Hostile Bureaucratic Armies

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

For most of the patriot/liberty community the Constitution is really of no importance any longer. The federal government has tossed that document over long ago. To whatever degree they bandy about the Constitution, it is always in context of violating its meaning by re-defining the words to arrive at a position where the Constitution permits the violation of rights guaranteed within the Constitution. If that sounds contradictory and vague, it is intended to be. That is the purpose of the federal government at this stage in our devolution to traditional dictatorship/monarchy/oligarchy rule of a once free nation.

The Constitution, like individual rights, is as relevant as the people demand. For a hundred years the people have asked nothing of the Constitution. To them, it seemed to be working as advertised. It is only within the past forty years or so that the federal government has come to exert its power over the states and the people to a degree that the people find intolerable. The “spotted owl” decimated the Northwest production of lumber and paper. The land grab continues with bureaucrats at the head of large federal militias in the form of BLM and National Park Service agents. This is a standing army amongst us, dedicated to the destruction of private property and confiscation of large swaths of state land. 


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