Don’t fall for this hopium! Not again! Chris Miller was also military (seals?) and under trump’s command yet he was a traitor. The system has already fallen. Local governments like this don’t have the personnel to go after traitors…… and that is just for the ones on our side, which is not too many of them. I don’t want to black pill but facts are facts. Jesus Saves! He alone is our hope.
9 months ago
He’s got one heck of a memory.
9 months ago
He sounds to me like another L. Lin Wood(Esq.). These people allege to have hyper-damaging information, conspiracy information, information that’s going to cause the downfall of this person, or that person or this government or that government. etc. etc. etc. Why don’t they just publish it all? Because it does not exist or they don’t have it. In the end, it all turns out to be a bunch of hooey.
………….I am devoid of feelings… me the facts…and at this point it (as usual) is just talk……and if he were to publish it all just who is going to do anything about it ?
He is staking all on the county sheriffs. Question: I keep reading that “the county sheriff is the highest political authority in the county”, but what is the relationship between the sheriff and the county district attorney? Can the sheriff force the DA to prosecute?
What if no county judges sign search warrants?
I’ve been hearing this “constitutional sheriffs” rot for some years now. I know a lot of people (some personally) in the liberty movement who are staking out their hopes with this, so much so it is like a religion. Okay--there are SOME sheriffs out there (very few that is) and I have not seen them do much other than some high-visibility blabber and not much action. I’ve been hearing out the “mass-arrests” rot as well, which is a happy-happy, joy-joy thought BTW. But is it going to happen. Yawn. Yeah--in two more weeks once again. I think Raiklin is just another internet pod-cast gadfly (yet with an impressive background) with a lot information and legal theories and suppositions he is hanging his hat upon. We have had them in the past--starting with Mark from Michigan and presently people like Mike Lindell (as an example). But perhaps I’m wrong--we can only believe it when I see it happening…and make no mistake--it should be happening and there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t be happening right now. We have only one question then--why not as of yet?
9 months ago
Dag!!!!! And me too old to participate. Unless he comes to Texas.
Glad he didn’t mention Hillary Clinton name, cause we need him to continue his information gathering……js Is he the real thing?
I think he might be the real thing.
You don’t mess with green berets.
No sir you do not, one of his brothers Jeremy Brown was set up by the fbi and is in prison.
…….well….I guess you do mess with them….MSG Brown is indeed in prison…..
Don’t fall for this hopium! Not again! Chris Miller was also military (seals?) and under trump’s command yet he was a traitor. The system has already fallen. Local governments like this don’t have the personnel to go after traitors…… and that is just for the ones on our side, which is not too many of them. I don’t want to black pill but facts are facts. Jesus Saves! He alone is our hope.
He’s got one heck of a memory.
He sounds to me like another L. Lin Wood(Esq.). These people allege to have hyper-damaging information, conspiracy information, information that’s going to cause the downfall of this person, or that person or this government or that government. etc. etc. etc. Why don’t they just publish it all? Because it does not exist or they don’t have it. In the end, it all turns out to be a bunch of hooey.
Feelings will not win back our Liberty. You are not commenting on his facts.
………….I am devoid of feelings… me the facts…and at this point it (as usual) is just talk……and if he were to publish it all just who is going to do anything about it ?
Which “facts”?
Watch the video.
Ivan Raiklin on Daily 302 May 16, 2024 Timing is everything.
He is staking all on the county sheriffs. Question: I keep reading that “the county sheriff is the highest political authority in the county”, but what is the relationship between the sheriff and the county district attorney? Can the sheriff force the DA to prosecute?
What if no county judges sign search warrants?
I hope we find out.
And How!
Come to find out, there are some serious men left in our country.
I’ve been hearing this “constitutional sheriffs” rot for some years now. I know a lot of people (some personally) in the liberty movement who are staking out their hopes with this, so much so it is like a religion. Okay--there are SOME sheriffs out there (very few that is) and I have not seen them do much other than some high-visibility blabber and not much action. I’ve been hearing out the “mass-arrests” rot as well, which is a happy-happy, joy-joy thought BTW. But is it going to happen. Yawn. Yeah--in two more weeks once again. I think Raiklin is just another internet pod-cast gadfly (yet with an impressive background) with a lot information and legal theories and suppositions he is hanging his hat upon. We have had them in the past--starting with Mark from Michigan and presently people like Mike Lindell (as an example). But perhaps I’m wrong--we can only believe it when I see it happening…and make no mistake--it should be happening and there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t be happening right now. We have only one question then--why not as of yet?
Dag!!!!! And me too old to participate. Unless he comes to Texas.
This Mike Johnson??
He supports the killing of unborn human babies.
I’ve seen far too many Paytriots. When it comes to claims like these, I’ll believe it when I see it.
Sorry. On not. Sounds like yet another “Q” disciple.
Ivan Raiklin on Daily 302 May 16, 2024 He puts the Q tards with the rest of the MSM.
[…] the article with Ivan Raiklin, there were some comments which assumed my support or intentions. I was impressed by Mr. […]