Here Are Five Horrific and Unforgettable Videos of January 6 Police Violence That Were Not Yet Picked Up in Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Capitol Hill Coverage This Week

Tucker Carlson released explosive video on Monday from his investigative reporting on the more than 40,000 hours of government video from January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol.

Since Monday he has released NO NEW VIDEO.  This comes after numerous threats from Democrats, the government and Uniparty members who wish to keep the truth of January 6 hidden from the American public.

For over two years the American public has been lied to by their government, the government-media alliance, and DC politicians.

Here are FIVE excruciatingly vicious videos from January 6 that the government does not want you to see.

1.)  Trump supporter Victoria White being beaten over 40 times in the face by Capitol Police with their fists and batons after she was pushed into the US Capitol tunnel.

Victoria White from Rochester, Minnesota attended the Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on January 6th. She was nearly killed by DC police officers during the rally. Victoria was later arrested and charged with assault on the US Capitol.

She barely survived.  Then after her vicious, beating they paraded her through the US Capitol without shoes, a phone, or her coat and sent her to jail.

Victoria from Minnesota, a wonderful person spoke with The Gateway Pundit. She is lucky to be alive.

Please click here to see the entire article AND the videos…

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1 year ago

Tucker is just another part of the controlled opposition. He could have easily started with videos of the cops making jokes about beating protestors to death, demanding they fire on unarmed people and the injuries sustained by those who survived.
But telling the truth would upset the order of rulers and the ruled, Tucker doesn’t want to do that as he’s just another in a long line of just doing what he’s told.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Rob

I saw a video of him in out in the public. Someone asked him why he hasn’t challenged the gubmint’s official 9/11 narrative. He said that he hasn’t seen any evidence to doubt the official narrative. When it really matters, they all know where to draw the line.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rob

Of course he is, every major player in the MSM is either is a direct agent of the CIA or a paid contractor, like Hannity. Tucker joined the CIA right out of Trinity College in 1992 and has parroted many positions until given the “Tea Party” assignment in 2012.
Everything is fake, everything is a lie. There is no one “on your side” and NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU…

Last edited 1 year ago by anthem
1 year ago

These police are inhuman monsters. They would do this to anyone if permitted. Chosen for their cruelty and lake of humanity.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 year ago

This is what happens when you go to a protest unarmed, without the will to fight back, and without a plan. The State’s enforcers are gonna enforce and then go home at the end of their shift.
People need to grok the fact that Amerika of 2023 ain’t Mayberry. That the enforcers will bust skulls and not think twice about it. Understand the fact that the State and its media mouthpieces will protect them.
I’m sorry these people got busted up but I’ll bet they are wiser now. Don’t go into a war zone unarmed and without a plan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

Your point is excellent. Our republic’s enemies, i.e. BLM and Antifa, certainly understand it.