Haywood County, NC – 2nd Amendment Overreach

Paul Valone’s comments at the Haywood County’s commissioners’ meeting on March 28th set the tone for the rest of the speakers on this issue. The county’s pending resolution was presented as a means to bring their current laws in compliance with new state statutes. However, the people recognized the familiar pattern of their rulers. And the “ruler” title definitely applies in this county. The county manager started by telling the people that no public input was required since it is already in their power to implement the changes. They were giving them the “opportunity to listen to their “side” before approving them.

This was the first of three new “resolutions” presented by the board for public comments that night. Or rather for public show. The commissioners’ attitude toward the people was one level above contempt. I will be adding more videos of the 2-1/2 hour meeting where:

  1. The use of tent stakes will become illegal on county property.
  2. No campfires will be allowed without permission.
  3. Outdoor firearm ranges will have to meet new ordinances:
    1. 1/4 mile from any house
    2. 90db sound limit
    3. 6′ fence
    4. $2,000,000 liability insurance per incident
  4. Noxious odors will be illegal on county property.

I could say that you get the picture but you do not. The above list is a small portion of new regulations. The question asked repeatedly by the people was “why are these laws needed”? Of course the commissioners and county manager did not address this simple question. The answer is “control”. They want to control the people. Seeing people beg for their rights was more than a little disheartening.

What would you do?

It is past time for civil disobedience in Haywood County, NC. The rulers have previously decreed that it is illegal to smoke on county property. I recommend that a “smokin’ protest” be organized around the county courthouse. The sheriff will have two choices:

  1. Enforce the law and arrest citizens for smoking outside.
  2. Ignore the civil disobedience and show the commissioners that their “power” is illusionary.

David DeGerolamo

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Fed up
Fed up
8 years ago

To all of the dummies that voted for these “politicians” you got what you deserve. To those that didn’t vote for them, convince the rest to vote them out. Just remember all of this on next election day, don’t reelect the azzclowns AGAIN!

“illegitimi non carborundum”
(don’t let the bastards grind you down)

Ronald Parks
8 years ago

While I am not myself a smoker, I am all for this “smokin’ protest”. I do suggest, however, that the participants bring their own ashtrays and use then instead of throwing their cigarette buts on the ground (as smokers often do) and, thereby, giving law enforcement a very legitimate reason for an arrest and a heavy fine. I would like to think Asheville’s police force would support it’s citizens rights but that cities liberal commission may well have stacked the deck when they hired their officers. What a disgusting mess! I would just stay out of the silly place (and will when I can) but so much of what citizens of the western counties have to do happens in Asheville that avoiding it will be nearly impossible. It’s never enough for liberals to just live the way they want to. They always seem to find the need to get in your grill and take away your rights in the process. Kind of makes the term “liberal” an oxymoron, doesn’t it?

Lorna Doon
8 years ago

I worked in Waynesville in the late eighties and early nineties. It was a quiet traditional town
and the natives did not want it to change. The invasion of the masses, predominately liberals,
destroyed a whole way of life. They always do. They are so aggressive and domineering.
It was a blessing when the leaves finally fell off the trees and the town returned to normal.
Waynesville will never be normal again.

william Sterrett
william Sterrett
8 years ago

I quit smoking over thirty years ago. I may have to take it back up again. In Liberty, Bill

Josey Wales
Josey Wales
8 years ago

you pussys got it wrong, they need smoked

8 years ago

this includes local politicians

Marxists and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the media whores who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States..

Second Amendment foes lying about gun control -- Firearms are our constitutionally mandated safeguard against tyranny by a powerful federal government. Only dictators, tyrants, despots, totalitarians, and those who want to control and ultimately to enslave you support gun control.

No matter what any president, senator, congressman, or hard-left mainstream media whores tell you concerning the statist utopian fantasy of safety and security through further gun control: They are lying. If their lips are moving, they are lying about gun control. These despots truly hate America..

These tyrants hate freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and private property. But the reality is that our citizens’ ownership of firearms serves as a concrete deterrent against despotism. They are demanding to hold the absolute power of life and death over you and your family. Ask the six million Jews, and the other five million murdered martyrs who perished in the Nazi death camps, how being disarmed by a powerful tyranny ended any chances of fighting back. Ask the murdered martyrs of the Warsaw Ghetto about gun control.

Their single agenda is to control you after you are disarmed. When the people who want to control you hold the absolute power of life and death over your family, you have been enslaved. The hard-left Marxist and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the MSM media whores who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States into becoming an unarmed population. Unarmed populations have been treated as slaves and chattel since the dawn of history.

Will we stand our ground, maintaining our constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights, fighting those who would enslave us?

American Thinker