How Do We Win?

The Founding Fathers' Temple Work - Temple Study
  1. We think before reacting. Whenever emotion takes charge of your actions, stand down and review your OODA loop.
  2. We think, then act. Gather information, analyze the information for accuracy and source credentials, then submit your intelligence report. If you cannot generate intelligence, ensure the veracity of the information and source, then submit it to those who can analyze it. Then follow instructions for the mission.
  3. Read and comprehend. I am literally amazed at comments on posts by people who are trolls or who have low reading comprehension skills. Either one throws people off track which divides us.
  4. Anything or anyone that divides us, must be discarded. And we must remember the source of this division now and in the future.
  5. Family cannot be trusted. This is not to say that no one is to be trusted, it means that you have to vet everyone before they are let into your confidence. EVERYONE.
  6. When you are training, watch the actions and emotions of the people. This could be the difference between life and death when the war breaks out. Attitude and chain of command are essential factors to winning.
  7. Repeat back. I am also amazed at what people think they hear when given direction. When a command or set of instructions is given, have the person repeat them back. If you do not believe me, try it out. People hear what they want to hear in some cases. In other cases, they think they know better, even though they do not have all of the information or intelligence that their leaders have access to.
  8. Set your initial goals small. Winning is the key to future success. If you set your goals too high, you will fail and no one will follow you.
  9. Submit questions at the proper time with reasoned arguments. Second guessing after the fact only leads to division and future failures.
  10. The key to successful leadership is followship. Don’t be that guy who put their personal aggrandizement in front of the mission.

Good luck

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Join team America with Jeffrey Prather.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I was in Team America for about 2 months or so. I even became a team leader for my area. That was until I spoke with Prather for ~30-45 minutes. I want to say up front that I believe he is a real Patriot and has the best intentions. I also believe a man should be paid for work, honest work, whatever that may be However, what did not sit well with me was during that phone conversation he asked if I was a Patreon supporter and I told him I was, at the $5 a month level. He told me to go to the $25 level so that I could get more intel…he also asked if I read his books and was I part of his Facebook Chaplaincy group. (During the conversation my/our Christianity came up) I said I was not really on Facebook any longer but, I would look into it. So, after we got off the phone I did look into it. I will never judge a man’s heart as far as his relationship with the Lord. That is between the 2 of them. But, when I saw that his “Christianity” is based, at least in part, on his Indian heritage and with tribal rituals that I sensed were in the area of mysticism, I had a lot of concerns. His weekly service, broadcast live on FB each Sunday, is mostly either himself or one of his staff going into a trancelike state. They put their hands together in a sort of v shape where the lower portion points to the groin area. You need to see for your self to understand what I’m saying. Anyway, after watching most of one of those services I said no thanks. Additionally, I did not like the fact that when you sign up for TA, you are put on a master spreadsheet that is put together by one of his associates with all your personal information. Full name, phone numbers, address, etc. This is important information at a very, very local level so that you can hook up with other like minded people in your area but, it is terrible for OPSEC and COMSEC. The spreadsheets are sent out to anyone that joins up so that they know who they can contact. This did not sit well with me.
All of this is to say that I believe in my heart that this is all well-intentioned. I don’t think he has much IT help on his staff but, they need a private database with a qualified dBA to run it and to think in terms of privacy. I dropped out for all the reasons mentioned. If it is not well intentioned and this is another way of capturing the information on Patriots trying to do the right thing, they have not got a lot of detailed information.

3 years ago

“The key to successful leadership is followship. Don’t be that guy who put their personal aggrandizement in front of the mission.”

Just about every blightwing keyboard commando imagines himself to be “the leader.” Most think leadership is about “being the first to step off,” “just doing it,” or having the ability to spontaneously issue verbal smackdowns.

3 years ago

The picture of George Washington is worth more than a thousand words. Prayer!! Right now we are at a crossroad no where to turn but to Jesus! If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from there WICKED ways, then will I (GOD) will hear from heaven and will forgive there sin and will heal there land (USA) I believe God helps people that are willing to help themselves but that has to come through prayer first and only then. God says in his word Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth. It shall not return void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the act where to I sent it. Man cannot fix this problem we have now, man has done enough already. Question for all of you! God says in his word he has power to place kings and rulers in power, and The word of God is truth. Has it not opened up any of your minds that God placed all of these wicked rulers in power for a reason to bring you and me back to repentance. God done Israel the same way with slavery. We all will have to boldly come to the throne of grace, for God is not mocked.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Well said, brother. American patriots need to repent and turn back to the god of their forefathers (Father, Son and Holy Ghost).Then he will bless us in our righteous cause to restore liberty and constitutional government throughout our land. We cannot win the battle without Him.

3 years ago

David, I hope that folks read and re-read all the points you have made. I can honestly say that I have had to live each and every one of them. Nearly all of them had to be learned the hard way for me. Thank you for posting them. I hope people will take each and everyone of them to heart.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505


3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

A troll gave you a thumbs down. I just negated it with a thumbs up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Thank you Brewer55. Trolls are hollow suits.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I thank you. We need to encourage each other and defend our fellow patriots.

3 years ago

Good advice, especially the trust no one part.

3 years ago

#5 struck a chord with me. When Oblahblah was POTUS, and this was early on, my liberal attorney brother called me a ‘Traitor’ for stating that he was a socialist and was an empty suit with no resume. Since that time, I’ve stayed in touch but, I would never tell him anything that could be compromising.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Yes, this is a keeper list. Over time I have kept things like this (and the great comments) which eventually come in handy. These are well tempered rules.
On an additional note relating to some comments concerning coming war, please keep your ears to the ground as to what is really going on in Afghanistan today. The cover-up is astronomical if my sources are correct (they are on the ground) and the ramifications are going to bring war here asap. I suspect this was an orchestrated humiliation of the US which will not be over until the real numbers of dead American troops & injured are revealed by our enemies as they gloat over their superior skills . Keep our troops in prayer, please while you fine tune your list of rules and those whom you can/cannot trust. Unfortunately, family more often than not fall into the ‘not’ category.
Did anyone else wake up today to realize you are a real life outlaw? I have found it very liberating as it made things so much easier. Remember to pray for troops and claim God’s mercy for us all. We may need it sooner than you think.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago

20 years. When your cause is bigger than life?
Our Heavenly Father: Not much tears or broken hearts down there.

Our Lord and Savior: Nope. Not much.

Our Heavenly Father: What do you think it’s going to take?

Our Lord and Savior: It’s going to be biblical.

Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and the shaking will reveal the only thing left unshaken.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

And still they did not turn back.
Isaiah 9:13 But the people did not return to Him … -- Bible Hub › isaiah
Yet the people do not turn back [in repentance] to Him who struck them, Nor do they seek the LORD of hosts [as their most essential need].
Revelation 9:20 Now the rest of mankind who were not killed … › revelation

But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God. They continued to worship demons and idols made …