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- Joe Blow on NY FBI Field Office
- Joe Blow on NY FBI Field Office
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- TakeAHardLook on NY FBI Field Office
If this happens…… 90% dead within 1 year. If the Vaxxx doesn’t eliminate the required numbers for the NWO, then expect EMP or Grid Hack Down.
Prep and Locate to have a chance. Cooperation with others/family in a small community maybe of 25 to 100 is my best guess.
you better pray God puts a hedge of protection around you, your family, friends, etc. so the satanist run government of ours become totally befuddled and wont even see you.
There is no plan that will stay intact for that period of time. Adapt. Persevere. Survive. Be the baddest mutha in the valley.
To survive a LONT term collapse one must go back a century and learn the skills our grand parents and great grand parents had. My great uncle plowed with a horse…almost ALL his implements were either hand powered or horse/ox powered. My great aunt had a huge garden and canned HUNDREDS of jars of food every year. They had a coal burning stove, a cistern with a hand pump. The ONLY convenience they had was electric lights….and those couldn’t be counted on. The whole country could have fallen apart and they would have hardly notices. THAT is the level of preps and skills that will be needed.
For the period of time he suggests, no amount of prepping will maintain than other than being totally self sufficient in all aspects of, shelter (Including making your own clothing), water, resource preservation and ability to reuse even the most used up and worn out stuff with uncanny ability, to come up with innovative ways of doing everything. Think Old School, really Old School, so old school your great grandparents would have known about it and used it in their everyday lives.
Everyone should read the series of books by James Howard Kunstler “World Made By Hand”. It’s not so much an end of the world scenario but a how to on rebuilding a society AFTER the forthcoming implosion our ferals are heading us toward.
The good Lord will return right before the wicked ones believe they have all the Christians in there sight and they will begin the slaughter of us all, but to there dim wittedness , the Lord returns and destroys them all with the brightness of his coming, and he forces all them to there knees. All the nations are gathering for war because they believe they will kill Christ, and this they are so ignirant of there is no weaponn on earth nor in the univesre that could do this, God created the atom and every living thing . the governments of the wold including ours are so ignornt and mentally ill they actually believe in there wicked hearts they can pull this madness off. pray for your families and the world that they do not get entangled with these lies and deceptions.