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Fauchi belongs here.
Along with everyone that went along with him. That includes all those that stood by him on TV. I mean all of them.
And what of the scores of police officers, state and local, who guarded the conspiracy, enforced the closing of businesses that will NEVER reopen, enforced unconstitutional mandates with sadistic glee and arrested and fined those who refused to comply?
Do they get to say the were “just obeying orders”?
I guess you missed the “I mean all of them” part.
They should set up the gallows for these enemies of humanity at the site of the former Guidestones.
I mean they really think it was a good idea to thin the herd so start with them.
All 500 million that wanted 7.5 billion to die.
There’s perhaps more reason for strong justice against doctors, nurses and front desk staff at medical clinics today, and that’s because many are practicing witches (they may seek out the profession to harm those not of their religious persuasion) and the like, many of which are members of professional satanic organizations, per Stephen Dollins, former high satanic priest, now born again Christian, and these individuals professionally cover for one another, like an establishment within an establishment.
Thank you for this piece of information. I did not know it. Perhaps that explains part of an experience that happened to me two weeks ago. I was at the hospital for tests and when I walked in, I was taken aback by all of the pian, deformity, and depression among the people. I was standing there praying as I realized I too would be just like the patients and caretakers in the event I agreed to the procedures suggested. After the tests were finished, I left with the resolve to never return. I knew, during my childbearing years, that lesbians and homosexuals loved to be in maternity wards so that they could cause problems. This seems to be an extension of that same problem.
This video discusses the witchcraft involved with water births (such as with the birth of pharaohs and how it relates back to ancient Egypt, and why discernment is needed upon utilizing a healthcare provider).
“The Places Witches Hide / Episode One” -- Revelations of Jesus Christ
This video harkens back to the information of other readings about the tau/taw god of the Freemasons, etc., with the inclusion of the research about the Egyptian god tawaret, which implies a mark, spiritual or otherwise, i.e., tattoo ‘tat tau’, linking it to the philosophy/spiritualism of the Georgia Guidestones.
…emphasis below on ‘mistress of the horizon’, indicative of the former Georgia Guidestones (a reference to tau)…
…notice the reference to water gods (breaking the waters of the womb)…
“Taweret (Tawret, Taueret, Tawaret, Taurt, Thoeris and Toeris, Ipy, Ipet, Apet, Opet, Reret) was an ancient Egyptian patron of childbirth and a protector of women and children. Like Bes, she was considered to be a ferocious demon as well as a protective and nurturing deity. She was associated with the lion, the crocodile, and the hippo; all animals that were feared by the Egyptians but also highly respected.”
“Taweret was associated with the northern sky as Nebetakhet, the “Mistress of the Horizon”. She represented the circumpolar stars of Ursa Minor and Draco (the little dipper formed her back) who guarded the northern sky. The northern sky was thought to be cold, dark and potentially dangerous and was associated with both Apep and Set.”
…as well as the time capsule being buried to the west under the former monument (mentioned in a video, as to only be removed in the case of an apocalypse)…
“Taweret guarded the paths to the mountains of the west which led to the underworld and could also use magic to help the deceased pass safely through that dangerous and frightening land.”
Modern medicine is just another belief system, not grounded in science or fact, only sales!
Yes, it’s witchery, which raises the question as to why Christian men largely wanted their women outside of the home (working), not that some don’t have the skills or learning ability to be effective in the workplace/professions, but practically all of the knowledge of medicine, home remedies, and understanding of which herbs/combinations of herbs work for different ailments, is left to Big Pharma, and practitioners on the dark side. Women in America traditionally had common knowledge of these things, and as with literally most other aspects of life, everyone is increasingly systematically dumbed-down.
We shouldn’t forget that many doctors and nurses were forced to take the vaxx or lose their jobs -- and those folks are unlikely to have known what the vaxx would do.
They chose their livelihoods over YOUR LIFE as well as theirs. They knew… over a year ago I was taken to the ER with emphysema problems, while being treated and recovering I spoke with two of the nurses. They knew and they and most of the floor nurses were NOT poked and refused to take it. THEY KNEW… and when the time comes WILL be held accountable.
Mary, Mary, Mary. There are those on this site that lost their jobs, did not get unemployment and had to move from their homes because they would not get the shot. And still have a hard time finding employment making even close to to what they made before.
As people trained in the medical field, they could have looked into what was in the shot. What exactly those things do and the effects. I know doctors do not so that now a days with medications, but they should.
They also could have looked at the number of the people who died from COVID and the magical cure of the flu, heart disease, cancer and what other causes of death where dramatically lowered during that time frame. And yes the numbers where there to see. Maybe the could have looked at the mortality rate from COVID on the cruise ships in 2020 and the Navy vessels and seen that it was not more deadly than the flu.
Maybe they could of spend 30 minutes reading the CDC study in May 2020 that stated mask do nothing against viruses in stead of falling for the tripe they see on the news. But they did not. Oh and they are told that in the training with masks.
They have no excuse. They chose to fall for the lie, play along with they lie and continue the lie. Those that know it is a lie and fail to scream it from the top of their lungs because they are afraid to loose this and that. They are just as guilty. The have not excuse.
They have no excuse, if we could find out they could have as well!
Exactly! Here I was reading about medical subject matter on my own starting in Dec 2019 and not liking what I was finding. The whole medical profession on the other hand was completely incurious of something this momentous in their own professional calling. They trumped us with this professional standing when we tried to talk our ignorant family and friends out of taking the shots. Death to these people!
As for the supposed free press, They were completely incurious too, and/or went out of their way to silence those who tried to oppose the official narrative.
The term for doctor caused genocide is iatrogenic, we need a term for media induced genocide; does any one know what it is, or have a suggestion?
As ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law, ignorance of the truth should be no excuse for spreading lies in the media! They have a special responsibility to be accurate. Just as ” I was just following orders” didn’t excuse the Nazis, hanging might be too good for those who mislead a country in to genocide and tyranny!
How about murder. That is what it is.
The medical genocide in the U.S. has likely been going on for decades, partly being the reason it was so systematically fluid for hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies, and other related establishments such as the workplaces and businesses to go with what they were told and carry it out. They seem to think they have some magic protection at these places because they are backed by the state, but another pernicious feature is the education system. If it’s not utterly removed and replaced with authentic higher learning this is only going to be more encroaching in other aspects of life too, because people are being instilled with regressive systems of thought (rote memorization, subjects taught in such a boring manner with the accompanying reading materials as much or more monotonous as well, and the dulling of their minds through many other mechanisms), is essentially rendering people only capable of functioning in a manner that ensures the perpetual benefiting of a certain economic bracket and their rules for humanity, by means of the labor and mental functioning and strata of those creating the surplus. Think about the next pandemic and how dangerous and insidious these outlets will be if they are not stopped (and those who authorized it); thwarted in most manner of operations, and overseen with overriding precedents of what constitutes medical care and treatment. If the people are not going to govern, expect more of the same, but this country is definitely not a democracy or a republic as many tout it to be. In many ways, perhaps more subtle, it’s what totalitarian countries aspire to.
Murder incorporated is their profession, and the pimps at the AMA are just as liable to be hung.
Goodness, and I thought it was socialist-democrat-leftists that grouped people together and attacked them.
Silly me, it’s a human condition well described in many parts of the bible New and Old Testament. I am aware of this because I am a whole bible literate Christian.
Feel free to stay out of my Emergency Room and Operating Room. I’ll not miss your nasty Bad Doctors crap. Many of us do not advocate the Vaxx, I lost 6 months wages because I refused until the Hospital decided they needed my services again. And I wasn’t the only one. Management was quite surprised how many of us choose to retire or quit until they figured out that COVID wasn’t that bad.
There are bad doctors, there are bad patriots, there are bad people all around.
BUT there are also GOOD Doctors, Good Nurses. Even Good Samaritans. So far in my many decades of serving America in the US Military Medical Corps and now the Civilian Hospitals I’ve never seen “Lesbians causing troubles and such crap as spewed here. We FIRE Folks over complaints like that.
Take a look around, notice that major hospitals are often birthed by religious groups. Babtist Hospital springs to mind? Jewish hospitals, Catholic Hospitals.
Oddly NO Muslim or Atheist-Satan Hospitals that I am aware of.
So, if you really feel we are bad, PLEASE SAVE yourselves and don’t come into our hospitals.
“So, if you really feel we are bad, PLEASE SAVE yourselves and don’t come into our hospitals.”
“Our hospitals?”
i would add the word all. if you really feel we are ‘all’ bad,
As you say. human condition. There are ‘extremes’ on both sides (all sides of almost each and every subject.
Since you are a” whole bible literate Christian.” you do see confusion and fear at play daily? You know where this comes from!
“Oddly NO Muslim or Atheist-Satan Hospitals that I am aware of.”
So do you think satan checks his hat at the door of ‘all’ these “Religious” hospitals ?
Hard to say follower. Satan the father of lies deceives all at one time or another. What did PT Barnum say about that? Thus, the whole armor is needed as well as self-reflection.
All of us were blasted with 24 hours a day. 7 days a week Propaganda and to Armchair Quarterback AFTER the facts slowly became clearer is not Christian self-reflection. As a medical sort that worked through many plagues over the last 40+ years like H1N1 and Ebola and even REALLY BAD FLU Seasons where normally healthy folks were dying, I went into my Healthcare protocol to protect myself and my family.
I refused the Vaxx because I didn’t like the “Instant Creation” of a Vaxx when history shows years if not decades of work go into a successful Vaxx. Later my “wisdom” and loss of income for 6 months for refusing the Vaxx seems prudence.
What I see here is a self-feeding thread of folks calling for death to medical personnel. And I offer that they are not forced to walk into our services. Feel free to do what happens in most of the 3rd world today and take care of yourself at home or on the streets.
Before you declare that “Freedom” please walk in an OLD Graveyard (Pre-1930’s) and read the gravestones. A literate and observant soul *might* notice how many folks died in Childbirth pre-hospital days. One Husband, several wives and children. You might notice how many children were buried early over diseases that are uncommon now. You might notice common dates on many gravestones that a bit of history would show a Cholera Outbreak that Hospitals have removed from our common memory.
But, please, Go Ahead and play the French Revolution and Mao’s Red Guard on the 4 Olds on all medical personnel.
I’m sure the graves will again have much the same stories of the pre-hospital era again.
“What I see here is a self-feeding thread of folks calling for death to medical personnel. And I offer that they are not forced to walk into our services. Feel free to do what happens in most of the 3rd world today and take care of yourself at home or on the streets.”
We are calling for the conviction and execution of those who criminally failed to uphold the standards of the medical profession and were a party to mass murder and genocide. How does that damn oath of yours go? something like “first do no harm.”? We are not calling for the deaths of all persons in the medical profession as you suggest. Your defense runs thin when all you can say is that there was no way these trained medical people could have known the truth when millions of laymen like myself figured it out right at the start. We did so by reading the works of your medical peers who posited logical and scientifically grounded opinions against the prevailing narrative. Those people are the heroes who saved millions, not those who incuriously went along and enforced the lies. Where was the outcry from you people when the benefits and longstanding positive reputation of Ivermectin was being slandered? I suppose you were all over that one yourself contradicting the party line with letters to the editor and speaking out on social media, (sarc). Quite the opposite is the norm. I personally know of a nurse who talked most of my family into taking those death shots. She went out of her way to butt into the medical business of my kin despite having only a social relationship with any of us. She pressed my family to hound myself and my sister for being unvaxxed. My sister was born with a heart defect and only refused on my consistent advice. I’m sure it would have killed her if she had done it. As it is she is both vax and covid free throughout this and still quite alive. My mother fell for all the hysteria and suddenly has stage 4 cancer out of the blue. Something that she has no family history of and should have been seen well before it reached this point in her regular screenings. Probably just a coincidence right? I also resent your notion that we must accept your profession, guilty and innocent alike, and give you all a pass on this one because only you guys can set a broken bone etc. No. I am telling you now there is going to be a reckoning, one way or another. You might want to start documenting how you opposed this death cult right all along. There will be enough us us still around when the truth is undeniable to make sure justice is done.
Guess what Mike, some of US learned the truth after the fact from medical reports (Heavily censored and declared Invalid propaganda).
But since when did facts overrule feelings and opinions?
I am very sorry for your losses, I had a few myself this past two years. Mostly from my friends that ignored my opinions and feelings about an “Emergency Use Only” NO Lawsuit permitted, Feds shutting down funding and offices of those that argued against it.
I have friends and family members that took the Vaxx and all I can do for them now is pray for them.
BTW since we are seeking vengeance, PLEASE remember that EVERY Drugstore and most businesses either gave the Vaxx or pushed it as a requirement for employment and or service.
So, kill off all those businesses and Rite Aids etc. Let’s be fair about this.
The pharmacist at a Rite Aid near me turned in a rebel Doctor to the State medical Board for prescribing Ivermecton to her patients in defiance of the officially sanctioned treatment protocols. She was stripped of her license. There is plenty of room for fairness and plenty of guilt in many different places. This includes elected and unelected government, non government bureaucrats, pharmacists, business executives, law enforcement, and so on. People in all kinds of callings went out of their way to exceed the legitimate powers of their offices and wield unnatural power over the life and death decisions of others. For the most part they are still in place, still at the same game, still insisting on compliance. Look at Cuomo in NY. He killed thousands off elderly with what is at a minimum, sheer negligence and incompetence. The possibility of deliberate intent on his part is strong, yet he was removed from office for mere sexual harassment.
There needs to be an honest and full accounting and accountability for all of this. It is not likely to happen while those who conducted thee crimes remain in office. The first step will be to remove them from power. The extreme powers arrogated by the Government/Pharma/Medical/Media/Corporate alliance need to be permanently stripped. The next step is the full and honest accounting I speak of. Those who set out to depopulate the Earth with poison and lies should hang. Those that knowingly aided them should as well. Those that should have known better and ignored the truth should be in extreme peril, life or long incarceration depending upon the circumstances in each case. The just following orders, doing my job should at a minimum be out of a job. That’s about as fair and civilized as I can imagine it.
I must point out that there was a considerable chorus of voices ranging from the President of France, Hollywood personalities, social media wits, and many a man on the street calling for us vax dissidents to be shunned at a minimum, to be vaxxed by physical force, to have of rights and citizenships stripped away, and even to be tossed into internment camps. I don’t see how in light of the extremes they had in mind for us and the murderous intent of the overall plan, why any sort of justice we have in mind for them should be looked upon as too extreme.
mike, please google French Revolution, Robespierre, Mao’s Red Guard and the 4 Olds. An hour well spent, as it’s the future you’re calling for.
You’ll understand a bit more why I resist calls for vengeance as it never ends and far more than the initial targets get butchered, as well as the perpetrators as Robespierre and the Red Guard found out.
That and what medical facility would ever survive to treat the mob after it was said and done?
Nothing like dropping back into the early 1800’s of log cabin medicine and some 20+% of young mothers dying in childbirth as historical records show.
So go on with that “too extreme” nonsense. Your daughters will “bless you” for that.
And I mistakenly thought only Liberal Idiots failed to think things through.
I know my history.
It is the communists who always categorize by class and profession. Doctors, students, farmers, laborers. All “good” as a group regardless of individual behavior.
I am not the one trying to convict or absolve en-masse based upon profession.
I really have not called for mob action at all. Everything I have sad sits nicely inside the box of the existing legal system, and should that fail, whatever replaces it. I keep using the word justice, and you keep saying vengeance. Why is that? Is there no distinction for you? If we get control of our government institutions back, what should we do, nothing? No hearings? No grand juries? No trials? No Nuremburg for these mass killers? I don’t think so. You keep suggesting that we need to let this all slide due to quality of care for all going forward. Well, if the last 2 years is the kind of care you people provide, then I will give it a pass. There is such a thing as medical tyranny. It has the same implications for individual liberty as any other kind of tyranny. I say it must be eradicated like any other tyranny
That will work, enjoy your reliving the time of terror.
I’m done using common sense on you.
Mike one last time I will try to explain.
Your Quote “I really have not called for mob action at all. Everything I have sad sits nicely inside the box of the existing legal system, and should that fail, whatever replaces it. I keep using the word justice, and you keep saying vengeance. Why is that? Is there no distinction for you?”
You’re saying all so nicely Once WE get control of the Legal system…
Whatever replaces it… What a chilling comment
Gee that’s what the Socialist-Commies say….
So, the Accusers pick out their targets (witches (see a few comments above) or such), the Revolutionary Police (thugs) go get them, the Accusers are the Judge and Jury AND Executors.
Constitution calls for a trial by your peers Not your accusers. A few dozen other such constitutional issues could easily be brought up for your Hang them High “Justice”.
That used to be called a lynching.
You try to finesse it with fancy moral sounding sugar coating, but it WILL given the fallen nature of angry men become something out of the Reign of Terror.
You know the Bolsheviks actually studied the Reign of Terror for its ability to create chaos as people ran to report anybody, they had bad will with as NOT to BE reported and thus brought before the Grand Inquisitor.
The Bolsheviks did it to instill even more terror of neighbor against neighbor.
You do NOT know your history and or have a very weak grasp on what happens when you create pseudo-legal mob actions.
The constitution is dead for you.
i get that many of the same people that hate the Borg, think, talk and wish to act as the Borg. They seemingly cannot see nor acknowledge the individuals.
There is an absurd irony going on with the “overpopulation” “Not enough Resources” problems, Big pharma, &
“Look at all the people we are responsible for saving!”
i believe our mission is in discovering through Mashiak where Yahweh stands in all of this.
It is understood that there are exceptions. There were a dozen or so prominent medical professionals that I can list who risked all and paid the price for opposition to the narrative. It sounds like you were opposed yourself. It is plain as noon though that the vast majority of the medical calling fell right in line, and that is what we are talking about. If you can’t understand that point of view then there you go, taking the side of your craft over truth and justice. If you were cross examined as a witness in the trial of those who pushed this on the world you would be testifying in support of hanging all of these “good” colleagues of yours based upon what you related here.
Thank you, I will stay away from murder incorporated.
tom as your normally a better commenter please look up what happened to Robespierre during their reign of terror as well as Mao’s Red Guard attacks on the 4 Olds.
Freedom to choose should always be accompanied by dealing with the results and responsibilities of free choice.
Once you commit over the waterfall, reality occurs.
I cannot not believe a good majority of the health professionals just went along with the vax, they did not even tell people what was being injected into them. Sorry I have a hard time with any excuse.
Many of these medical personnel committed outright murder during this covid ordeal, as reported in numerous publications, such as through using ventilators when the health of the patient was too precarious, but also because they reportedly got lots of money from the government to only implement certain protocols, while dismissing even known to be effective natural remedies to eliminate symptoms, as uninformed and alarming (while often touting the repetitive use of hand sanitizers for instance, which were often toxic (contaminated) in many cases, or toxic to the individual due to preexisting health conditions), this amounted to too much control (witchcraft). Their work environment and various (and newly implemented) laws provided much anonymity, and protection from any legal or professional ramifications.
This type of hanging happened in the USA in 1891 so we Italians are very familiar with bad communist nazi governments, we will never allow this to happen again to us in this nation, our people will rain down hell on them in this government if they try to pull this off again , and if they think they can get away with it, it will be over for them.
Over many years, the medical establishment bent to many illnesses and diseases. Remember Fauci’s AIDS? Doctors and nurses did not want to touch these patients. There was little useful information upon which to make decisions. We all give thanks to the brave gay men in San Francisco who swore not to take no for an answer.
They literally carried and broke vials of tainted blood in the streets. They not only got attention but also cures!
Then came Fauci’s Lyme Disease. Why the establishment even mentions this disease is odd. They say ” we don’t have that here”. Well why even mention it then? Oh yes, I don’t know the astronomical number of people sick with Lyme Disease, left untreated and miserable, for how long.
Now Covid. No organism isolated anywhere and if it is, that party doesn’t share the information. Government tells doctors what they can and can’t prescribe. Front line doctors being told not to treat or to grossly mismanage this illness. Identical to medical management of Lyme Disease.
Doctors loose their licenses, literally, trying to adequately take care of patients. It’s bedside doctoring and judgment that win the day… not governement mismanagement.
Doctors practice for money so they listen to “the man”.