Hope Is Not A Plan. We Need To Choose To Save Ourselves From This Tyranny Instead Of Relying On Someone Else To Do It For Us.

2000 Mules!!!!!! The excitement over this documentary is unreal. Patriots everywhere are so excited and waiting for the arrest to begin. I hate to burst your bubble, but there are not any arrest coming. This whole coup has been exposed from day one. Everyone in the whole wide world knows that the previous election was stolen from us. Making a documentary about it isn’t going to change it. TPTB have stolen our country from us and they have no fear of us. They own the very systems that would bring them to justice. We have but one recourse left. But nobody it seems, wants to discuss that.

My fellow compatriot here at NCRenegade made a comment on my article yesterday, you can read it here. I responded this morning, but I figured I’d go ahead and write a little more on it. Please forgive me if I duplicate some of my comment here. While I appreciate all the efforts being made to expose the fraudulent election, they are only reinforcing what we all already know. Constantly proving over and over again the many different ways they stole our country is fine and dandy, but what are we going to do about it? I don’t see panic from the Democrats. Not at all. If anything, they are emboldened. They are blatantly breaking the law as we speak by protesting outside Supreme Court Justices homes over the leaked Roe v. Wade decision and nothing, not one arrest has been made. You see TPTB own our courts, they own the FBI, the entire justice system that was supposed to serve us, We the People. You can’t vote in enough Judges to make a difference. You can’t vote in enough Sheriffs to make a difference.

I don’t care how many people are attending Trump rallies. Trump still has a death grip on our side. I wish he would just fade away. Trump is the standard, the example and the false idol against which every issue, candidate and movement is measured against. He has such a demonic emotional hold. He’s our Judas and no one really sees all that that entails. He really is the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man of our side. He is the form of self-destruction we chose and now we cannot exorcise him from our midst.

Trump wasn’t “weak” or “misguided” or “corrupted.” He didn’t “try” or “mean well” or “wanted to.”

He NEVER WAS one of us. Trump has been an elite all his life. Trump was loved by the Deep State.

He IS our Enemy Within and I am convinced he has been since the very beginning.

I will never forgive him for allowing what happened with the whole “pandemic” and the “vaccine” that he is so proud to call himself the Father of. That alone should have people on our side shunning him forever.

I have spent years trying to fight for this country and the future of my children in what people tell me is the proper way. Voting! I’ve participated in every election since I became eligible to vote. I reluctantly went and voted for Trump in the last election even though I knew it was useless, but people kept telling me we had to give it one more shot. Sadly I was proven right. I was a precinct chair. I was on the Republic executive committee. I helped run the local Tea party. I did so many things that I was told was the proper way to restore our once great country. It was all pointless. Because when things got serious and I actually tried doing something that was going to make a difference, the Rino’s came out in full force and banished me. It was not a pleasant experience.

I’ve tried everything that we are told we can do to make a difference. I’ve pushed back in the proper ways. I’ve exhausted all but one of the means to restore Liberty for the future generations. People say our founding fathers wouldn’t want us to use violence to take back Liberty from these tyrants. I say you need to read more about our Founding Fathers. I’ve studied and read numerous books about these great men. Patrick Henry, man I love his life story. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, Sam Adams, Ben Franklin, These men all did what needed doing. They all had loved ones to worry about. They all had futures to worry about. But they stood together and with God on their side founded the Greatest Nation ever in the History of this World. Are we lesser men? Don’t tell me these are different times and the world was different back then. Evil is Evil, no matter what time period of History we are in. We are to confront and fight evil, not vote against it.

I understand people not wanting to risk everything they have for a great unknown. But our cause is just. I understand people still having Hope in the Vote, but Hope is not a plan.  Hope, the quintessential Human Delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The problem is choice. We need to choose to save ourselves from this tyranny instead of relying on someone to do it for us.

Our only Hope is to fight. I choose Fight!

Who’s with me?


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2 years ago

Wes I have heard you echo the same sentiments many times before. We are surrounded by evil to wit most are unaware. I think pain is going to be the motivator here. If one looks at the country in 1774-1775 we are in the same boat yet we are different. Arrayed before is a seemingly insurmountable task of securing freedom from this current mess that is Washington DC. Donnie Dump is a marvelous actor and he deserves the same fate as the rest of them do a rope and a 14′ drop will solve the problem of Dump and the Dumpsters. Who without question follow this guy and his every word. I hate him more than Obungo who at least we knew was a Marxist. This Dump he is taking great pleasure in deceiving us he loves the rallies where he gets to torment us. This MF’er is one really evil dude and in on the Coup from the beginning.

2 years ago

I’m in Wes, they just keep pushing and most just keep bending over and backing up. Corruption is everywhere and that’s sin; which is evil and wrong.


[…] Hope Is Not A Plan. We Need To Choose To Save Ourselves From This Tyranny Instead Of Relying On Some… […]

2 years ago

Those of us that grew up in the late 60’s 70’s 80’s and early 90’s have had enjoyed a great life, serving our country & working our way up the corporate ladder during the Gordon Gecko years. Now its time to protect future generations and step up because if we don’t… no one will!

John Taylor
2 years ago

You know where I stand.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago

Iam sure the shit show is about to start! Tally Ho!

2 years ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I am all in, trump was and is a trojan horse, he brought in the lockdowns, the kill shot and turned us over to his comrades. There is only one way to get our freedom and liberty back, where there is a will, there is a way. I have the will and I know the way. I will not mince words, we need a call to arms.

2 years ago

“I don’t care how many people are attending Trump rallies. Trump still has a death grip on our side. I wish he would just fade away. Trump is the standard, the example and the false idol against which every issue, candidate and movement is measured against. He has such a demonic emotional hold. He’s our Judas and no one really sees all that that entails. He really is the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man of our side. He is the form of self-destruction we chose and now we cannot exorcise him from our midst.”

Agreed! Only slaves wait for someone to save them

Our Nation is whistling past the grave yard of economic collapse while another 44Billion is headed to the black cauldron that is Ukraine enlarging the European front. Inflation rises, shortages abound, YET we seem to have money in the couch for war?

Meanwhile China is encircling Taiwan.The Pacific front is soon to open plunging the FUSA formally into WW3. Our partners and allies will abandon us and we will lose; expect a kinetic response on our soil from Putin and Xi.

Our Nation is being isolated economically and militarily while patriots distract themselves with the latest bombshell or gotcha viral vid; Sound and Fury proving nothing. The vast majority of people have no concept of rights and responsibilities of those rights, they just want someone to do it all for them.

We’re all Jack Hinson now living the end of the Book.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
2 years ago

In opinion of the old retired soldier; In order to clean up all these EVIL bastards from Federal system, we have to have US Military with us. But it is very unfortunate that most top brass also have been bought and paid for. How do we unit without the military’s help?
The entire DOJ, and state department with their goons and their all their newest APSs are against us, but the power is in unity. If we unite, the law of detrition is against them.
Again, how do we unit?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Zubin

Boom! The military takes an oath do defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. It’s bravado to think we can hunt down the master manipulators with our guns. The military has the means to do it.
The problem is that they’ve bought off the Generals that would give the orders. They don’t want to jeopardize their paycheck and/or pension. They don’t want to endanger their upcoming job offer to be on the board of one of weapons manufacturers. They don’t want to stop going to the yacht parties that their billionaire friends invite them to with the bikini clad hostesses.
I apreciate the call to arms but those arms will only be to protect you and your family. The gubbermint had no problem organizing to send our men and women to war for decades. However, corruption will keep it from sending them to arrest the robber barons.

2 years ago

Exactly as in 1861 the federal government has become the enemy of the people and the states, and there is even a tyrant in the white house. Someone needs to fire a Fort Sumter shot to kick this show off. The sooner the better. Not all of us are poised or capable of this, so it will come down to a few at first.

2 years ago

Wes, you know where I stand.
Say the word.


2 years ago

Far be it from me to throw a monkey wrench into everyone’s plans; but let’s talk about this. We all want to do something. Nothing wrong with that. Only problem is what do we want to do. Aside from saying, “a call to arms,” how do we assemble? What’s the objective? Gotta have a plan. What’s the plan? You saw how Jan. 6 went. The only folks operating with impunity are left wing activists whether as lone wolves or en masse. They are well funded and equipped and cleared for take-off. Of course, there is a reason why. It is hoped that they will inspire us to make a fatal miscalculation. Do you want to miscalculate?

Right now, our beloved government is doing everything in its power to set the stage for us to act. If we go too soon we will accomplish absolutely nothing.  The question is, “What do we want to accomplish?” Do we want to restore the republic? Forget that. It disappeared almost as quickly as it was formed. Once the politicians and bankers and business moguls got involved, the republic was lost. The South tried to correct the problem and suffered heavily while accomplishing nothing positive.

Do we want to make a better world for our progeny? How is that possible? The world’s governments along with their benefactors make no secret about their plans to exterminate 90 percent of the population. You can be absolutely certain that, when TSHTF and we spring into action, this is exactly what will happen. Nothing to fear, mind you. Just something to which we need to become accustomed. That’s how the program works. That’s why there are wars and disease or, in recent times, experimental kill shots, chemical, biological etc. Ask yourself, “Has an armed conflict or resistance ever produced a system free from deterioration and corruption?”

We can sing about all the heroes of the past and desire to emulate them; and there will be many who achieve that dream in the near future. But know this ahead of time; the only thing we will be fighting for is the right to be free. And most of us and our opposition will die in the process. That includes our loved ones. That’s it. That’s the way it is. That’s life…or death as it were. And I can tell you this. It will be a long drawn out fight with no good ending. So, what do I suggest?

Enjoy what time we have left and know that the fight will come to us in due course. It’s on the agenda. When everything breaks down and the zombies begin to move or the dark ops come knocking (ok, they won’t knock) we will know it’s time to act. When that happens, everything is fair game. We will be in a better position to determine targets and to acquire logistics. Folks who aren’t interested now will be in a better position to form cells when it means survival (such as may even exist).

Anything we might contemplate now (out in the open – online) is doomed to failure. Everything is monitored. I doubt I could even get ten miles from my house without being picked up. Right now we have the advantage because those who are determined to pay us a visit are wondering if they will be alive to sleep afterward. As the Japanese understood decades ago – “Behind every blade of grass….” And many of us are crack shots. Wait ‘till you see the whites of their eyes. Ok, so, maybe that isn’t true anymore. But you get the idea. Be like brer fox and lay low and listen.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Well stated, Eddie. Denying reality doesn’t hinder reality. Weather warfare is rarely mentioned in believed in even less. They flood one area and drought another. They can flash freeze you. Crop failures are one of the agendas. Starvation is a tried and true method when tyranny is turned on against people.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

When your done thinking about all the things they can do to you and getting petrified with fear what is left? I can make a guess more fear, we cannot do this we cannot do that etc,etc,etc. Assemble locally and state wide, yes and a call to arms to unite. You will not survive as the gray man hiding in the shadows, just keep your head down and blend in. Have you ever talked to somebody that has fled the communists? I have and more than one, they know what is coming.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Neither Stan nor I are talking fear. We are both ready. We just don’t believe in shooting at inconsequential targets to make a statement. We are in a fight for survival pure and simple. It’s going to start; and we will be ready. Form a community???? Good luck with that. Everyone is busy just trying to keep their heads above water. When it hits them in the face, they will be ready to form something. Right now, they aren’t interested. And, truthfully, I only know one person in the community that I can discuss these things with without raising eyebrows. Many are ranchers who are being overrun by illegals. We have law enforcement from various parts of the state living among us trying to fight this thing. Right now, they are friends. I would like to think they will assist us, or we will assist them when TSHTF. I want to know who my immediate enemy is. I don’t want to go out searching for them. You think we wouldn’t cover your back if you were here? You would be wrong. I’m a nasty SOB; and I will fight. ON MY TERMS.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

I never said to just start shooting people indiscriminately, we know who are enemy’s are, they are not hard to find. Good luck.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You only know where the low lying fruit live. Politicians, Bill Gates, Klaus etc. They are easily replaceable. Those in command are hidden from public eye for that very reason. Let’s give our enemies a little credit for not leaving their addresses for you to drop by. That’s why only the military can carry out the mass arrests of those hidden.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko


2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

I agree. everything is monitored. If there were an actual move be made on behalf of this country I can’t believe anyone would post it. I would think it would be very, very low profile. And, it could be happening. I have no way of knowing but I surely can hope!

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

When do we start the fight? I’m with you and I’m ready.

Prayerman in the Buckeye
Prayerman in the Buckeye
2 years ago

I had a preview of coming attractions a couple weeks back . The wife needed milk and I needed some smokes so we fired up the F250 and headed to the small town closest to us . Cop sitting across the street in a cruiser with head lights on . As I went in the store I noticed him get out , walk quickly over and walk in . There were already two others in the store in street clothes and the plates and guns couldn’t be missed by a blind man . Two more cars pulled in quickly and came in . they all had plates on and were unstrapped .Next a fire dept squad truck pulls in and two guys jump out and come in . I walk out and jump up in the old 250 cause she sits a little high , start it and pull out . Yes I had my P90 on me but it stayed right in the holster . I have been there a few times since but I put my phone in a faraday bag I carry in each vehicle and had no meeting party . They tracked me and meant to impress me . We then went to Krogers and I watched while Kate shopped . A well worn Crown Vic circled the lot a couple times . A whole lot of activity going by on the state highway out in front of the store . State , County , and City . My but they invested a lot of public money in that little display of public power . For an old tea party boomer getting some milk and smokes . I think they must be getting nervous and want to provoke us . Being an Irishman , I have studied Saint Michael most of my life . They apparently have not . The electronic net is being cast . Watch your back .

2 years ago

Sorry to say we don’t have a similar situation that the founding fathers had. They were for all practical purposes servants to the crown. They had no say in government for that matter no say over their own lives. There early colonists were chattel to the British empire. We on the other hand are free men and women we have the right to choose any form of leader that the majority chooses. Many Republicans of today were Democrats of yesterday. If you don’t understand this you’re never going to understand what’s coming next. Once you start feeding people and giving them free stuff you’ll have to continue to feed them and give them free stuff. If you understand that you’ll understand why our country seems to be plummeting into socialism . Tyrants since the beginning of time have attempted to subjugate the population, to bend them to their will. I don’t think America is any different than any other free country they gave away their freedom for comfort.

2 years ago

Most of Trumps endorsed candidates in congress voted for the $40 billion slush fund to Ukraine. They are all against us. They just think we are stupid and will take anything to get rid of the dems. Wrong

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
2 years ago

The last thing I want to do in this comment is to come off sounding mean-spirited or even disagreeable. I am truly quite sympathetic to the motivations behind your positions. The vast majority of your observations are quite true and I truly do lament their accuracy. But come now … only one option left? The one no one is willing to talk about or consider? You should know better. You do you & yours a disservice by evening hinting at it. It’s over. It’s been over for a long time. We lost. It’s just that simple. The masses are sheep, easily led. Not 50% of the people, Not 60 or even 90%. But rather 99.899%. The one one-hundred thousandth of 1% that is willing to go your route is such a ridiculously small number that it is meaningless. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to stir things up. There’s nothing to stir up. There’s no one to stir up. I was sure you were more intelligent than this. Throwing your life away over an impossibility is ridiculous. There will be no martyrdom here; the people have spoken. It turns out we’re on the wrong side of history and there’s nothing, absolutely nothing – to be done about it. Except to try your best to live through it.


[…] like to thank one of our commenters here for letting me know that it’s over and that everything we do here at NCRenegade is all for naught. […]

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
2 years ago

Providing useful information can and does benefit individuals. That is always appreciated. However, that fact does not change societal truths.The values that you and I share, despite a little lip service and puffery proclaimed here and there, are not shared by many others; that time passed several decades ago. Your current frustrations and protestations show that you are slowly learning this the hard way. It is midnight in the USA and there is truly nowhere to go. Regardless of what else may be said, I’m done on the subject. I’m not here to stir the pot. I posted in hopes of speeding up recognition of the obvious, given the observations in your essay. Hoping you are able to find the acceptance and the peace of mind needed to get through this.

2 years ago

Wonderful post!

2 years ago

“Hope is not a plan!” It needs to be on a tee shirt.

2 years ago

I have heard my mother say, years ago. “live in hope die in dispair.” Hope she was mistaken, but she seldom was.