Devin Nunes resigns from Congress to become CEO of Trumps new media company. WE’RE SAVED!!!!
Brandon’s Poll numbers are in the toilet and the RED WAVE looks unstoppable. WE’RE SAVED!!!!
Australia is actually carting people off to “Covid Camps” and the mainstream media doesn’t even cover it. It’s ok that’s there, it doesn’t affect us. It’ll never happen here in the United States.
Pfizer documents are released proving they knew very well this “vaccine” was going to kill people. No mainstream media coverage, therefore no big deal. It’s ok.
NYC implements a vaccine mandate on everyone ages 5 and up to be able to access services. No big deal. It’s just those crazy communist in NYC, doesn’t affect me. I’ll just continue to carry on like everything is fine.
Trump continues to push this “vax” and our side seems willing to give him a pass and would get out there and vote for him in the next illusion of an election. Trump is not our friend. He is the reason there are Jan 6th political prisoners. He is the reason this “vaccine” has been rolled out. Trump is not good for us. Sorry if that little bit of truth hurts you.
People think his media company is going to be the ticket to beating back these communist. Will it help? Maybe? A little? But these communist have played the long game. They have been at it for over a hundred years. Right now they have won. Why? Because we won’t fight. We are still playing by the rules. Rules which mean nothing to these evil bastards. There is only one way will beat and overcome the mainstream media and their constant brainwashing of the sheeple, ELIMINATION!
But Devin Nunes has access to so much information on the coup that took place. So? Why hasn’t anything been done about it? He is a member of congress and has been rendered powerless. Do you think him blabbing the information on Trumps new media platform will be any different? Has anyone been held accountable? Has anyone been arrested? Comey? Strzok? McCabe? Hillary? Biden? The list can go on and on. But if we common folk did one little thing wrong like they have, we’d be rotting in a cell for the rest of our lives, or they’d just kill us.
We are not going to vote our way out of this mess. We are not going to social media our way out of this mess. We are not going to blog our way out of this mess. We were gifted the 2nd amendment for this very reason. We are cowards. It’s getting harder and harder to look in that mirror every day, and no it’s not because I’m ugly. Cowardice is a hard pill to swallow.
Everyone here reading this see’s all the evil we are up against every day. Every one of us can see us doing absolutely nothing about it.
How did our founding father’s do it? They had tyranny thrust upon them. They didn’t want to fight. They petitioned over and over again, and soon learned they couldn’t petition their way to freedom. Are we waiting for them to come for the guns? Is that it? Because every gun law on the books is an infringement on the 2nd. They’ve been coming for them. We continue to move that line in the sand. Where does it stop? When will it be too late?
Nothing it seems is going to change. It’s disturbing watching the collapse of your country in real time. Watching freedom vanish from all of the planet. Why are so few, so powerful? What is it that keeps these evil people safe?

Apathy will kill us.
I believe in order for people to turn to violence there are four criteria that need to be met:
1) Possessing the capability (check, we do).
2) Perceiving justification (check, we’ve been morally justified for a long time)
3) Perceiving a lack of suitable alternatives (check – we’ve all but run out of other options, the vote is worthless due to the numbers and cheating, and the courts are obviously biased and packed).
4) The benefits outweigh the costs.
Seems number 4 is holding us up. Not sure why. For it’s better to die on your feet than to live each day as we are now.
How do you want your descendants to remember you? Make your choices now and be prepared to do your utmost to make history what you would like it to be. Let’s commit to winning freedom for the future generations. Let’s win so we can write the history books.
A final question that we also need to answer is, are you willing to defy the system and if so, are you willing to do so up to and including giving your own life?

Things are just getting started.These are signs of the End of the Age In the Bible we read of a time like this in Matthew 24 and Revelation. All these things must occur prior to Messiah’s return. This is the beginning of sorrows. As He said things are going to get much worse in a few years. (Mat 24:21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be.) So, Prepare ASAP. Food is running out.
I really don’t see ‘getting worse in a few years’, I would say easily, a few months!
You can’t prep or pray your way out of tyranny.
no amount of prepping nor praying ani’t gonna do a damned thing.
“you cannot legislate the evil out of this world Gentleman, in the end you’re going to have to give good men guns and set them loose”.
Not if you don’t direct them to the correct (((ENEMY))).
I really do not understand how so many have convinced themselves we have a chance at stopping this WITHOUT IDENTIFYING THE (((TOP LEVEL ENEMY)))
You prep and pray for the path forward, and for the strength and endurance for these battles, the wisdom to discernment of what is happening and the why, what is real and what is false.
All battles are not physical. Timing is not ours, timing comes from above!
We are not to complain, we are to pray without ceasing!
NC Rob,
Have you ever been to a third world shithole? Have you ever been to a country that is communist and or marshal law? Not saying we are not going the wrong direction. That is not where we are as of yet!
I didn’t say we are a 3rd world shithole or a communist country at the moment. Once our owners have fully looted the US and default on our debt (“The Great Reset”), we will be. Look at Australia or Germany…we are at the precipice. Look at everything (supply chain, dollar value, inflation) imploding all around you.
Well I will say it, this is a communist shithole
i see it. We are headed for a “reset” regardless of what we do! It would seem.
It would also seem this is very warranted.
Yes I have and this is a 3rd world shithole
i also have been and this Nation is not. we still have and should be most grateful for where we are and the gifts we have been blessed with! Are you?
You live in Northern Arizona, Right? Surrounded by many retired military etc. ?
What are their positions? How is your local scene?
No body doing nothing?
‘His’ timing not ours!
David -- Agree with your viewpoint that things are just getting started but where we are on the timeline to the end is the question. Perhaps you are right or simply reading biblical warning signs of judgment that happen before the fall of a nation. There are at least 1 billion people who have yet heard the gospel and Jesus said he would not return until His word reached everyone. We’ve been in the END DAYS since God ushered the Holy Spirit on us at the beginning of the church.
This country is in this mess it is in because scripture has been twisted and perverted. The devil did this in the begging when he said we would be as gods if we ate the fruit. “Judge not least ye be judge” is used to excuse any punitive recourse while we selectively use moral judgments in other matters to put some people in jail and not in other cases. Case in point is all the child sacrifice or murder that is allowed but people accept “choices” when this wickedness is conducted. Why is it okay to kill a baby but not a murderer?
All law is based on a society’s moral decisions or should be. People don’t want to uphold standards but compromise with the world these days. They have a form of godliness (ritual & religion) but deny the power of God. I asked several pastors why it was okay for Christians in the past to defend the faith such as in the Middle Ages, our own revolution, etc. and they could not answer me. It was the past generations who read from the same bible we do and realized they had responsibilities down here until relieved by Christ Himself (we are told to hold our ground until relieved, a military command from the king) yet this same conviction is missing from today’s flock and clergy. Why? If God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow why would the flock and clergy today seem to lack the fire of the Holy Spirit found in older generations. Too often the flock and clergy talk about Jesus as if they know about Him but they don’t know Him personally.
I agree. We are only in the birth pangs
Is there a more punchable face on the planet than Peter Strozk?
yes, 2 of them…..fauchi and gates!
I’d throw in kamelface Harris and Merrick Garland for a couple more, but while we’re at it how bout rounding it to a couple thousand more and throw in the entire comrade slo jo administration.
Defiantly Gates he is the provocateur and the money.
Add: Rothchild family, Soros, Claus Schwab, Bill Gates and some of the Drug co.’s w/ poison shots like Pfizer. J&J and commies in gov.
maybe Schiff
Definitely Schitt
Keep speaking the truth
“Seems number 4 is holding us up. Not sure why.” My opinion is that most of us have not yet reached the point of nothing left to lose. Most of us still have plenty to eat. Most of us are still in warm comfortable homes. Too many of us are still addicted to our bread and circuses. While I understand and share the frustration, we’re not there quite yet. With all the destruction being wrought on the Republic, I suspect we may see things come to a head next year. In the meanwhile, I would humbly suggest we enjoy our families and friends, continue to train and prep, and thank God for every day some semblance of normalcy prevails and the blood does not flow. Once that flow begins, I believe it will be epic.
They are going to make sure we have the essentials rather than let us turn into Venezuela. If we do go that far, all hell will break loose. But our owners are smarter than that.
So I guess we just sit on our thumbs until we are uncomfortable and wait for the cage around us to be closed? We just “endure” while we lose more and more liberty? At what point will we be so disadvantaged that NO ONE will be willing (or able) to fight back? They crossed so many “red lines” and yet all I hear are excuses from people. Good. Wait until you are starving and they push a gun buyback…that should make it easier for us. People are complacent, apathetic, mindless and compliant. THEY NEVER LEARN FROM HISTORY.
Why do we always wait for disaster before we proactively fix the problem while we still can?????
“The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
― Thomas Jefferson
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Awesome article. This video sums everything up perfectly. MUST WATCH!
A final question that we also need to answer is, are you willing to defy the system and if so, are you willing to do so up to and including giving your own life?——-> My answer will be yes.
Ruin your children’s lives for cowardly, overweight, neck-bearded, neoconned whites who pray for Izrael and Jeeboo’s return? Nope. Should you do so, your kids will remember you as a fool at best or a lousy, rotten son of a bitch at worst. Sorry if that’s not what you want to hear, brother.
Yea you have given me a good description of yourself, you can also find yourself in Isaiah 57:3
Every (honorable) soldier fights for principles that go beyond benefit to themselves directly. A society must be structured to allow liberty for all (good) men, and it is to preserve (or restore) this structure that we fight; it’s not just a matter of whether we personally die in the attempt. Of course, our families are also our responsibility, that’s why we need a community to support them if we should fall.
Trump I thought at the time might change things, I was wrong once again he serves mammon. I cannot commit to believing anything but our God given rights at this time and what our forefathers gave us in the Constitution and bill of rights. They have perverted it in their quest from the beginning of our Republic. They have accomplished their goal, we are just another communist shithole.3% is all that participated and stood at the beginning of 1776, I have alot more time behind me than I do ahead of me. I am willing to lay my life down in restoring our Republic.
Over the years, I’ve attended many meetings of like minded individuals. Many times I was the youngest guy in the group. Politics seems to attract older folks. People with more time on their hands. I suspect the same is true for this site. How many people visit this site? What is the largest age group? Probably not too many combat age guys here. At this time, running out and popping a politician is probably the end of the line for the shooter. The reality is this, not very many folks are willing to go all in. For anything. When the balloon pops for real, only a fraction of the population will be hard core killers. Most people will hide at home with their guns and beans. When Rhodesia needed volunteers to fight, only about 15 Americans showed up. At least 3 of them were KIA. And one had his legs blown off. The end is coming. It’s going to happen. Just not on the schedule you expect.
Question: A final question that we also need to answer is, are you willing to defy the system and if so, are you willing to do so up to and including giving your own life?
Answer: YES
I agree with the “we don’t have to wait long” assessment. I’m here in NW Ohio and travel Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky. In the past 2-weeks Ive noticed more conversations with my customers regarding shortages of pharmaceuticals. In Michigan its becoming difficult to find BP and cardio meds, Indiana-BP & anti-depression meds and Ohio-dental anesthetics in short supply. Even our farm vet is having difficulty with antibiotics and anesthetics. One person in ab affluent suburb of Detroit said he went to 6 different drug stores to get losartan for his bp. We heard shortages were coming…its here. Imagine the populace without their Serotonin and Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors?
I feel ya brother. But let us pray to the Almighty and Living God. Lord we pray that you catch and bind all evil and lock it in everlasting chains in darkness until Your great judgment day. And we pray that you smash all the evil ones works and bring them to naught. Lord God we humbly as to better serve you. May we please love what you love and hate what you hate. Lord please change us and make us new creatures, pleasing unto you. Please forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lord God not our will. But Thy Will be done, in Christ Jesus’ Holy name we pray. Thankyou.
The World that is now, has rejected God. The hardship and plagues we have been experiencing are Gods attempts to WAKE You UP- What HAS happened is NOTHING compared to the catastrophe that is on the way. No amount of prepping, praying, hoping, thinking, meditating, crying, drinking, positivity, optimism-NOTHING, NO THING, NO THOUGHT, Absolutely Nothing, will halt, stop or lighten what is next….
You do Not have to be here! How can I be so Sure, you ask? Because you can be Saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He has such a great love for those who are Saved by the Blood of Jesus, they will not be living through that horror show. Come one, come all- and learn a simple truth: God is not blind to what all is happening. There IS a Heaven and there is a Hell. —-BUT****There is a Blessed Hope: There is freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if this message of God’s goodness and Mercy, and message of Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, brings persecution, I will count it greater a blessing to have pulled a soul from Hell, than to be silent in fear, and see that soul lost forever in Hell . *For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believe; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.* To have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is trusting in His grace to bring you to Himself, to save you from hell. There are only 2 Commandments that we as Christians are to live by:the first is To love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. the second is like unto this: to Love thy neighbor as thyself. To love someone is to tell them the truth, no matter how painful it sounds, for then the pain can be lessened by finding Peace in Christ Jesus. I myself would want to be told the truth, so I am telling this to you. Time is so short, now.
Considering the fact that it is GOD Who is in CONTROL of ALL- there will be NOthing that happens that He does not allow- (if you have not already done so): Turn your eyes to Jesus- repent of your disbelief of what He did on the Cross in dying for your sins, and resurrecting from the dead 3 days later to be right now seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Confess Jesus as your Saviour. Then understand that after you are born again, NOTHING else in this crazy world matters….except telling others of Jesus. The Lord is coming soon to take His own home- then 7 years of unfathomable pain and anguish will be unleashed.
From the King James Bible; The Gospel according to John:
3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
3:18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 3:19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 3:20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 3:21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
We all can see that a BIG something is coming, and that it is not based on our own physical understanding of what we see is happening. It is God’s will. Is not God, He who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for us, so that through Him we may be saved and live eternally with Him in Heaven; is He not greater than anything that is on this earth? To know Gods blessed salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, one must become Born Again… Believe on the Lord the Lord Jesus Christ, and You shall be saved.
You are not reading this by accident. Please answer the call to salvation, available only through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Please call on Jesus to save you- Believe what He did for you on the cross of Calvary in shedding His blood and dying for you, and then being Resurrected by God Himself so that we who believe also could be resurrected to live with Him Eternally!!
From the book of Romans: 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10:10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 10:11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
If you get to this point and believe, please feel free, as God leads, to pass this message on.
https://www.nowtheendbegins( . )com/eternal-life-through-the-blood-of-jesus-christ-is-a-free-gift/
https://www.nowtheendbegins( . )com/everyone-knows-things-are-not-going-back-flight-777-titus-213-airlines-now-boarding-matrix-red-pill-nteb/
https://www.nowtheendbegins( . )com/abrahamia-one-world-religion-chrislam-abrahamic-family-house-abu-dhabi/
https://www.nowtheendbegins( . )com/once-saved-always-saved-according-to-the-bible-doctrine-of-eternal-security/
https://www.nowtheendbegins( . )com/left-behind-rapture-church-may-never-get-another-chance-get-saved/
(This message is not affiliated with nowtheendbegins. However, nowtheendbegins gives a very in-depth study and explanation of ALL of what God’s plans are for this worlds future)
HERE YA GO: IF AND WHEN THIS OCCURS, you will have found your “targets” leastwise, it’ll give u a starting place. I mean, running up and down the street or taking out the local postman wont have much affect. At least the snipers would be worthy opponents and at the end of the day, one could feel good about their score.
Thanks for bringing up that FIB guy. I forgot about how WEIRD and deluded that guy was. Imagine him showing up at your house and not realize he is just a NUT?
One problem, in fact, the only one is the armed POLICE are threatening and enforcing these laws on us when they should REFUSE en masse.
This would make them harder to implement their tyranny because only one set of groups has been allowed to be armed everywhere violating the 2nd Amendment and they just happen to be the civil “troop” of those up there.
So what else would you expect from them but be TYRANTS??
I never realized how utterly evil the FBI had become until I saw that short video of agent Strzok in the courtroom. My God.
” Every one of us can see us doing absolutely nothing about it.”
This statement is wrong! You do not even know most of the people you are addressing!
Looks as tho a follower, working on us has a resentment.
Your reply is cowardly. Leaders should be equipped to answer questions. Yes men are what you are seeking. And yes men (also sheep) is who you have lapping up your threads of frustration and constant gloom and doom.
You want people to speak Right?
This is false and misleading!