by Leo Gerald
After Indiana Republicans passed a license to discriminate law, a restaurant called Memories Pizza in the Hoosier town of Walkerton stepped up last week to make sure potential customers knew its religious rules: “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Certification of Heterosexuality, No Service.”
Indiana GOP Gov. Mike Pence provided official sanction for such acts of oppression when he signed a gay-bashing version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. It enabled individuals and businesses to legally claim their faith required hateful acts of intolerance. Pence got all huffy when human rights groups accused him of seeking to change the state’s slogan from Hoosier Hospitality to Hoosier Hostility.
Marriage-equality-hating Indiana Republicans were joined by counterparts in Arkansas, North Carolina and Georgia in advancing government-sanctioned discrimination. This is not the way Americans treat each other. Well, not in 2015 anyway. America traveled down the path of intolerance for too many centuries. Now, Americans look back at all-white lunch counters with shame. Despite anxiety about ISIS, they disapprove of blaming terrorism on all Muslims. Americans aren’t perfect inclusive egalitarians. But they’re trying. On a deeply spiritual level, they hate institutionalization of minority hate.
And that’s what was going on in Indiana, Arkansas, North Carolina and Georgia. Bans on marriage equality have failed. So these states tried to crash those ceremonies by denying the couples wedding flowers and cakes, then cloaking that vicious discrimination in a sheepskin of religiosity.
Another example of how Leo Gerald pulls the strings to manipulate our nation. Ask yourself why religious doctrine must be vilified? Since when is faith a liability that must be superseded by immorality or public opinion? The state cannot take control over your life if you have faith. And that is the reason that the labor unions and the government are attacking religion: they want to be your god.
David DeGerolamo
Sad thing is, people should know better. This playbook is well-worn….
But this propaganda will be believed by the weak minded. Well worn and badly played still is still effective.
the dumbed down people still don’t know they are being played by the Marxist media narrative readers and the whores in the democrap/republicrap satan parties. what a bunch of useless eaters, they really deserve to go into bondage and bondage is where they are now.
Since they hate The Law, and the source of all Just law -- our King and Saviour, it is far from surprising that they should hate any man-made law which seeks to assert the same principles.
Their core goal is to scoff, deface, and ultimately relegate The Law to utter obscurity; what less any statute written by men which gives The Law force in our communities? Judas was the spiritual descendant of Cain; who, by lies, corruption, and treachery, worked evil against our Lord and the Just Salvation which He came to bring us. As with Judas, all of these evil souls use lies, corruption, and treachery against everyone who would live a life in conformance with Christ’s will. Call them “progressives”, “communists”, “muslims”, or whatever other label suits you, but do not deceive yourselves --
There is only one author for all of these evil ideations, and from this one author comes a singular and unified object and purpose -- the destruction of all virtue, of all hope, and all salvation. That author is Satan; father of lies, source of all sin, corruption, and death; it is he who sits upon the throne of pride, and scoffs with glee every gracious ordinance of God.
Deceived I am not, I have read and studied scriptures for years and I know exactly what is occurring as well as the deception that is weaving its way through the world , but most of all the deception is in the churches. The purging will begin with the false churches who proclaim his name and don’t do his will nor obey his commandments,judgement begins in the house of the Lord. we are at the point in the book of revelation where God removes the lamp stands representative of his churches. many lamp stands are gone now, and judgement will come knocking very soon. the churches have become whores of Satans Babylon and they have drunk the bitter waters of wormwood. The majority of the churches look like the world now and there is no turning back for them, it’s only getting worse as the weeks pass, they have done irreparable harm to themselves.
Plainly sir, you understand. And thank you for pointing out that His judgment will indeed begin in the “churches” which use His holy name for corruption, rather than abide in His law and proclaim His truth.