America’s southern border has disintegrated. Ebola has entered America, Russia and NATO are mobilizing in and around Ukraine in what could be the beginning of World War III our economy is one slight push from free fall, we have foreign troops, who have promised us harm, training on our soil. And all of this is the short list of challenges presented to inhabitants of America by the New World Order. The biggest question is, WHAT DO I TELL MY SON ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER? WHAT WILL YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER?
When I became a parent, I mistakenly thought that I would raise my son just like my parents raised me. My parents instilled in me a fundamental respect for authority, how to honor the great traditions of our country and how to work hard to get what I wanted out of life. I grew up loving the ideals of our country, the freedom and the opportunity. As a result, I have lived a good and prosperous life. I give thanks to my parents and to God everyday for my good fortune. However, I have learned that I was not fully prepared to be a parent because I do not know how to teach my 13 year old son to live in the evolving New World Order.
For those worried about how/what to tell their children,
depending upon age; The Hunger Games, The Giver, 1984, Brave New World, This Perfect Day.
Our kids know. Or at least, the ones that have parents that pay attention, that actually TALK to their kids (remove electronic devices first), that aren’t farming their kids out, know that something is wrong. Don’t lie to them, or think they can’t handle the truth. They won’t trust you if you don’t.
Without a solid foundation, the building can not stand. As a parent you have to be that strong foundation. Not preparing your children for change/stress/turmoil is doing them a disservice.
How can we teach our children about something we do not know? I just watched this video that was produced back in 1992. What was predicted then, I now hear about daily on tv, radio, print, and from fellow man. It is amazing how powerful propaganda has become to deceive the world.