HE’S RIGHT The NWO Wont Stop We Will Need To FIGHT

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I have been preparing since the early 80s, I have been turning my body into a weapon with martial arts for physical combat a long time. I am armed to the teeth, always have been. I am in pretty good health, because I stay away from big pharma’s drug pusher the ama. What choice do we have, the sheep that willingly lined up to accept the kill shot amazes me. He is absolutely right in his summation get ready.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Happy to see others waking up to what needs to happen. I don’t agree with the masses waking up but there will be a few (in the US I mean). We seem to have the largest population of sheep of any country. And even if they do wake up I assume the “vaccine” will be so detrimental to their health they won’t be able to resist.
His message is necessary for the sheep -- get prepared to resist the tyrannical powers (which they won’t).
Overall, love the video and a great find!

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

here’s the thing though with the damaged vaxxed …

I am seeing many who took it and realized this is bad, some even realized they were duped. Some are also motivated having lost a loved one. Point is they are very angry. They’re waking up fast and real mad. A type of anger I’m not seeing enough of in the patriot movement in general.

Point is many of them now know they are walking dead and want revenge.

We now have a sizeable potential KAMIKAZE unit knowing they are walking into their death anyway and want to help the cause. Why am I saying this ? …. it came directly from one the newly awakened, very angry and wants revenge vaxxed I personally know. His comment sure caught my attention.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

They aren’t going to be much good if they are angry, take 3 steps and have a heart attack or stroke from the shitshot. Professional football players in Europe are having heart attacks, strokes and dying. Think fat lazy Americans with shitty diets will fare better?

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

it’s a potential, that’s all

3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

It speaks volumes though. I have seen the same, nore and more, Angry kamikaze sheeple wakened

3 years ago

scary wise man

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

He speaks the truth. His logic and advice are irrefutable.

3 years ago

“…quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you’re alive. If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.” from the movie Fight Club

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago

I’m hoping if the time comes to fight there’s more men like this guy on my left and right. Lets get this ball rollin, I’m tired of being pissed off and shit on.

3 years ago

If you plan on bugging in get solar powered security censers and solar lights for your property. Chicken wire to staple up over your windows. Make Caltrops and trip wires. Security, security security!!!!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Askjel

I thought a lot about security lately, been thinking about putting a trench in around the perimeter of my property. Maybe putting sharpened stakes and other objects in. Been checking where possible snipers would likely be set up. Would love to have some claymores, but i will make do with what is available and improvise.

3 years ago

“If there is to be trouble, let it be in my time so that my child may know peace”~ Tomas Pain
“It is easier to rear strong children, than to repair broken men.”~ Fredrick Douglas
To control the present, one must learn the past. Ever wonder why they berate the legend of Chief Bigfoot? Protestants crossed the Atlantic in wooden ships to protect their children from the Crown/Catholic pederast. Communities were close knit, so they knew who was up to what. When degenerates got out of hand, spread VD, violated a youth, they were culled. Witches consider Sir Walter a target, due to his success.
As many of these Witches were highly aggressive business men and old women willing to sell children, the Crown didn’t like taking a hit to the economy. So the Roman Catholics created the Witch Trial, which was simply used to benefit/entertain the coven. Read between the lines https://youtu.be/1rHSu2oDZXE?t=713
Over time it turned into a political tool, pushing good men out of positions so that Warlocks had no competition. Widows were targeted for their estate. Anyone experiencing a break up, were welcome to file. You may be surprised to know this mirrors how modern DV proceeding are carried out today, in NC.
Protestants got tired of the warning taught to their children, Tale from the Brothers Grimm, being derided as conspiracy theory (opps, meant fairy tales). So once the Protestants of north Holland started using windmills to mass produce timber (by 30x), they appealed to their brothers to finance trips to the new world. This bought time, yet the highly productive Dutch went a step further to start the first stock markets. The stock being two-lips, as the East India Co. became the largest traffickers in people.
And where did the British East India Co (flag pic), set up shop? The Caribbean. Recall that they ‘stopped in’ to pickup sugar and rum for a more profitable trip. Well, the profit came from dropping of the new recruits and picking up the subjugated premium stock, WHO WENT WILLINGLY TO CONNECTICUT. They weren’t stupid, they knew to get on a ship heading to South America meant castration and/or working the silver mines, to die of mercury poison. No one accidentally made it to America, and they made the greatest sacrifice for their offspring to be in Dixie. A sacrifice that is berated by the media, daily.
After the Haitian REVOLUTION, supplies soon dried up.This motivated greedy warlocks to try and take over the US Congress via the BAR (and intimidation 1631597523305.webm). The original 13th was to be the Titles of Nobility Act, which would prevent British Aristocracy Registry members (Crown agents, esquires) from holding public office. The South had a saying ‘Prisons are a northern problem’, as the BAR/E.India controlled the government N of M&D. Now Dixie had the same problem as the Pilgrims, London won’t stop. Sherman was eat up with STD. After killing Lincoln, the Yankees/E.India/London didn’t keep their word, as we already know.
1884 NY legislature passes it’s first statute protecting children, as prosecutors only had animal cruelty statutes to protect children from serious exploitation (Blacks Law Dic 11th ed, Mary Ellen was 8yr old in 1871).
Leo Frank soon found out, the clan doesn’t do witch trials, they witch hunt (a defense of procreation). In 1887, the French paid their wager with London/E.India by way of a trophy, sitting in NY harbor. A reward for keeping the human cargo flowing. A corona atop it’s head, a chain on the leg, a toga to cover it’s transgender body. A derivation of Mythra, which is based on pied piper Pan the child abductor (also evolved into Santa). In 1889, a woman from TN and another from SC recognized this as an abomination, establishing what is known today as the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Their mission of benevolence, fight fire with fire. They knew if the monuments were torn down, people would have to look back and ask why.
The East India Co. still does business today, as a ‘trinket manufacture’. Ran one of the most profitable schemes ever, now they just ‘sell trinkets’, uhuh.
Been lurking, primarily from a sister site, for about a decade now, and have yet to meet anyone. Though B.Town and I have had much correspondence over the years. Not going to shove my way in now, to risk alienation. Yet, it has come to attention that NC holds a strong potential for exploiting it’s unique position in today’s chaos. More than one option, and properly planned should take a hand full of people. Trying to help you guys, as these lifelong conditions have subverted basic accomplishments most men have completed at this point in the human experience. Still have a few years left, but time is ticking. So I have little choice but to ask.

E India Co.jpg