I have no sympathy for the devil. Or his surrogates here.
A reckoning is coming.
David DeGerolamo
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I have no sympathy for the devil. Or his surrogates here.
A reckoning is coming.
David DeGerolamo
They know what’s coming.
They know it’s the end game and that they’ll be doing some evil stuff to cement their power. There may or may not be a reaction to that, time will tell.
The convoy will not overthrow the government. What it will do is it will give some idea of how much support our ideas have across the country. It may give some people a chance to organize. Stop nay saying. It’s counter productive. Words have meaning. Be positive. Encourage all protests. Encourage all resistance. The struggle will be long and painful. But it has to start some where.
Peaceful protests are no longer valid as we can see now, the sword is the only way forward and that will come when satanist run government with there satanist police forces will regret they were ever born. All I can say when the storm gathers do not use cell phones as your coms, use satellite phones like these s bags use to hide from what wicked they are doing.
Do not use Sat phone’s they are just as problematic as cell phones.
sat phones cannot be traced, and if they tried to trace them they will only be able to trace in a 50 mile radius, so in other words there trace will be useless Please do your research on this. sat phones are the only way to go now , cells and land lines are not good and are easily traceable to exactly where you are at. if all power goes off all cells go down as well as land lines and other sources of communications, Sats will be the only phones in operation as well as ham radios if they have back up power.
David, FYI, In the last day or two, I was unsubscribed from NC Renegades. I noticed nothing was coming into my inbox so, I went to your site and had to re-subscribe again.
Has this happened to anyone else?
The subscription is a WordPress plugin. If you forward any of the emails sent to you for articles, the unsubscribe embedded in the forwarded email will unsubscribe you.
Good to know. Thanks.