wars level “resistance” to that EVIL NASTY TWEET MAN of Orange.

Isaiah 3 springs to mind, Paster Guest.

1 month ago

There are too many fast food restaurants. In my area some are starting to close. As the industry consolidates, so will the work force. Remember, men used to go into the military. Many learned skills there. The navy was a great trade school. Open more trade schools. Shut down the commie colleges.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

All good ideas Nobody.

All take TIME and Resources.

Mostly the PROBLEM is Aptitude to do a well-paying Dirty Job.

ANY JOE can run a short stint in Fast Food. WE NEED Real Workers, not we trained them, and they quit folks.

Aptitude for WORK is something that once your FAMILY endued in you. Thus, my comments about local Line Men, Plumbers and Electricians are providing most of their replacements.

NOT ENOUGH sad to say AS I know of Many that programs will PAY YOU To Train UP and they are NOT FILLED UP with candidates with the Math Skills, Work Ethic and Interest in doing “DIRTY JOBS”.


[…] article is a continuation of an article posted concerning the apparent impact of Donald Trump’s administration concerning deportation […]

kal kal
kal kal
1 month ago

Great, get them all out of the country, every last one!