How Does It End?

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3 years ago

Useless Talkings. It Ends as it Always does -- with Widespread, Unmitigated, Horrific, Merciless, Beautiful Violence.
Until the Last commie is Fed to a Woodchipper running on Producer Gas, because there is no more Diesel Fuel, the shitshow will Go On.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

^ gets it. 100% correct. There is no way around this except through it. “Non compliance and without guns or violence” is what got us here.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Being “Law Abiding Citizens” was the real cause.
Not Free Men under the Constitution, who should have Ignored the “laws” passed by the Corporate ‘government’.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

This Canadian pastor is such a good, strong, Christian man filled with Christian certitude. Each of our US pastors should be looking to him for ideas and example. But, no. We have churches who are pastored by men who no longer even know the Bible much less believe it. As Father Altman (a courageous priest persecuted by the American bishops) has relentlessly reminded pastors, they (the pastors) are in Christ’s church for a very specific purpose: to speak the Word of God, who is Christ; and to lead His people home. The act of setting Christ’s Bride upright is no longer the singular prerogative of the pastors but has now fallen to the laity. Who will stand? Who among us is willing to be dragged and handcuffed, humiliated before the world for the sake of preserving the freedom God gave us? Who among us understands the fight well enough to realize it is God’s inheritance for us which we are allowing to be eroded and not a political ideology? Who among us has prepared for today by fasting, praying and repenting knowing the call to stand is immediate? I pray that we are strong, Oh God, in you.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

There’s a big difference between that pastor in Canada I’ll tell you what it his videos look at his church and the Holy days they are doing ,revering Gods true days ,even some of them really changes a man. Unlike the filthy garbage in American churches (christmas, easter, sunday, valentine, new year’s, and so on. So American churches are mostly satanic.

Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

You have good pastors in America > Chuck Baldwin Live > Home
And, many others who may or may not be in the lime light.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

How does it end?
Perhaps the way the Bible describes it?
Is an ending another beginning?
A Disaster is Coming

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Shalom Lon. Good to see you.

Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Revelation 6:12… Is when The Great Creator of this Universe begins to let His presence be know. Many will think that the world has ended -- Not -- it will the beginning..
Rev. 6:13… all that 5G junk is coming down. Yah is the only one who will be able to deal with this extermination technology & the entity’s which are destroying His Creation. It has become very apparent that millions of us cannot part from the cancer causing tech, so The Dad of Dad’s is going to step in with some tough love.
Rev. 6:16… It will be their turn to quiver with fear!
Rev. 11:18 “… And should destroy those who destroy the earth”

For those who don’t know. Just how dangerous is the Tech to all life?
Claire Edwards Dire Warning To The People of The World ~ Part 1 & 2 ~ ShadowCitizen June 2021 (

5G ElectroSensitivity & The WHO Cover-Up That Is Costing Us The Earth Olga Sheean, 2019 (

Farmer Jon Maine
3 years ago

That was incredibly moving video, Dr. Carrie and the Polish Preacher are spot on.
I’m new to the bible, and what’s incredible is that theres a part in the bible states something about people being unable to see the truth..just like in the days of Noah …they refused to listen…until the rains came.
Well I think people that started preparing….see whats coming…the others mock in selfish delight.
food prices and the beginning of food scarcity…by then its too late.