Help Wanted Signs Are Everywhere

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3 years ago

Is this really Obama’s 3rd term? Maybe this is why China Joe is in the Whitehouse.

3 years ago

A company down here is offering starting par $800.00 dollars a week, immediate benefits,and a signing bonus of $500.00,AND CAN’T FIND NO ONE WILLING TO WORK.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

Crossville TN plenty of jobs. Pay ain’t great but cost of living is low. Wal Mart parking lot is full by 10 a.m. in case you just wanna shop with your stimulus rather than work.

3 years ago

Are the Welfare/Unemployment Payments that good, that ‘nobody wants to work’ or is it the beginning of “Atlas Shrugged” where People no longer want to Work ‘within the System’?

Also, how many of those Employers who “Can’t find anyone to Work” are the ones requiring their Employees to wear the Face Diaper and/or get the “vaccine”?

Chris Mallory
Chris Mallory
3 years ago

Years of mass immigration have degraded the hourly wage in the US to third world levels. If minimum wage had kept pace with inflation it would be close to $13/hr now. If it had kept pace with productivity, it would be over $18/hr now. America should be better but we import the 3rd world and expect Americans to live like 3rd Worlders. All work should be respected and all work should pay a wage that supports an American life style. Anything else is unAmerican.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Mallory

The gubmint has no business with a “minimum wage”. A business owner must decide what he can pay people. He must turn a profit. His job is not to garuntee a livable wage. If he is forced to pay more than he can, eventually he closes and the employee’s wage in now $0/hr.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Ditto Stan.
The bums are sitting on their asses and collecting.
The best and self motivated are active and productive.
My two highschool daughters work and I have no doubts they have more wealth than 99.9% of any of their peers parents.
It’s too bad they are going to need it to bail out generations of layabouts.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  Blackdog

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Every benefit from the gubmint is at the expense of someone else. For every winner the gubmit throws money at there is a loser that pays.

3 years ago

Worried about those dark circles. Take a vacation plz.