Hospitals Value Death Over Life

h/t WRSA

I will defer to Elon Musk’s answer (I thought it was $18,000) of $48,000 for the value of a human life in the eyes of medical hospitals. Since the majority of the dead were elderly, the government received an additional bonus of not paying their Social Security and medicare: their payback on death “rewards” was probably less than two years per person.

Even this amount of money was not enough as the government used “gene therapy” on the entire population (including our children). Or I should say the portion of the population who lack critical thinking skills. I would have expected even people without critical thinking skills would now be questioning the large number of people who are dying “suddenly”.

Then again, I would expect people to be questioning inflation, voter fraud, money laundering to Ukraine, the rush to WWIII, the suppression of free speech and …

I pray that our people turn to the Lord and start to lead a moral life: no drugs, no pornography, no illicit sex trade and holding their local officials accountable for their decisions. I pray that our churches would hold their parishioners accountable and have their congregations organize to fight evil. Unfortunately, our churches seems to fall into the same category as our hospitals. I find it much more egregious to take people’s money over their eternal salvation; at least the hospitals only took the money for our physical lives.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I was just showing how corrupt and evil the medical institutions have become an addendum to your article. They are dedicated to our death.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago

“at least the hospitals only took the money for our physical lives.”

I would disagree with that. Hospitals are a place where lives are regularly lost, hence souls depart to one destination or the other every day. This is of interest to many on the satanic side; if they can works towards individuals dying before they are saved for instance, i.e., those dying suddenly, perhaps goes to the reason there’s not more mainstream religious interaction in hospital settings, such as counseling according to one’s religious beliefs perhaps before a surgery, in discussing medical treatments and options, or as pertaining to administrative concerns (is it a good thing that they are largely secular facilities?). Many covert satanic persons work at these facilities with this as an objective (listening to preachers such as John Ramirez, former high satanic priest, and others gives insights into this) and may also be members of professional satanic organizations that administratively protect, and back each other up legally and with regard to how policy is directed, giving them a preponderance of power.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

If you had the “Covid”, or you know someone who had the “Covid”, whether hospitalized or not, how many of you, rather than PCR testing positive for the “Covid”, had your blood drawn, the “Covid” purified and isolated, and were then told… “Look, there is the Covid, we isolated it from your blood draw. You have the Covid”?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

I never tested for the sham virus and will not Elder Son.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

To my knowledge (and please correct me if wrong) they still have not isolated nor produced a pure KungFlu virus molecule for study.
Its one of the base-stones to my pyramid of beliefs about or nefarious government, so I would like to know if otherwise.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Same here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

The healthy non Covid-19 vaccinated blood may also be taken and used for other purposes (just as the reports of gene sequencing being done from the DNA of the Covid-19 nasal swab, antigen and other tests (sold to vaccine and other companies, as has been made public). This goes to why the people need their own holistic healthcare, and not state-sanctioned and run facilities and their mandates and laws. Tribalized medicine such as how the native American Indians practiced may be a reference point in revolutionizing medicine.

2 years ago

Actually the amount varied by geographic location, the type of hospital involved and several other factors. But there WAS a financial incentive to label deaths as Covid deaths and NOT from some other cause.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Yes, I believe ZH had a chart up last weekend.