This one hit me hard last night.
TPTB are going after our children. They aim to erase our legacy. I’m not sure why all this evil has chosen to rise so rapidly, but it is ever increasing on a daily basis.
People are reluctant to stand against tyranny alone. But they will stand behind the shields of many others. We have to find a way to unite and stand together, instead of having a thousand lone voices crying out into the wind.
I have put myself out there for a long time now. I’ve risked much. I haven’t been able to affect change. I’ve done all the things people said you need to do to change the system from within. It’s corrupt beyond all imagination right down to the local level. All peaceful means have been exhausted. This government needs to be burnt to the ground. We need to start anew.
TPTB coming after the children is all by design. They know that will get the people to stand. They know that people will fight for their children. Perhaps that is what is needed. Force. Forced to make a decision. Forced to make a stand. Forced to say enough is enough. Forced to raise that black flag and begin slitting throats.
We are running out of options. I for one, do not want to continue to wait for them to come and get me in the dead of night.
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”
Between the collapsing economy and the war with Russia, lots of changes are coming. Look at how the Europeans are demonstrating at losing their economy and the potential to freeze this winter! Things will get bad here too, when it does, people will demand a change!
You have helped lay the foundation for a return to Republican government! It just takes time, keep up the good work!!!!!!!
Problems need solved.
I pray for wisdom and guidance.
Will you submit your children to the kill shot? What won’t we cower to, a hedonistic, docile and dumbed down society is what we have become. Drag queens, tormenting and terrorizing children in the indoctrinating centers they call schools. A nation of cowards, we deserve everything that is happening to us, if they passed legislation, that allowed them to rape and kill, what would be our response? That is exactly what they are doing, while we try to hide and not expose ourselves. I will say what has been stated, we need to raise the black flag, and start slitting throats.
I hear ya. Yes, that write up Arthur crafted the other day sorta gets in your OODA loop huh? I have read it several times myself, and will review this one a few times today also. I have posted this before: ‘The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness.’ ~ Robert A Heinlein~ Keep honing those skills, our fates have long been pre-determined. Remember all through the years how we heard; ‘these are the times that try men’s souls’ and wondered what would cause that?
It’s like (or is) an abusive relationship/marriage.
When the pain of staying is more than the pain of leaving (and change).. one will act.
I’m noticing more and more ‘normies’ that are feeling/verbalizing about the pain.
I’ll put the answer to your question bluntly-i don’t know where to begin. They’ve very nearly boxed us in. Most are too terrified of infiltrators to organize, and we know an inexperienced lone wolf will quickly come to realized he’s no match for the resources the state will immediately marshal against him. There will be no plan that is not fraught with risk. High risk.
VERY open to a plan.
How do people unite? They unite through culture, economy and the arts. Whereas spiritually or spirituality-wise it seems only the satanic side unites in terms of the economy, arts and culture as a matter of observation. Looking at things through this prism will explain a lot. Historically Queen Elizabeth I understood the need for artistic inspiration for the artists and for the people, as well as it being a way to healthily diffuse increasing discontent and political tensions (the artistic landscape permeated the public domain). Now practically everyone has to go through Hollywood to get noticed or recognized in terms of talent and ability, and these individuals are in many senses sequestered from the rest of society. Who got usurped here, and why? How many decades has this been in the making? The decline and fall of a nation can be assessed and determined by its artistic input and output. These issues will have to be swiftly addressed as to why the non-satanic side largely builds no culture in this country demographically, thereby rendering the vote useless on many levels, because who’s interested except perhaps political cronies, those with statist mindsets and legalists, as a generalization -- the point being it directionalizes another stratification.
God before children. God before family.
Have you ever experienced this lesson?