How Did We Allow Ourselves to Get to this Point?

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1 year ago

That answer is so obvious that it’s leaving bruises and blood on our streets.

1 year ago

And, after contemplating, you still don’t know, then YOU are the problem!
Look in a mirror, look into your own eyes -- IF you can stand it -- and see the depravity in your own soul.
I dare you to look!

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

I will give a hard answer to the title question. Everyone we either elected, appointed, or chose to serve in some capacity has failed their God given duty.

I failed because I would not allow Bill Clinton to ever be my C in C, so I never enlisted. Maybe I should have, maybe if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.

None of it matters now, this is the end game, and the cards we have been dealt suck.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Why would they now start telling the truth? We are in dire straights, no voting, no justice and especially not protests will right this criminal government. There comes a time for action our posts on social websites does not scare them, they know they are dealing with a docile and submissive population. 80+% took the MRNA shot, because they told them to, there is no going back, we need to go through.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

“80+% took the MRNA shot, because they told them to”

This is how one knows that America does not cultivate men and women, but rather order takers and followers, the expectation of factory workers (the mentality thereof, and to otherwise ensure a populace that functions within the parameters of a low wage paying service economy which is the purpose of the stratified educational system), and not a people or a system that is self regulating, but rather an artificial construct of dependency. It’s really all one needs to know in terms of if they are contemplating joining the military or working in any governmental or medical capacity for instance, or in any other field that would prop up or support the status quo. How long can others respect this/their country in such an atmosphere? Eventually people must necessarily disengage from institutional acquiescence, and in giving formalized or informal consent. It’s one of the only ways to maintain autonomy, which at this juncture although seemingly strange and counterintuitive moreso than in times past, when the momentum of mass social coordination and organization is what’s needed and at such a precarious and volatile time from a historical perspective.

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1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

It is something factual that they do -- they tell us in advance what they plan to do and if we do nothing about it, well, that is on us!!!

1 year ago

The image you posted of “Uncle Joe in the snow” reminded me of “Uncle Duke” in the 1986 Doonesbury cartoon by Gary Trudeau …

why cant johnny blink.png
1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

Click on image to enlarge slightly and bring it into focus …

1 year ago

The people without a vision (the organized church system, the agreeable ones, those wanting to coerce acquiescence and the deference of all systems pertinent to self-regulation to all authorities and authority figures in all manner of sociocultural influence; gender development, culture mores, governing, civics, history, law, marriage, the defining of workplace environments, how earnings and wealth are generated -- any and all things needed in managing a constitutional republic) to those with a vision (satanists, their kings; preachers, pastors, presidents, teachers, and any other of their myriad of gods -- media, monopoly capitalism, class stratification, domestic and global hegemony, the military) in solidifying their power structures. One side performed the function of obeying, the other side ruled. This could be described as classroom 101 on the exit of America from the world stage. Those proclaiming to be against Marxism and communism were some of the staunchest and most hardline advocates and participants of soft totalitarianism with their perpetual attempts to shape and form minds and worldviews into believing this was a republican form of government or a democracy with non-questioning of the established system touted as a default tenet of participation being a requisite to keep it so. The overlords ensured that the surplus of capitalistic endeavors was routed to serve their means and ends, entrench their fortresses along with the institutional passivity and rote curriculum to generationally provide low wage and status earners, that would be in no position to challenge them politically.

1 year ago

how did we get to this point is the question, and the answer is quite simple. the people in our nation, our leaders and the bureaucracy has thrown God out of everything in their life, and they all went over to the dark side, and the dark side is where they will stay. only 1/3 of the American people as well as the entire world are truly saved and love the Lord with all their hearts, mind and soul, and they follow after the Shepard and meditate on his holy word day and night. the 2/3 have turned themselves over to Satan and his will they will do until the Lords Return.
Nothing much more to add here, all one has to do is read the minor prophet Haggai in the scripture and that is where you find this number 1/3 and 2/3 will go into the fire. This is a very frightening prospect if you are not truly saved, now is the time to get your house in order and look to God for mercy that you might be worthy to escape all these things coming on the earth.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago

This go round has been very hard and very hurtful but it all started with “Build Back Better”.
That obviously meant nothing, Keep that in mind moving forward.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aime

Build back better is the term the democrats use as well as the idiot with no brain in the White House because it’s a communist Marxist term to enslave the American people and people worldwide into their one world trash government system. What we are dealing with is some very sick and evil minded demon possessed people in our government as well as the corporate elitists in business who are equally wicked.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Yes, it’s about taking the masses back to a feudal world order with depopulation as a central thesis. That’s what the elites are working towards while openly declaring it using doublespeak (the new world order), and making it even more all encompassing through the iron triangle of political power. This is an easy task to accomplish in a country that doesn’t educate its own to its form of government, laws, civics, and to the historical narratives domestically and globally, and in other contexts to maintain political viability, rendering all power structures serve and fortify the elites. People have to be diminished in faculties to think they can maintain their freedom in such a climate. The voters through tacit agreement have ensured they now have to fight their way out of this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

yes, and right on, and this is called DECEPTION of the masses in the last days. One has to be wise in the scriptures to understand what is going on and who is behind this evil madness.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
1 year ago

How? My theory;

1st, get those who you want to enslave, in debt. Voluntary.

2nd, get the “prince and power of the air” to create a propaganda system that overwhelms the ears (radio), then eyes (tv).

1 year ago

That stuff is splenda nose treatment.

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1 year ago

I honestly think it is pretty simple: We continue to sit back like impotent, do NOTHING cucks!! I really have no damn idea what in the world we are waiting for? Folks NO one and I mean quite damn literally NO One else is coming to help or save our sad asses. Please let that sink in for a minute or 60 if necessary. America is going end up like modern day France any damn day now and well, look how that is turning out for the citizens. . . Guys we are in dire straits!!!