History Repeats Itself

In his first inaugural address, Lincoln stated clearly that (1) he had no legal authority to interfere with slavery where it existed, (2) that he had no inclination or intention to do so even if he had the legal authority, (3) that he would enforce the Fugitive Slave Act, returning runaway slaves escaping to the North to their masters in the South, and (4) that he fully supported the Thirteenth Amendment then being debated in Congress which would protect slavery in perpetuity and was irrevocable. He later famously stated, “Do not paint me with the Abolitionist brush.”

Although there was some opposition to slavery in the country, the government was willing to concede everything the South wanted regarding slavery to keep it in the Union. Given all these facts, the idea that the South seceded to protect slavery is as absurd as the idea that Lincoln fought the war to end slavery. Lincoln himself said in a famous letter after the war began that his sole purpose was to save the Union, and not to either save or end slavery; that if he could save the Union without freeing a single slave, he would. Nothing could be clearer.


h/t Cousin John


I was sent the article above which is just confirmation to anyone willing to go past the propaganda concerning Lincoln. It struck me that the politicians would not have been successful if the people were not enabling them. Honest Abe won the Republican primary by printing counterfeit delegate passes used to disenfranchise the real delegates supporting Seward as outlined on a recent CNN special. This election has opened the eyes of the people: their vote is irrelevant as the same political maneuvers are being exposed. Superdelegates, delegates for sale, voter fraud and backroom deals are superseding the “votes” of the people. The reality: political parties choose their nominees under the guise of primary elections, not the people.

What is the difference between printing counterfeit delegate passes or using the “system” to disenfranchise delegates elected in primary elections? What is the difference between buying delegates for a political primary nomination by offering power? What is the difference as people “justify” their candidate’s actions in order to justify the end? 

If we keep voting in a corrupt system, we will continue to get the government we deserve instead of the country we deserve. Liberty becomes just an intangible concept once tyranny takes hold. I pray for the day when people wake up and feel their chains. When that day of understanding comes, the loss of Liberty will be understood. And hopefully it will be worth fighting for with the assistance of Divine Providence.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
8 years ago

obama is a piker compared to lincoln.