HHS Whistleblower Says Government Complicit in Trafficking; Child Admits Being ‘Pimped’ by Sponsor

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I have contacted a few groups that do work in this. I expressed a desire to stop these kinds of crimes. I am not interest in help counsel the victims (not really my gift), I want to stop it. My answers where crickets, then they would send the canned please donate money.

To be honest, I have no idea what to look for when it comes to things like this. But I think a determined group willing to put pressure on them and LEO would work wonders. I also know there is danger in this and group support in and outside the AO would be very helpful.

Something needs to be done, but when you have no idea what and where to look for crimes, it becomes hard to know where to start. Then there is the thing with getting caught in a trap, like if you where monitoring online sites and such. It take a lot of knowledge that is well above me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Have a look at “Exodus Road”, or “Valkyre Gives”. Not perfect, but best I could find looking to do the same. Try to let us know if you find something better.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

Thanks will look into them.

2 years ago

Stew Peters interviewed an adult gal several months ago that had been trafficked for years as a child by her mother. She stated plainly that they are all in on it-cops, judges, lawyers, school admin, teachers, counselors, fedgov, stategov, counties and cities, politicians, media, entertainment. Babylonian sex cultists and satanists created secret societies (and the BAR) for the furtherance of the pedo/homo/tranny/sodomite/sacrifice agenda. Its part of how they worship their god, which by every other name is satan. The pedo problem will ONLY be solved the same way one solves the communist problem. That is the only solution. The tax dollars wasted on Ukraine, the war on drugs, the “war” on poverty, the vast fortunes wasted on so called public education could have been plowed into prosecuting and executing these bastards, but it never will because they hold the purse strings. Your daily dose of data converted to intel-the babylonians are now making their play to rule the world and its a plan they’ve been working for several hundred years.

janet Laird
janet Laird
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Yes, my naivete is forever gone. I’m distressed by all this. So I pray.

2 years ago
Reply to  janet Laird

“Vengeance is Mine. I will repay”-Jahweh, God Almighty. Our Kinsman Redeemer is coming. When God turns us loose, we will fight to destroy them all, but as we know, it is God’s to administer justice.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The End is near.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Yes indeed, brother.

2 years ago

First certain three letter agencies were lining their pockets trading arms across the border, now they are trafficking humans! I’m so angry at our new government which has turned into a cartel. The leaven of sin keeps expanding. God is NOT pleased with the USA!

2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

The US was trafficking children for sex in SE Asia (and who knows where else) during the Vietnam war. The vile H. Kissinger was one of the biggest customers for the “product”. Drugs, children and women and weapons have funded the CIA’s endeavors for decades. These things were going on long before Sotero, or his puppet FJB came along.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

The US has been a burgeoning cartel since the dope fiend ivy leaguers of the OSS got back home after WWII, and founded the CIA and started bringing their nazi bros over to work in NASA and the NSA.