From Stilton Jarlsberg
Yes, we received this email from today AFTER submitting our tax records three times and copies of every bit of documentation (1099 forms, bank statements, etc) we could lay our hands on. And still they’re threatening to kill our coverage (not to be confused with killingdaughter Jarlsberg’s insurance, which has been a separate fustercluck).
So we had to call yet again today, made our way through the telephone maze to rout our call, then gave enough highly personal information for the computer to research our records and say “we have no record of you having ever applied for insurance.”
Eventually (we spent our 15 minute hold time on doing the graphic above), we spoke to a very nice young woman who apologized profusely for all of the screw-ups and wasn’t entirely sure how they could be fixed. After reviewing everything for about 45 minutes she suggested that we write a detailed letter and submit it electronically to the Marketplace website…and include with itanother copy of our taxes and another copy of more documentation than Barack Obama ever produced to prove presidential eligibility or college attendance.
And here’s what we finally saw at when we tried to give them the documents they’re demanding:
Note to Nikki Haley; this is why “angry voices” are exactly what America needs more of.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was never fixed. The media is covering up another massive Obama failure/scandal. How much longer before this pressure blows? Not too much.
With $10,000 or more deductibles that will never be met by most people, people are resorting to paying in cash for the 25% discount. So the “regulations” imposed on the medical industry represent 25% (at a minimum) of the cost for treatment and medicine? If we want to reduce medical care costs in the country, the answer is simple: get government out of health care.
But why stop there?
David DeGerolamo
and our inept congress and senate just sit there and act like nothing is going on while Obama, Reid and Pelosi pulled off the biggest scam on the American people since the founding of our nation, and the scam continues with our leaders, these three pieces of dog poop must stand before a firing squad and shot dead for high crimes and all who went along with the scam to fleece the American people of there hard hand money. Obama Care= no care for white Americans and this is what this is really about. How to screw the white people even out of there health care.
Here! Hear! Philp for I was thinking the EXACT same thing. If the GOP had voted to defund this travesty, rather than staging a meaningless show voted AFTER fully funding it, I expect we would already be seeing prices come down and quality start to rise.
No way this was NOT designed to fail. Create a problem, IMPOSE the solution. “Healthcare is a mess, and I intend to fix it for you all”. Bingo just what they really wanted all along. Control healthcare along with everything else (Internet controls, anyone?) and you control the population. Gun control will not make big steps until the others are complete. Then watch out! NOG
Average Joe, that would imply the RINOs are different than the demoncraps. They are one and the same. DC insiders are just fleas on the same dog. Sucking for all they are worth. Just who are they sucking on? That is the real question. NOG
NOG, forgive me for not being more clear but let me say we are in total agreement with regards to the one party system that IS Washington D.C..
and that’s why we must bust them all up and hang every one of them when the civil war begins, even our military wont be able to help the scum maggots in the three branches of government that have purposely sold out there nation for the banker elites. they will all die including anyone who tries to protect these rogue elements who have gained the system for Satan. When killing this scum don’t feel bad , the only way to root out evil is to kill it permanently.
Philio i understand your response yet to feel nothing?
This is much more than just about “white people.”
yes, but it is about white people and how to kill us all off any which the Racist negro sodomite Islamic can and with the help of self hating white liberal democratic and Rino pig trash, its all about whitey and nothing else. don’t forget about that phony two bit islamic backed black lives matter movement, its all about killing whitey off and i hope you see it for it really is. we are dealing with evil insane madmen in high places of power and we must never forget who the enemies are.