Health care workers refusing the vaccine

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

My 69 yo mom is an LPN, has been for almost 50 years now. She is refusing the vaxx, which her employer is mandating by 11/12 this year. She is one of 8 health care employees refusing, including a couple docs and and several RN’s. They may be unemployed in a couple months.
All of them see the danger, but no one seems to care or is even listening to them.
I work with 49 other people at my plant, 46 of whom have already taken the vaxx. If it gets mandated I and the other 3 are planning to quit as well.

ride em cowgirl
ride em cowgirl
3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Went for a yearly check up with my colon surgeon last Friday He said our local hospital NHRMC is running at less then 50% of the nurses when I was in there 2 years ago, 1 nurse for 4 patients…now 1 nurse for 8-10 patients. the Vaccine Nazi’s got to relax or there will be BIG problems. My doc hasn’t done any surgery in weeks because of staffing shortages.

C. Whitman
C. Whitman
3 years ago

To be coerced or involuntarily penetrated is rape imo.

Concerned Vet
Concerned Vet
3 years ago

It’s the same everywhere, NHRMC Novant has over 200 nurse openings posted right now. If 15% of the nurses bail, they will not be able to operate all the beds. There are not enough travel nurses to cover and the travelers will bail also.
I received a a religious expemption and will continue part time with EMS. If they revoke it I’ll be gone but will wait for them to fire me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Concerned Vet

Is this Rowan?

3 years ago

I have members in my family facing this same dilemma. Father strengthen their faith.

3 years ago

There is definitely a place for these workers!! The medical cabal is coming down. It is imploding on itself!! This is excellent. In the not to distant future these nurses and doctors will open new clinics where real health will be practiced and nurtured. New medical clinics will spring up supported by true principles.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago

hate to say it but …

I lost my very hard earned career of 24 years 18 months ago over this bullshit lie (my industry was one of the hardest hit). No one cares obviously so I’m having trouble shedding a tear for all those being fired now. Bring it on, fire as many as possible far as I’m concerned. They should have been in the fight 20+ years ago.

the good thing about all this firing is it’s forcing people to get off the fence. And the ones who refuse and are fired are now in the fight.

3 years ago

City leaders will send a message Monday that Durham is ready and willing to help Afghan refugees.

Durham Mayor Steve Schewel said the Bull City is ready, with open arms, to welcome everyone.

According to Schewel, Durham has welcomed refugees in the past. The city has resettlement agencies that can help with the process and is hiring for a new refugee coordinator position.

More than anything, Schewel said Durham is a city that welcomes everyone.

“The City of Durham welcomes Afghan refugees,” he said. “We will make a home for them here and we will help them make a home … no matter what your religion, no matter where you’re from, no matter what your race, no matter what language you speak, we want you here in Durham and we’ll embrace you.”

At 11 a.m. on Monday, Durham city and county elected officials will meet in front of City Hall to discuss the process for welcoming refugees.

3 years ago
Reply to  Christian

shows there are more deaths in the vaccinated than in the UNvaccinated people in England. Page 23 OF THE REPORT.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

As the lady said in the video. Here we have concrete proof that history does in fact repeat itself. In our lifetime no less. By our apathy and inability to pay attention to what is going on, how, what, why, our so called leaders are trying to slip past us We now find ourselves in the same predicament as Nazi Germany. Remember businesses need us, the employees more than we need them. Without us they go down the rat hole. It’s always about control. “Follow the money”.