Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more

From Mike Adams:

Not surprisingly, everything the establishment tells us about covid vaccines has been a calculated lie. One of the biggest and most treacherous lies is that “mRNA vaccine shots stay in the arm and don’t circulate nanoparticles around the body.” Now we know that is a complete lie, as new research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs.

The study paper, originally written in Japanese and auto-translated into English, can be found at this link on Natural News servers (PDF).

Labeled, “Pfizer confidential,” the study is known as a bio-distribution study that uses luciferase enzymes and radioisotope markers to accurately track the distribution of Pfizer’s mRNA LNPs across the body.

A pro-vaccine doctor named Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD. was interviewed by Alex Pierson of the “On Point” podcast. That interview is also mirrored on Brighteon.com and shown here. It is approximately 9 minutes in duration:

In the interview. Dr. Bridle says the following stunning things. Remember as you read this that Dr. Bridle is 100% pro-vaccine and has no criticism about other vaccines:

In short, the conclusion is we made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We saw the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein, itself, was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin, and in some people this gets into circulation. And when that happens in some people, it can cause damage, especially with the cardiovascular system. I don’t have time, but many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety there for this vaccine. For example, with accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions is, “will we be rendering young people infertile, some of them infertile?” So, I’ll stop there.


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3 years ago

No Shit!
I warn of the “vaccine” simply to advise you, my friends, to what’s coming.
Think MrMBB333 and his showing of signs in the “heavens”. Look at the “spheres” showing up close to our sun, not to mention the UFOs or the new;y titled UAPs. These are NOT anomalies, these are the ‘signs in the Heavens” that He is returning; just as Scripture indicates. So did the writings of the Sumerian texts. They concur. Shocker, right?
All ancient writing has a “kernel of truth”, don’t they? Think Elijah and Jakob’s Ladder. What were they talking about when they described “wheels within wheels”, as in Elijah’s case. Think Lakob’s Ladder where “angels ascended and descended all night long”.
I do not write these things wearing a robe and a breastplate of colored stones as I am not a faithful adherent to Judean tradition, as I should be, but, like most people, I’m a faithful believer in Scripture and what Christ warned us about. “No one knows, not the angels in Heaven nor the Son of Man. Only the Father knows. Be ye prepared for the arrival of the Bridegroom” (paraphrased).
Christ WILL return to collect His “His “Virgins”, His “Uncorrupted Bride”.
Look to the Heavens. He will come in the clouds. These are facts. FACTS, folks. Just look! Open your eyes and see for yourselves. I’m not making these things up. They’re right in front of you.
The daily headline news corroborates what I say. For the love of Christ, connect the dots.
I beg you, warn people about this “vaccine”. It’s another mark of the Beast; there are many. Now ask yourself: WHY would the world push such an experimental drug on people without a nefarious reason behind it???
Remember these things: Israel is now a nation and has been since 1948. And Christ’s words: “A generation shall not pass before My return”
Keep the Faith and NEVER Surrender your souls for the likes of a meal.

Melissa Officinalis
Melissa Officinalis
3 years ago

Remember about a year ago, when these trials were happening… the Pfizer trials were halted temporarily because of a few adverse events (that were quickly squashed by the media)? One of the women came out and said that she could no longer “feel” God… This reminded me of a story form several years ago, they were working on an mrna “vaccine” for religious extremists which altered the genes that regulated a portion of the brain that they theorized was responsible for one’s spiritual experiences.We may never get the real information in regards to the true purpose of this injection push, but considering “off-target” consequences may shine light on the situation.

3 years ago

To the globalists/communists obviously consider the peoples of the world and the USA in particular as little more that lab rats and rats are held in high esteem. I don’t know how we the people can stop this and it’s especially difficult when the world’s people really do not interact/communicate with each other and the globalists are working together against all of us. This is not unique to Americans, although we are the biggest prize I am sure. Just think of the people as herds of livestock and the globalists/communists as the “ranchers.” We are being herded into some form that makes us easier to control. This IS bad, the state of the country and world is BAD. We are all at serious risk/danger. How could these geniuses NOT know the dangers of the protein spike and its deadly characteristics???? I’ll NEVER buy that.