The GOP-led House committees who have been investigating the Biden family shook their fist at the sky on Monday, announcing in a 291-page report that the president engaged in impeachable conduct by helping to enrich his family with millions of dollars through various business schemes to trade on the family name – and then defrauded voters by lying to cover it up, Just the News reports.
The House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees said they believe the evidence from their nine-month investigation establishes that Biden abused his office and violated his oaths under the Constitution, according to the 291-page report reviewed by Just the News.
Obviously this would have been infinitely more helpful even a few months ago when there was time for the GOP-controlled House to take action (particularly before the DOJ concluded that Biden is too senile to prosecute), but hey – better late than never.
Politicians that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw songs….js
Or Spineless RHINOS.
Aren’t “impeachable offenses” also violations of the criminal code? Why is this POS and his entire coterie not in jail? Public officials found guilty of taking bribes do jail time. Aiding and abettting are also criminal code violations punishable by imprisonment. Let a state DA charge them.
Repugs doing what Repugs do. Make a bunch of noise, designed to look like opposition, that really amounts to nothing.
repubs, the party of dindonufins.
Never, ever, ever rock the boat in DC… prime rule #1.
Is the IRS interested in determining whether the Biden Crime Cartel paid their “fair share” of taxes on that “earned” income?
After all, in a “democracy” are we not all equal?
Asking for a friend.
F**K Biden right square in the ass. He is still breathing, the bastard should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Oh crap there is no law.
“…except it’s too late to impeach him”. Uh…was not Donald Trump hit with an impeachment attempt after he left office ? There was NO truthful evidence against President Trump, except personal animosity, unlike the apparently large amounts of criminal evidence against jose bidet.
The Republicans absolutely do not want to dive into that rabbit hole, since half of the GOP is on the same gravy train raking in $$millions from foreign oligarchs to sell out their people.
True that. One of the biggest crooks is Mitt Romney.
useless politicians, all should hang! he should still be arrested and tried in criminal court. Better late than never.
It’s called Grandiose Lip Service.
Are NONE of these federal crimes? So it might be too late to impeach…but not too late to imprison or execute upon conviction. TREASON is still punishable by death.