Hawaii’s ‘Hexit’?

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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

I’d vote for that.

8 years ago

Ah, the irony. Tyrants inevitably clash… and as often with their own stupidity, as with one another.

In reality, our Federated Government established a Democratic Relationship Among Equals.

Those equals being the Sovereign States who came together to form the union. And if the subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom (whether it became a ‘US State’ legitimately or not) want to ‘exit’ said union, then they have that right.

Let the Hawaiian Punch flow…

8 years ago
Reply to  LT

I say let them leave and let them rot. they were cannibals on those islands eating each other before we landed there and retrained them to be humans, so who cares and let them all return to the filth and slop they came out of.