Have You Noticed – Part 3

This article will outline the impact on construction/housing/mortgages if the administration deports illegal aliens.

From Grok:

The estimated number of illegal immigrants in the United States that could potentially be subject to deportation varies according to different sources. According to recent analyses, the unauthorized immigrant population in the U.S. was estimated to be around 10.99 million in 2022, with some sources suggesting this number has stabilized after previous growth periods. However, other reports indicate a higher number; for instance, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated about 16.8 million illegal aliens resided in the U.S. as of June 2023.

Additionally, discussions on X mention numbers ranging from 11 million to 20 million, with some posts suggesting Trump’s administration might aim for deporting between 1 to 2 million, with an acknowledgment that going beyond that would require significant additional resources.


Grok is programmed to state that deportation will have a negative impact in the long term due to a lack of skilled workers in the construction industry. I rephrased my question:

If supply rises, construction will be decreased so demand for workers should not be a significant impact


Your point introduces an interesting economic principle, suggesting that if supply rises due to deportations, the need for new construction might decrease, thereby reducing the demand for construction workers. Here’s a more nuanced analysis considering this perspective:

Initial Impact on Housing Supply:

  • Increased Availability: If one million people are deported, the immediate effect would indeed be an increase in housing availability due to reduced demand. This could lead to:
    • Lower occupancy rates in rental units.
    • Potentially lower home prices in areas with significant immigrant populations, as the market adjusts to the new supply-demand equilibrium.

Construction and Labor Demand:

  • Reduced Construction Needs: With more housing units available, the urgency for new construction might decrease. This scenario would:
    • Lower immediate demand for construction workers, potentially alleviating concerns about labor shortages in construction in the short term.
    • However, this assumes no other factors like population growth, urban expansion, or replacement of aging infrastructure demand new construction.
  • Maintenance and Renovation: Even if new construction decreases, there would still be a need for maintenance and renovation of existing structures. The impact here would be:
    • If undocumented immigrants, who often perform these roles, are less available, costs could rise due to higher wages for remaining workers or the need to train new workers.
    • Over time, maintenance might not keep pace with needs, potentially leading to a decline in housing quality or increased costs for property owners.

Long-term Market Dynamics:

  • Economic Activity: If the economy contracts due to the loss of consumer spending by those deported (immigrants contribute to both labor and consumer markets), or if there’s a significant economic backlash, housing demand might not recover quickly, keeping construction needs low.
  • Construction Sector Adaptation: The construction industry might adapt by:
    • Increasing wages to attract remaining workers.
    • Automating more processes or using more prefabricated elements.
    • Training or hiring from other sectors or underemployed local populations, though this might take time.
  • Housing Market Equilibrium: If construction demand decreases significantly, eventually, the market might reach a new equilibrium where new construction resumes to meet any residual or new demand, but this could take years, depending on economic conditions.

Policy and Market Reactions:

  • Government Policy: Housing policy, zoning laws, or incentives for construction could shift to address the new reality, either by encouraging more building or repurposing existing structures.
  • Investment and Speculation: Investors might enter the market to buy up properties at lower prices, potentially stabilizing or increasing demand for construction for renovations or conversions.


  • Short-term vs. Long-term: In the short term, your premise holds; less demand for new housing could lead to less need for construction workers. However, the long-term impact on the housing market and construction labor could be more complex, involving:
    • Potential labor shortages if the economy rebounds or if other sectors start competing for labor.
    • A possible degradation in property maintenance without the existing workforce.
  • Market Adjustment: The construction sector would need to adjust, possibly through higher wages, automation, or shifting workforce dynamics. The exact impact would depend on how quickly and effectively the market adapts to these changes.

Thus, while the immediate effect might reduce construction activity and labor demand, the longer-term implications on housing supply, quality, and labor could still be significant if not managed strategically.


I believe we will have a period of several years before constraints in construction become problematic. Or I should say more problematic, since the cost of construction coupled with the low quality of new construction have not been addressed. Neither have the costs of housing insurance, mortgage interest, increased property taxes and permitting requirements been considered.

It is probable that the commercial real estate market will implode as outlined previously. The result will impact banks, reduce rents and impact property taxes. Since supply is increased, new office construction will decrease AND banks will be reluctant to finance new construction without more collateral and higher loan interests.

Depending on how many people are deported (and self-deported), residential construction will also be impacted. Rents will decrease and demand for new housing will decrease for multiple reasons:

  1. Interest rates
  2. Construction costs will be increased to rebuild housing in Florida, WNC/Tennessee and Los Angeles.
  3. There will be a shortage of skilled labor as people are deported. How much of an impact will be dependent on the number of people deported and the amount of skilled American labor that has not been used due to cheaper illegal labor.
  4. The country may go into a recession or worse. We still have out of control spending on all government levels.


I want to concentrate on the shortage of skilled labor. Why are people saying we need illegal aliens for the construction industry? Let’s look at this as an opportunity to rebuild our country with Americans. Consider how we got to this point and it starts with education.

Our educational facilities have failed our children and our country. Miserably failed. Consider the point that all math taught in grades K-5 can be taught in six weeks at one hour per day (30 hours). How long would it take to train someone to frame a house?

From Grok:

Estimated Times:

Basic Framing Skills:

  • With no prior experience: 3 to 6 months of intensive, daily practice could get someone to understand basic framing techniques, though this would be under ideal conditions with good mentorship.
  • With some construction background: 1 to 3 months to learn framing specifically, assuming they already know about tools, safety, and basic construction principles.

Proficiency in Framing:

  • No experience: Likely 1 to 2 years to become proficient, including dealing with various scenarios, understanding blueprints, and handling complex or custom framing projects.
  • With construction experience: 6 months to a year, considering they’re adapting existing skills to framing.


For someone to be considered a master framer, capable of handling any framing job with efficiency and innovation, it might take 3 to 5 years or more, combining experience with continued learning and adaptation to new construction methods or materials.


If our children would be taught basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics, I know that Americans can learn how to frame a house in a reasonable amount of time. Or plumbing, electrical, HVAC or grading. We have to invest in America and that means investing in our children. I want to qualify that statement: we should only invest in our children who want to succeed. In order to succeed, we have to reward people who work with a fair wage and working conditions. In order to succeed, we have to reignite the concept of the American dream.

For anyone who believes that Americans cannot rebuild this country:

The Deep State will not go easily into the night and traitors like Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are proof that their goal is to join the Deep State to destroy the nation. We need to come together and realize that tough times are here and will get worse. It’s time to make lemonade and rebuild our country using Americans.

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1 month ago

Yes..out future is for America to get their act together…together

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 month ago
Reply to  Beverly


1 month ago

I notice several times Grok said “Careful management” of this or that to in essence “Thread the Needle” for success.

I also notice that Grok didn’t include Lawfare from butthurt congress weasels and their sort in the Judicial Branch of our government.

I also notice Grok didn’t include social stressors like economic collapse and hunger as things get sorted out. Guess that was under the threading the needle section.

WE Need to address what being an American IS.

Do you think of inner-city thugs even though technically born here and “citizens” as Americans?

If so, how do they fit in this rebuilding effort? It’s THEIR RICE BOWLS that is going to get shattered. We cannot afford to do the Bread and Circuses thing and rebuild while fighting the “Resisters” to Trumps efforts to restore our Republic.

It’s so clever to use the “lick the hand” quote but real issues need real solutions.

David, you know as well as I do training UNSKILLED People to do even Housebuilding is a ONE-ON-ONE process. I know how “interesting” it is to teach proper and safe use of a Skillsaw (that’s an electric circular saw to those keyboarders that haven’t built anything).

The results of unskilled use I see often enough in my EMS runs, same with chainsaws. Aptitude for labor is something we used to have LOTS of like in 1954 when we did “Operation Wetback”.

I’ve 20+ years US Military, I KNOW all about the Train the Trainer and all that. Most of it sounded good but it takes TIME and Resources to do it.

Time and resources, friend. Not “licking the hand” stuff.

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You might read about King Canute.

King Canute and the tide -- Wikipedia

We can rebuild IF we can overcome the many problems that our traitors have set before us. Public virtue is awesome, but the Traitors are a real problem in the government “resistance”.

Public virtue is basic in what the founding fathers demanded of the citizens of this Republic.

Founders’ Vision of Virtuous Citizenry – U.S. Constitution.net

I’ll spare you quotes you know very well.

SNIP Currently, over four-fifths of the U.S. population resides in urban areas.

So, David, please tell me how quickly you’d hire an unskilled inner-city kid and how long it would take to train him up to be a worthy employee in your sawmill?

How much time and resources from your business would that take?

Does that kid have enough civic virtue to be useful in your employment?

Can you teach civic virtue to him?

Is the inner-city kid a resource or a liability? Are you going to be concerned about future lawsuits when he gets hurt at your business?

The answers should point out some of the real world issues before our rebuilding.

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Looking forward to them.


Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Amen! Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

1 month ago

Luke 14:28
In the Bible, Luke 14:28, it says that one should not begin building a tower without first counting the cost. This analogy is used to emphasize the importance of planning and preparation before starting any significant undertaking.

Looking at the obstacles so you can work around them is part of the solution.

King Canute showed his “Yes Men” that he wasn’t all powerful as the tides didn’t obey his commands.

Looking at a situation and figuring out the weaknesses of it can help with that old Army saying:

Piss Poor Planning provides failures.

Our Government is indeed partly in rebellion against the Trump administration and some would gladly burn the country down to spite Trump and rule over the ashes.

I want the Republic rebuilt but plenty of troubles and more than belt tightening suffering seems baked into the cake.

And unlike the Great Depression when Americans worked together well, our country is full of college educated Self-Centered Entitled Youth and inner city Gimme Dats ahem “citizens” that show a remarkable lack of self-restraint when they don’t get their free shit. The MINOR EBT Card failure during the last Trump Administration showed that clearly.

Angie C.
Angie C.
1 month ago

So happy to see the impact of illegal immigration on the construction industry finally being discussed, as this has had significant impact on long standing family businesses that have suffered from depressed wages for years. When our house was built 27 years ago, it was built start to finish with all American crews. Bring back worksite enforcement , including investigating the large framing crews run by illegals, and Americans will likely return to the trades if they can view them as a viable career for Americans.

Doc B
Doc B
1 month ago
Reply to  Angie C.

And one more thing……this is going to be hard …. Jail time for those who hire illegals. 30 days mandatory sentence for hiring illegals. I mean the hiring managers, the small contractors trying to cut costs, and the homeowner who wants cheap day labor. 30 days in the county lockup.
Most “conservatives” love the idea of sending em back, except when their lawn needs mowed, or their remodel costs too much. “I’m on a fixed income”.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 month ago

Why would anyone want to let Grok tell you what to do. Fuck grok! period.
It’s time for we the people stand up on our own freewill and help turn our country away from the evil bastards who tell us they are running the USA.
Machines and software along with evil bastards aren’t going to run my life.
Drag every damn illegal alien out of the USA. Arrest and imprison ever person that is helping illegals into the USA. Ban all NGO’s.
Wake the F**K up before it’s too late. See something --Say something.

Last edited 1 month ago by Randolph Scott
Alan R
Alan R
1 month ago

If our kids are taught the basics, reading, writing and math in school, they can do just about anything in life. There’s books and internet articles on how to do just about anything you can imagine. You just have to be able to read and understand it.

1 month ago
Reply to  Alan R

Your correct Alan R.

Critical word here is IF.

But even this afternoon I saw a casher in Walmart unable to make change when the person before me said I have 55 cents, here. The kid couldn’t make change, just stood there puzzled as the computer said he owed that fellow xxx change.

I know a few smart partly homeschooled or motivated kids (anybody under 30 is a kid to me) that can do basic math, reading, writing and such.

Most it seems were just babysat through school system.

Our food bank has classes on balancing a check book, budgeting, remedial reading and basic cooking. A few actually take us up on these services.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago
Reply to  Alan R

Ending the Dept of Education and putting control of the schools back in the hands of the local communities may be the solution.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
1 month ago

When I was a Private in the Army at Ft. Carson, a group of us would go out on weekends and do piecework framing. It paid a lot better than the Army did, so out group always had money. People thought we were dealing drugs.
A few years later, I was between jobs and figured I’d pick up a little something and tried to get some of those framing jobs. Nope. All Manuel Labor. No Whites need apply. I couldn’t even get hired to clean up construction sites and haul the trash using my own pickup truck. It was all wetbacks.

kal kal
kal kal
1 month ago

Couple years back, Yale University study put the number of illegals at that time as 22 million, so given open borders I would think forty million at a very high end.

Susan Harms
Susan Harms
1 month ago

do you honestly think that the illegal immigrants coming to this country are “skilled” Labor?

1 month ago
Reply to  Susan Harms

Susan that’s most of the POINT.

Some of them are indeed skilled labor as defined by our Host with some years of experience working the Trades. Those should have a path to being a taxpaying citizen. Worth FAR MORE that our Home-Grown Thugs and Gangbangers we have littering our inner cities.

The ones I want deported are purely freeloaders here because they are to disrupt and OVERLOAD the system per the Cloward-Piven’s “How to Destroy the Republic” plan.

Criminals we seem to have an ample home grown “Citizen” supply. We don’t need to import more of any stripe.

Home grown freeloaders and generational welfare rats we seem to have an ample supply of.

Going to be “Fun” getting those “Citizens” to learn the TRADES and actually work for a living.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

I would guess only about 1% are skilled laborers, after all most of them grew up in houses with dirt floors and no indoor plumbing.
Where did they obtain the skilled labor?
Maybe we need to severely curtail welfare and food stamps, or, at the minimum, require them to work to earn the benefits.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago

Many more illegals than 10 million. The 10 million before them and the millions before those were changed to legal status over the years. We went from 190 million people in the US to over 340 million now. Since 1965. Almost all of that growth is from illegal immigrants and their children. Moratorium on migration is over due.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

A complete halt to immigration until we get things under control.