Christian courage means not voting for a government that is evil. The Bible teaches us to hate evil, not condone it based on its classification.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. Too many people want to believe that the ship is not sinking but there is no political solution.
If you disagree with my assessment, answer this simple question: who caused the problems that our political elite say they are going to fix?
David DeGerolamo
Well said, Dave! As talmidim (disciples) of Messiah Yeshua we are directed to overcome evil with good are we not? We are also directed to “not return to bondage” as written by Rav Shaul in Galatians 5:1. This means spiritually, of course, but I think temporally as well. We are not to exchange one tyrant for another! And while we are to seek Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) empowerment in defending our families, communities (synagogues) and ourselves, there is no scriptural case for aggression. Those who thirst for blood are supposed to repent! Yeshua made it clear that He is with us until the “end of the age”. Let us live joyfully in that, while speaking the truth in love. To paraphrase the prophet Daniel, in the latter days those who know the truth will teach many and do exploits.
In true Liberty in Him, John K. in Sylva
The problem with this is that millions of evangelicals stayed home in 2012 because they didn’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils and that gave us another 4 years of Obama. We haven’t had a presidential election since 1984 that wasn’t a choice between the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately, when a person stands on principle and doesn’t vote, the greater evil usually wins- and that hurts us all a lot more.
We need to vote for what we believe is in the best interests of our country, regardless of everything else. If we refuse to vote for evil in any form we will not be casting ANY votes and leave the course of our nation to be decided by those who do not have our best interests in mind.
Not buying it. I will support the country. Just because the government has been usurped by evil from the people, I do not have to participate in evil.
Your argument is a rationalization of trying to salvage an evil government. That is not how you save the country.
“If you disagree with my assessment, answer this simple question: who caused the problems that our political elite say they are going to fix?”
If only were as simple as you suggest. The problem, at it’s most fundamental, was caused by a lack of faith, trust, and reliance upon the Almighty. Who is to blame? Well we could blame the people themselves as well as a Christian Churches that is in large part are either luke warm or all to often apostate.
As Plato stated “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Certainly over the last 50 years this has proven true because if we had greater participation we may have avoided at least part of the mess in which we find ourselves.
Is there a political solution at this point? Regrettably, with the massive third world influx since 1965, it is almost impossible, if not impossible, to see a way for a system to work. There never has been or will be a country that survives the dilution of it’s culture, religions, language, and genetic bonds. To suggest otherwise is a fool’s errand.
As has been stated before, my fall back position is to vote and support those worthy, i.e. not evil, and skip the rest. This should not be viewed as a mandate to follow the same course but I’ll turn the question around and ask, how is refusing to participate going to fix, or even help, our problems?
Specifics. Name a specific problem that our country is facing that was not created by government’s policies, regulations, laws, executive orders or Supreme Court decisions.
It makes no difference what the religious beliefs of the candidates running for office, because they are either already corrupt before even running or they soon become corrupt shortly after being sworn in.
Government is made up of people. Government is, in and of itself, merely a tool created by people and used as they allow. So the specific would be people are the problem and is the reason I repost the quote from Plato.
If your point was the abuse of that tool then we should be in complete agreement but unless and until someone can point out how refusing to participate improves our circumstance I will follow my conscience support those worthy of support until an alternative is presented.
To Joe: That was really well written and well reasoned- in a Platonic Rhettoric way.
To John: BRAVO! An amazing vacuous response.
And to what point? Any fool can claim fault without explanation or offer of solution. You know, like a beer fart in a whirlwind.
What fault? Vacuous? Maybe. I was actually complementing you for actually being an educated man and having read Plato’s Rhetoric. I guess compliments are not allowed here. BRAVO ZULU means “Well Done” in flag hoist. Thankfully, I have not been troubled by beer farts in years.
Shalom, JK
Then I am sadly mistaken, will offer you my an apology for my error, endeavor to be more diligent in my reading and determination of meaning and join your friends and family in expressing appreciation for your lack of intestinal distress.
If we learn by our mistakes then this one has been of great profit.
Again, John thank you for your gracious response and accept my most humble apology. Now excuse me while I try to remove the shoe from my mouth.
No problem. I have lived long enough to have inserted my foot in my mouth many times. Live long and prosper, Joe.
Looks like I’ll need an oral surgeon after that one.
Thank you John. Among God’s blessings perfection shall not be counted among those granted unto me.
Enjoy your weekend….turn off the news.
Voting for open evil or cloaked evil = evil.
Barndharts axiom stands.
When we realize this system is nothing more than a dog and pony show for the masses our view changes.
a follower….
And what would you suggest? I understand and agee with many of the concerns about the system and the process but have yet to hear solutions. My hope is some, besides refusing to taking a few minutes to vote every couple of years, will be forthcoming.