How Barack Obama Avoids Prison According to Russian Media

Vladmir Putin is wasting no time to marginalize Obama in the eyes of the world. Putin’s latest attack via Pravda is sheer brilliance: divide the United States even further using the issue of Obama’s eligibility to be the president of the country. The secondary impact also marginalizes Obama in the eyes of the world. A superpower with an impotent leader is bad. A superpower with an impotent politician who is narcissistic is the worst scenario for us and the best scenario for Russia.

David DeGerolamo

How Barack Obama avoids prison

How Barack Obama avoids prison. 47337.jpegA political deal will be struck to save the Democrat Party from total collapse and protect the Republican Party from revelations of complicity in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

A growing number of Americans are now learning that Barack Obama, according to Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution, is an illegal President. The law requires a candidate for the Presidency to be a “natural born citizen,” that is, a second generation American, a U.S. citizen, whose parents were also U.S. citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth.

Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British subject at the time of his birth, which made him forever ineligible for the Presidency.

Practically speaking, that issue is not a problem for Obama because the Republican Party also wants to violate the Constitution. Many Republicans are aggressively advocating Florida Senator Marco Rubio as Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential candidate.  Rubio is ineligible because, even though he was born in the United States, his parents were Cuban citizens at the time of his birth.

Since 1975, both Democrat and Republican politicians have been trying unsuccessfully to amend Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution. The election of Obama has allowed them to do so, not legally, but by fait accompli.

The greatest danger to Obama is the potential collapse of the Democrat Party from the failed policies engineered by his Administration and the Party’s progressive wing.

The Clinton faction and other Democrats outside of Obama’s circle of supporters now fear he may be leading the Party, not only to certain electoral defeat, but to political oblivion. They are actively working behind the scenes, likely with the collusion of Republicans, to ensure Obama’s defeat or, perhaps, even quietly to force him out of the 2012 Presidential contest. They all have a vested interest in maintaining the balance of power of the political status quo, which an Obama victory would permanently alter.


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