🚨BREAKING: General Mark Milley says he fears he will be Court-Martialed if Donald Trump becomes President.
— Donald J. Trump – Parody (@trumprealparody) October 31, 2024
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Court-martialed ? Only if there is justice in America.
Oh please,, nothing will happen to any of these people.
Biden’s wife dresses like a pedo-panda for Halloween and Biden tries to bite little kids’ legs on camera and no one bats an eye.
Wake me when gallows are built.
Personally, I vote beheading. Build a whole forest of traitor skulls on pikes, to line the entrances to the corridors of power. I want them there as a permanent memorial, bleached bone glistening in the sun, as a warning to the next ten generations that treason has a high price.
(Inspired by Vir Kotto.)
And I thought I didn’t hate them enough. Bravo.
Great idea.
A deep investigation should prove he committed treason, on numerous occasions. Court Martial and execution.
Court Martial, conviction, death sentence and then POTUS commutes it. Let him spend the rest of his miserable life on the yard, where the rest of the prison population can have its way with him.
I like yer style, Dweezil.
If I were him, I would be worried about being charged with treason, tried, found guilty and hung.
Milley should be tried for treason, and he should be hung from the neck until dead, PERIOD.
A court martial? Hey you bag of guts, it’s a certainty. For starters, we’ll start with gross insubordination and work our way down a long list of offenses you committed directly against your commander in chief at the time and offenses outright federal crimes.
I would like to see you drummed out of your decorated Christmas tree like uniform like in that old TV show, “Branded” with Chuck Connors. Stripped of your rank, retirement pay, privilege’s and so forth--and locked up a few yeas in Leavenworth for consorting with enemies.
General Mo-Mo is a real piece of work and he is the epitome of everything that President Eisenhower warned about in his farewell speech decades ago. .
Thoroughly Modern Milley appears to be a cuck for the CCP.
Let the chips fall where they may.
His co-conspirators will probably off him before he has a chance to make a deal with prosecutors.
Yes, yes, time to drain the swamp again! How did that work out last time?
He has good reason to worry. Shawn Ryan sat down with Trump and asked a question, “How are you going to restore peoples faith in our government?”. And Trump’s answer was something I have been waiting and hoping I’d hear. He replied that “we’re going to hold individuals accountable for what they’ve done. We’re going to prosecute the hell out of them.”
Milley is an excellent place to start. I’m thinking with the massive amount of treasonous bastards Military Tribunals may be necessary.
I should add, next up should be the Vindman sisters.
I will not throw my body in the way like a Secret Service agent to prevent his court martial.
He should have been hanged by the neck until dead along with Vindman. Those retired generals who signed a letter stating trump was unfit should lose their pensions.
You take the oath, you know the rules.
A court martial should be the least of his worries….
If he had the slightest bit of self-awareness and any idea what half of America would like to do to him, he’d BEG for only a court martial. Sadly, it may just come down to extra-judicial justice, knowing what we know about our corrupt, and in my opinion, evil justice system.