HB 111 is dead: NC gun owners left out in the cold

NC General Assembly adjournment today makes it official: HB 111 is dead.

As Legislators from the NC General Assembly pack their bags and head home after a hard two months of work, the leadership in the Senate should go back to their districts and explain why they left gun owners out in the cold. It seems that the main resistance to this bill which would have allowed families to protect themselves while dining in public came from the Republican NC Senate Leadership.

Senate Pro Tem Phil Berger and Senate Rules Chair Tom Apodaca shuffled HB 111 off to various unrelated Committees until the clock ran out. Despite your calls and emails asking them to reconsider their actions, they thumbed their noses at the gun owners of North Carolina.

We Will Remember in November

Apparently once they took their seats of power, they no longer needed to listen to you. In November, we have a chance to send a message back to our leaders in the Senate. Our message is simple: We will Remember in November!

Support those candidates who have proven they will stand up and fight for your rights, and remember those that have shown they will duck and cover when the first sign of resistance appears. Remember to vote, and vote carefully.

The fight for passage of a bill that will allow families to protect themselves when they are in public will continue. New legislation will be introduced next year when the NC General Assembly comes back to work… and we will be there. We will not rest until North Carolina finally joins over 40 other states which already provide some sort of “Restaurant Carry” provisions . No more lies, no more dodging, it’s time to get this passed.

Immediate Action Required


  • CALL PRESIDENT PRO TEM PHIL BERGER (919.733.5708) & RULES CHAIR TOM APODACA (919.733.5745): Politely let them know of your displeasure due to their actions relating to HB 111
  • EMAIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM PHIL BERGER Phil.Berger@ncleg.net, & RULES CHAIR TOM APODACATom.Apodaca@ncleg.net , and let them know you are not giving up on Restaurant Carry.
  • HELP GRNC DEFEND GUN RIGHTS: We are now reaching over 60,000 gun owners with every alert (like this one). This costs $500 per alert – serious money. Please join or contribute by going to: https://ssl4.westserver.net/grnc.org/join.html!

Deliver This Message

Suggested Subject: I Am Not Giving Up On Restaurant Carry

Dear Senate Republican Leaders:

I am highly disappointed in your intentional killing of HB 111. Despite your promises, you let the clock run out on HB 111; burying it in unrelated committees instead of bringing it to the full Senate floor for a vote, a move that would surely have sent the bill to the Governor’s desk.  Instead of passing HB 111, you simply let it die.

I will remember these actions as I cast my votes in November.  I will vote for candidates that will pursue future Restaurant Carry legislation, as I helped put the current majority in office with this expectation.

Why did the main resistance to HB 111 come from the Republican Leadership of the NC Senate?  I will be following the progress of Restaurant Carry in the next session through the alerts of Grass Roots North Carolina and will not be caught off guard again.



A Concerned Voter

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Donald Welch
Donald Welch
12 years ago

I cannot believe Republicans would bury a bill as important as 111. I have, in the past, voted for Democrats that care about family and I’m going to do it again in November. You people disgust me.

Donald Welch