Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is criticizing the Obama administration for “releasing criminals back onto the streets.”
He was talking about the murder of a 32-year-old woman in San Francisco last Wednesday, allegedly by an illegal alien with seven felony convictions who had been deported five times to Mexico.
Because San Francisco is a “sanctuary city,” local authorities did not honor a U.S. Customs and Enforcement Agency detainer for Francisco Sanchez. The detainer could have kept Sanchez in jail until ICE officials picked him up.
Kathryn Steinle was shot last Wednesday evening for no apparent reason while walking with her father and a family friend in a waterfront area popular with tourists.
Goodlatte called it a “tragedy.”
its all part of the Obama madness and wickedness him and his minions are putting us under, Obama hates American so much he even let go over 65000 illegal alien mexican and OTM felons to kill as many Americans as possible and the slime ball in the house of sodomy keeps getting away with his high crimes and treason. And the congress and senate continues sleeping and snoring, our people were paid off. i would love to know what our republican leaders were offered.