The House on Thursday passed a sweeping $622 billion tax package, the first of two massive end-of-year measures Congress is rushing to conclude this week.
The “tax extenders” bill was approved in a 318-109 vote, with 241 Republicans joining 77 Democrats in backing the measure.
Only 3 Republicans (Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Chris Collins (N.Y.) and Walter Jones (N.C.)) voted against the bill, which permanently renews a range of tax provisions following years of short-term extensions while extending other tax breaks through 2016 or 2019.
The House is expected to vote Friday on a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending measure that would fund the government through September 2016.
If you have not figured out that the government does not represent anyone but themselves, start keeping track. If you are already keeping track, what additional evidence do you need before you understand that there is no political solution? If you are sentient and understand what is coming, have Faith.
David DeGerolamo
I wonder what this two bit lying political whore hack was doing behind closed doors with the lady of the night, pelosi. i wonder who was taking orders from whom, and now we can all see, pelosi and there Bolshevik party have got all they ever could have hoped for. Ryan is a traitor to his own party and his people. the republican leadership hate and despise there own constituency and they are lower then pond scum. These lying dirt bags are pigs wallowing in there own pig slop.