Free-range is a good concept for raising chickens and children –
It’s not a good thing for public restroom access.
$2,000 Reward Offered
April 11, 2016
From: Chad Nesbitt & Carl Mumpower – conservative activists
To: Whom It May Concern
Reference: Press Release – HB2 pushback
North Carolina’s duly elected officials passed HB2 (NC’s Bathroom Safety and Privacy Act) through appropriate Constitutional and administrative procedure. There is a growing movement of politicians, entertainers, special interest groups and business interests seeking to reverse this action. For the following reasons, pushback seems appropriate-
1) The rule of law suffers at the hands of those who attempt the rule of power or personal preference.
2) This organized effort to exert financial pressure against our elected officials with the explicit agenda of reversing legislation has the taint of extortion, blackmail, intimidation or other form of intentional coercion.
3) HRC (Human Rights Commission – a LBGT lobby group) appears to be the motivating force behind this effort.
4) In California – the Land of Liberalism – less than 1/10th of 1% affirm transgender status. In North Carolina we believe people should be free to use the bathroom appropriate to their gender – we do not believe that organized power groups should bully the majority.
And so, in an effort to contest the 200+ entities who have joined in a collaborative mission of undermining the rule of law in North Carolina, we are offering a reward of $2,000 to anyone who can help us identify a viable means to bringing civil, criminal, administrative, or other form of legal redress against the parties involved in this act of coercion. Examples would be violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) addressing matters of interstate commerce, seditious conspiracy involving an organized attempt to disrupt the rule of law, violation of non-profit charters or tax-status, violation of lobbying laws, etc.
Can you provide us a practical, realistic, and sincere legal path to fighting this reprehensible effort to undermine the governance of our state and the natural laws of commonsense?
Chad Nesbitt
Carl Mumpower, Ph.D.
Suite 309
One Oak Plaza
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
(828) 252-8390
h/t Carolyn U
I hope you get a response. This is all pretty amazing. From BofA to PayPal to Springsteen -- the bullies are out in unison. All while there is a reported case of a guy who used the law in Seattle to hang out in a women’s changing room outside a Seattle pool. And he wasn’t transgender -- he just told everyone he identified as female that day. NC needs to push for family tourism and companies to relocate here who actually care about keeping their employees and their families safe. It could bring in millions!