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Good discussion. I absolutely agree that all of us: Christians, Muslims, Jews, gays, EVERYONE -- have the right to refuse to do business in situations that make them uncomfortable. While discriminating against someone by refusing to sell them a “stock” product (which is illegal and I don’t believe anyone has been accused of not selling a pastry, pizza, or anything else to someone) is wrong, they should be able to respectfully say no to taking part in a specific event. This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion by the media and I’m glad that the Muslim bakers shown in this film were respectful while saying they could not do the cake. I’m sure the Christians that have been targeted have also been respectful, but they have been vilified by the radicals (including the radical media). Everyone has to get a grip and remember that we ALL have rights and we are all allowed to stand for what we believe in. I don’t think not having a certain bakery or photographer hurts anyone -- there are lots of other establishments that will gladly provide that service.