House votes to restrict Confederate flag in national cemeteries

The House approved a Democratic proposal on Thursday to limit the display of the Confederate flag in national cemeteries.

The amendment to a spending bill for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and military construction projects passed 265-159. A total of 158 Republicans opposed the amendment from Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), while 84 Republicans joined all but one Democrat in supporting it.

Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a centrist who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, was the only Democrat to vote against the amendment. Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) voted “present.”

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) expressed support for allowing the vote despite opposition from a majority of his conference.

“Last year it stopped the appropriations process in its tracks,” he told reporters at a Capitol news conference after the vote.

“What changed is we have to get through these things, and if we’re going to have open rules and appropriations, which we have, which is regular order, people are going to have to take tough votes. And I think people are acknowledging this — this is the kind of conversation we’ve had all along with our members, which is tough votes happen in open rules.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”

― George Orwell, 1984

We are now officially living in 1984.

8 years ago

Was that a roll call vote?
Can somebody post a list of who voted, and their choice?

8 years ago

All federalist hate the CSA battle-flag. It is a reminder of reconstruction era where this government destroyed the Constitution. Eventually the public will focus on the reconstruction and discover that is the time the constitution died with the Act of 1871.

8 years ago

Why are we shocked at this? We should be amazed that it took the Feds roughly 150 years to outlaw our flag. We lost the war. Our country was defeated. We live in occupied territory with occupation forces suppressing us. Most of us have been conditioned since birth to be patriotic US citizens. Well, some of us have awakened to realize that the USA is an evil empire. We have become the ‘gray men’ who detest the occupation and bide our time …

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Bob…we may have lost the battle but our struggle still goes on.

8 years ago

Wiping out American history in order to replace it with muslim history. This is the reason most schools don’t teach American history or at least teach a negative angled history, in order that the young have no history, and the government can control them easier.

8 years ago

I don’t have a family historical bond with the Confederate flag as both sides of my family (Micks & Wops) weren’t even in the country until about 25 years after the War of Northern Aggression (yea that’s what it was) on one side, and 55 years on the other, plus I was born in Pennsylvania, raised in New Jersey, and grew up in Vietnam…but I have a States Rights political, emotional, kindred and intentional bond with the Stars & Bars since I was a 12 year old who stumbled upon the writings of Bruce Catton and started a lifelong fascination with -- and study of -- the Civil War.

Every major American Revolutionary War flag hangs in my barn and when I have visitors who are interested (and some who aren’t but need to learn) I give them the history of each one…including the honorable, valiant, and blood stained Confederate Battle Flag.

I am a Yankee by Birth and a Rebel by Choice. (That sign also hangs in my barn).

Also, being white and a hater of political correct anti-common sense lunacy, I also have no family historical bond or political agenda with trying to eliminate what I consider one of the most revered and proven battle flags in our collective history.

I’m I pro slavery? Of course not. I’m I a hater? Yes…of political correct group think revisionist crap…and the oppressive Federal monster devouring our freedom, liberty, hard earned wealth, and now the clowns are even restricting our freedom to honor our past! I hope everyone who voted for this insult (on the link Average Joe sent) is thrown out of office. I’m going to send this to a few of them. PC PISS ANTS.

The straw man argument against banning the Stars & Bars is an insult to millions of Americans (no matter their race, color, creed, or religion) who honor the brave and committed people of the Confederacy and their memory.

If we continue down our collective path into Civil War 2 (gaining speed with this type of insult) the flag they are trying to restrict will have a resurgence as once again overbearing aggression will be met (by some who believe in the Constitution and actually read and understand it) with resistance.

PS: Smitty is 100% correct.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  Mark


The north has always had their fair share of Copperheads and they have and always should be appreciated by all who believe in liberty, federalism, and the founding documents which sought to establish and protect them.

8 years ago

Looking for a Gladstone Flag with a Copperhead on it instead of a rattlesnake…for my barn collection.