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- David Bovender on Excellent Points
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- thexrayboy on Excellent Points
Taps should be played, the flag should unfurled and a funeral prayer should be said at all 4th celebration this year.
As I type this their is a lot of people celebrating the 4th. A lot of useful dumb *** celebrating a illegitimate presidency.If the people do not fix this NOW! we may not have a future 4th to celebrate.
I No Longer Fly my US Flag, and haven’t since Biden took Office. If we ever get legitimate elections again, my Flag will Fly again.
I know that feeling well. Here in NW Ohio I fly my protest flags, The Stars & Bars with 13 stars, Gadsden and the First Naval Jack
I stopped flying it in the Clinton years around the time of the first AWB. I did not disrespect the 50 star flag, I just began to think of it as compromised by the enemy. I flew various Rev War versions of the American flag; New Constellation, Bennington, Gadsden, 1st Navy Jack, etc. I view those then and now as more representative of the intellectual underpinnings and respect for Liberty then the current flag.
Just as relevant today if not more so, the tyrants that stole our country are just as evil if not more so. We need to commit ourselves just as the founding fathers did, and declare Independence from this evil empire, and be in obedience to God and our fellow patriots. Freedom is taken so let us take it.
Two of the greatest writers on the alt media are Gary Barnett and John Kaminski. They have great insight on our country and world today and how we got here. No one knows everything, you don’t have to agree with everything but you will be challenged to THINK.
I wonder…
Who’s Crying now you ask? Well that depends if you are a Federalist or Anti Federalist. If you are a federalist you must be jumping for joy over the constitution you brought in and the massive bloated government it created and it’s effects you are seeing to this day. If you are a anti federalist you are probably crying for the loss of what could of been a fair and equal government. ( short version)
I respectfully disagree with those who chose to not fly our Flag. That is your choice, and are one of the principles America stands for.
Today above all others, and especially in todays climate, it should be flown higher, and proclaimed louder than any other previous time. By not celebrating Independence Day, furling the Flag, you are submitting to their wishes and telling them they have beaten you, you are succumbing to subservience and slavery.
Take the words of the founders to heart, and loudly proclaim that you stand for the principles America was founded on, You will not submit, you will not obey, you will not disarm, you will not sell out your country, you will not allow invasion, you will not succumb to any of their false dictates and evil regulations.
So what are ya gonna do? Silently obey, furl the flag, quiet your voice in fear, give up all your unalienable rights, turn in your arms, bow your head and humble yourself as a mere slave?
Or are you going to stand up as a sovereign citizen, yell from the rooftops NO, take back your country and piss in their wheaties?
I fly mine upside down, our Country is under dire distress.
If the Founding Rebels were alive today, they would spit in America’s face and repent that they took half the pains.
I mean… WTF. America tolerates this shit!
And then we are hearing “God Bless America!”
Give me one good reason why God would bless an America for all the crap it tolerates?
And BTW, it’s not that God doesn’t hear our prayers, it’s that we never get off our knees, and if we do get off our knees… well, we just got off our knees as if we are waiting for God to drop our petitions on our laps… which is just really an excuse for our lack of faith, our fear, which leads to toleration.
America is not a house of prayers, a house of righteousness. It’s a house of demons tolerated by everyone.
As explained in numerous places throughput the Bible, we are living in a time of rejecting God, kneeling and praying before Baal and other false gods (power, status, money, etc.). Also explained in numerous places in the Bible, God will, in His infinite wisdom, forgive us once again when we once again return to Him. Once that happens, you will see a noticeable re-awakening and change in what made America good. But to return to Him we must suffer His consequences for straying. In my opinion, that is what we are experiencing now, the consequences and punishment.
I can see a new market for three pointed hats.
There are stories in the Bible about how, and why God allows and sends His people to be ruled over by such people.
Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon.
Immerse yourselves.