“I just saw this from Wall Street Silver and it’s got 4.7 million views. So let’s just start there. It says, ‘His days are numbered,’ referencing me [Jim Caviezel]. ‘They will make it look like an accident. He is likely correct, the CIA does this and it is used for blackmailing their assets in high places to keep them in line.’”
” ‘Hollywood Actor Jim Caviezel says CIA operates world’s biggest pedophile ring.’ ”
“Well, let me explain something to all of you in the world that think that I’m a little girl and I’m afraid of you. I’m not scared in the least bit. I gave…God brought me into Hollywood to become an actor. He asked me to do that. He was my intel officer. The greatest God, the only God, and he loved me enough to give me a purpose in my life…cause I was the lowest of the low and that time…and I would gladly trade my life to save these little ones, cause the screaming that I heard was so horrific, I can’t sleep at night. At 3 in the morning, for whatever reason, I can hear it.
“So, like David, I love my God…I love Him so much I will give my life for Him …do you understand that? My life is ok, especially if it saves these little ones.”
“I’m asking Christians, public forget about it, Christians, wake up. Stop fearing the devil more than you fear God. Stop being afraid….unlike you I know I’m going to die some day. I am not going to die by my own hand…I’m not going to commit suicide…it may happened from an accident…and this has happened before, after ‘The Passion of the Christ’…that’s right, 2009, look up that date on Our Lady Feast of Mount Carmel…what you tried to do.”
Please read the entire article here…
I saw Sound Of Freedom on Thursday. It was a fabulous and terrible movie. It is still playing. Everyone needs to see this.
“Do not avert your eyes.
It is important that you see this.
It is important that you feel this.”
–Kamand Kojouri
I too saw the movie this week. While it is a good movie it is a sad topic. And yes, once you have given your life to Jesus, like Stonewall Jackson, you do not worry about your death, as you cannot extend your appointment with death by one day. I am thankful that someone has broached the subject.
There is nothing to be afraid of. God’s got this. He moves the chess pieces.
Funny you should say that. Look what I found in 3 tv shows. This phrase is being used in visual entertainment:
“At the end of the game, the King and the Pawns go back in the same box.”
**HALO (2022 -- Showtime) -- Towards the end of S1/E9, Cortana the AIpresence tells the general, “At the end of the game, the King and the pawn are in the same box.” Just like in the TV series “Devils.” Why?
**HALO: Forward On To Dawn (2012 -- Showtime) -- The Colonel explains toLasky that he has a choice to make. She uses the phrase “At the end of the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.” Just like in theTV series “Devils” and HALO 2022.
**Devils (2022 -- Lux Media) -- At the end of S2/E7, Massimo tells Dominic Morgan, “At the end of the game, the King and the pawn are in the same box.” This same line is also used in the series H.A.L.O. Why? The two shows have completely different creators. Maybe the funding sources are the same?
Why is this phrase so important to the elite propagandists and mind controllers?
I’ve also noticed the heavy use of the color teal in most tv shows. It is less in movies, but start watching for the teal. You’ll be amazed.
Jim Caviezel rightfully referenced King David, who was a faithful and fearless man of God. And King David said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
Now, let us go and do likewise fellow Christians. Stand up for what is right and Godly -- no matter what the cost.
Man, this ‘living through history’ has its ups and downs…
Its amazing sitting here thinking about all the implications. We truly are witnessing angels battling demons. This IS biblical. The people in Soddom had no idea we would speak their names today…
The post from wall street silver is correct, too. So as a populace, do we allow it? Say there is an ‘accident’? Successful or not, do we stand by and write mean tweets? Just let the peophiles kill and cover their tracks? We know now beyond a doubt that the CIA killed Kennedy, but, yet, nothing… no trials, no hangings. They killed a sitting president, lied about the whole thing, and yet the agency and its agents stand today. Well, they’re probably not lying to us this time. Eh?
I know, its the same problem we face politically. Its the same problem that keeps our hosts up at night. When will we (the people) do something? What will be too far?
Nobody knows, we all just wish it would get here.
“I’m not afraid of you. I’ve got the Blessed Mother, she’s with me.”
Show me this in His Word, in the Bible. His Words. His Words tell me about His mother, and i do honour her as with many. He tells me that He Himself, His Spirit is within us.
No i am not interested in going along to get along. i am interested in the absolute Truth.
Thank you Hammers Thor, for the article and bring more to my attn.
Be careful brother, Jesus spoke about prideful “holy behaviors”.
Luke 18:11
The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like the other men--swindlers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector.
Matthew 6: 5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.…
Social media like this is the street corner for all to see.
Do you REALLY THINK that the author of this article will SEE your “Reproof”?
Pray for those that have errors in their Christian Beliefs.
OR if it’s THAT IMPORTANT to you quietly look up that fellow’s email and send your thoughts to him maybe with scriptural support.
Matthew 18:15-17
New Living Translation
Correcting Another Believer
15 “If another believer[a] sins against you,[b] go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. 16 But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. 17 If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.
I really like the way Sound of Freedom was filmed. The child actors were amazing.
There are a half a dozen or more films already out there about trafficking, but none devoted to kids exclusively. The one I would give to a reckless female teenager (especially one who thinks bars are OK places to hang out) to watch is: Carga.
“Carga” is from Eastern Europe. There is a scene where a surviving hooker who now controls the girls, describes what the girl’s life will be like going forward. If that doesn’t cool a teenagers jets, nothing will.
Another one is “Cages” from the US that is more docudrama style. It describes corrupt judges in real life to give an understanding of what can really happen when citizens fight this issue all the way to the courts.
Here are my notes on this topic:
Reunification Camp -- Parents paid $90K for 4 days
-Court orders kids to go to the camps and the parents have to pay for it
-Forcibly kidnapped by “transport agents”
-Taken across state lines to a cheap hotel to be tortured, raped, etc., in something called “resistance therapy.”
Cathy (O’Brien) Fox’s WordPress @, https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/ which is packed with info accumulated for maybe10years and I think is now full and so Cathy has also begun a Substack. TheOneConstant Namethat these very Dark Stories always Claim to Reveal whichhas Unlimited Power over Evil is the name of “Jesus Christ”. This is whatSolidified myBelief in what many so called Deceivers call Christianity buttheywill one day be judged. “Vengeance is mine says the Lord”.
Here is a copy of Cathy O’Brien’s book if you are interested:
Trance Formation of America -- by Cathy O’Brien & Mark Philips
Cathy Fox Blog:
Cages: https://www.bitchute.com/video/w4vn4CAl4Nyh/
Sound of Freedom (2023) Trailer | Jim Caviezel Action Thriller
Sound of Freedom Is A Psyop (An alternative view)
Elite Human Trafficking
This documentary exposes the evil perpetuated through the global elites, politicians, and celebrities to push a global agenda through pedophilia and human trafficking.
*(Viewer discretion is advised due to graphic and disturbing content)
[Vol.1] -- GhislaineMaxwell’s Terramar Project
[Vol.2] -- Art In Embassies
[Vol.3] -- PatternsOf The Cabal
[Vol.4] -- Dr. Phil’s Turn-about Ranch
[Vol.5] -- The CultOf Moloch & The Luzzatto Family
[Vol.6] -Pedophile Politicians
All Credit To Mouthy Buddha: https://www.bitchute.com/video/v0dsbPnTdlwH/
Pedoempire.org -- https://pedoempire.org/videos/
How to End Human Trafficking: https://robertdavidsteele.com/ex-cia-agent-reveals-how-to-end-human-trafficking/
Ronald Bernard, Elite Financial Manager -- “My Breaking and Turning Point”
London Has A Secret: http://londonhasasecret.com/hampstead.html
An active website tracking the 2014 reveal that a UK church was torturing and abusing kids for decades with dozens of bodies buried in the basement.
Blog Notes: According to a former UN Sustainability Director Index director Calin Georgescu, more children disappear each year than the ENTIRE POPULATION of Austria! 8,000,000!
Abducted by globalist oligarchs for who knows what reasons?
What is happening to these children? This is Horrific beyond comprehension.Check out this story from Infowars: https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-ex-un-executive-director-exposes-globalist-elite-child-trafficking/
Blog Notes: I believe I have heard of Tony Robbins being a controller for Monarch sex slaves. If so it is likely in on of these books: https://mega.nz/folder/I7QRjbSJ#eGsd42vEtMq0uLVI77oYzA
Controlled opposition is used quit a bit. And Tony Robbins may be on the dark side.
Nobody is coming for your guns Until they do, we are at war, prepare as if your life depends upon it, because it does.