We have previously warned about a whopping food crisis and supply problems in the fertilizer market. Well, now is worse because that was BEFORE we had the natural gas crisis. Why is that important?
Natural gas is THE critical input into making fertilizer. Urea is essentially ammonia in solid state, the process of which entails reacting ammonia with CO2. And we all now know — thanks to the climate nazis — that CO2 is currently the devil. The problem of course is that with no natural gas there is no urea, and with no urea there is no fertilizer. And with no fertilizer… well, we will eat each other.
Here are the spot urea prices.

Something else that we had noted some time back (in Korea) but which now seems like a larger problem.
Here is an article about an Australian farmer who warns the urea supply crisis could halt normal life within weeks.
Here’s what he says:
‘Not only will we not be able to grow cattle and we will not be able to grow food and we will not be able to grow grain or anything like that, but even if we could, we can’t move it, because we can’t turn a wheel in a truck because we have no Adblue,’ [AdBlue is needed for diesel vehicles — half of all trucks on Australian roads run on diesel
As of February we might not have a truck on the road in Australia, we might not have a train on the tracks.
‘So quite literally the whole country comes to a standstill as of February.’
The farmer then, goes on to say:
‘Go and have a look in your cupboard and go and have a look in your fridge and I guarantee just about every single item there, at some point, urea has been used to produce that item, whether it’s a steak or a salad or a can of baked beans.
Moving to Europe, we have a full blown energy crisis unfolding there, made worse by increasingly more destructive policies by the pointy shoes (let’s produce more solar and wind when it’s proven to be both inadequate and massively costly) and a supply chain crisis.
We are only a few months away from this scenario here. Get online and get your bulk food, grains, canned meat, and everything else you will need to survive for the next year.
They have created every single crisis to get us to this point, we are at the point of no return. There are no options left, we either take our country back or die of the kill shot or wait for starvation to do it’s job. I prefer to kill every last one of these scumbags that had anything to do with all this.
I am trying to grow veggies in pure red clay so have been using organic minerals from Home Deport to supplement the soil. I needed phosphorus but Home Depot did not have it or potassium or nitrogen (urea). Not one package. Fortunately, I have chicken poop and mushroom mulch as back up.
Perhaps 80-90% of diesels on the road are in need of DEF or some variant of UREA or they shut down. This is what the climate change nazi’s have driven. It is used extensively in Agricultural fertilizers and various forms of Nitrogen, Last I heard the price of AG based Urea last year was $400 per ton. This season it’s just above $1100 per ton.
This entire clown show has been perpetrated and planned from start to finish. But everyone here knew that. And more outside of here know it as well, they just are of the ilk of the finger pointers; You do something.
Hunger will be the final straw that kicks off the cataclysmic event. No one will be spared, affecting everyone in some form or another. Many here are familiar with the outcome of John Galt; The outcome of our present situation will end up the same way.
For a primer on what happens after that, avail yourselves to the series by J.H. Kunstler -- “World Made By Hand” (https://kunstler.com).
In the meantime, and to stave off the inevitable, if people are wrenches and gommermint entities are gears, practice your wrench throwing skills into the gear works. IE; Does not play well with others.