How Close Are We?

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1 year ago

Hopefully the French are well educated enough that they will turn on politicians rather than on the farmers. France is a hugely agricultural country and is already pretty well organised around locally sourced food, so it’s mainly the larger cities that will suffer.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

The American public is oblivious to this. Not one MSM outlet is reporting on it, even Fox News is silent about it. Newsmax has reported on bits of it. The average American has no idea our own government is a part of the globalist coup going on in the world. Ignorant people become cannon fodder as we will soon discover. Don’t expect a federal election in November 2024, the USA, as we knew it, will cease to exist before then.

1 year ago

The American public is oblivious to mostly everything that is going on. Reading in depth articles which offer facts and figures is just too difficult nowadays. This indifference is the result of our master think tanks that our plotting and planning our demise.
Dumb everyone down, lie to them, and promote sensationalism. Woe is us. We deserve what we are getting. Find sites like this one that promote research about what’s going on here and abroad. Then research the web fir more information. Then inform everyone you meet each day with tidbits of facts about what you read on NC Renagades and what you found in your research. Get out of the social media wastelands.
Found two articles in 5 minutes to expand on the French farmers plight.
Without nutritious food, we get sick and die. Have you noticed the processed crap that fill people’s supermarket baskets -- expensive brightly colored packaging with imitation food inside brought to you by corporate swine in bed with government, WEF, etc.
Have you checked out the UN sustainable goals you will abide by? You will abide by! God, help us wake people up.
🎶A tip of my hat to NC Renegades for helping me awaken to the horrors we face soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Many blessings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Prepare for the worse Jane because when the shelves go bare hete and in some stores across the country they already are and people are hungry they will steal from there neighbor if they know you have it. Silence is golden concerning your preps. Don’t even tell friends and family and you must be selective in who you do want to tell. The animal army that Biden, obama, bushes and Clinton’s allowed in have been told to steal the Americans goods. They told them take it by force if you have to.

1 year ago

Could this be a reminder the blessings of a very full pantry?

When I was in Germany visiting friends back in the 80’s, the daily shopping was normal. Very little food in the apartment.

So, this impacts quickly IF you don’t keep a deep pantry.

Food prices are climbing fast. I have receipts I’ve filed for the last 2 years.

STILL Food is CHEAP compared to the Joys of Hunger, (a sad pun on the Joy of Cooking).

Did the Toilet Paper shortage of COVID show you anything? Wait until FOOD is on Social Media as a SHORTAGE.

Tempus Fugit.

1 year ago

Burn it down.