How Fast Do Governments Fall?

George Washington Quotes On War. QuotesGram

History once again repeats itself as Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban in a matter of days. Or should we acknowledge this as a surrender since the American puppet army did not give any resistance to their conquerors. I doubt the Afghanistan government installed by the United States was popular except with the opium traders. I also doubt that this was an intelligence failure: the CIA knew what was going to happen. They found greener pastures to rape under the illegal Biden administration.

The analogy of Napoleon’s return to power from Elba should also be considered. Napoleon landed back in France on March 1, 1815. He regained power in Paris on March 20, 1815 without any resistance.

Napoleon was recognized by the military and the people as their rightful leader:

[Napoleon] landed at Cannes on March 1st, intending to travel to the city of Grasse, however the road he wanted to travel did not exist for the Bourbons had given up on expensive works in order to have money. It was known that Grasse was in favour of Royalist cause at the time, yet Napoleon’s sudden appearance led to submission towards the Emperor. After this display of loyalty to the Emperor, Napoleon began to march confidently to Paris as the population were in favour of his cause. There was zero opposition until they reached a battalion on the road the fifth day after landing at Cannes. The commanding officer of said battalion refused to talk to Napoleon. Hearing this, The Emperor took matters into his own hands and walked straight at the battalion with his 100 soldiers treading behind slowly, ripped open his jacket, exposed his chest to the entire battalion and shouted “Let him that has the heart kill the Emperor”. Upon seeing this, the soldiers threw down their arms, tears in their eyes, and shouted “Vive l’Empereur!”


How about another repeat to replace an illegal and unpopular government?People are saying that we need a leader in order to act. So here is a plan:

Day 1: Donald Trump announces a convoy from Mar-a-lago to Jacksonville, FL for an evening rally. At the rally, he invites more people to join the convoy.

Day 2: Savannah, GA rally. Trump invites more people to join the convoy.

Day 3: Florence, SC rally. Rinse and repeat.

Day 4: Fayetteville, NC rally. Rinse and repeat.

Day 5: Richmond, VA rally. Rinse and repeat.

Day 6: Washington, D.C. rally and then a march to the White House to regain the Presidency.

Day 7: Martial Law enacted. Congress and Supreme Court disbanded. New elections for all state governors and Congress scheduled with secure election registration and voting.

Constitutional amendments to be approved:

a. Length of Senate seats to be 2 years.

b. Term limits for all Congressional seats to be determined.

c. Supreme Court Justices will be limited to a specified length of time with mental acuity tests performed if authorized by Congress. Seats will be limited to 9 seats with no means to increase this number.

d. States will maintain their right to oversee voting practices. If any irregularities are discovered, the state’s electoral delegates will be vitiated.

What do you think will happen if only 5 million of the 75 million Trump voters marched on the Capital? No matter how it plays out with, it is past time to get this situation resolved. And this time, the traitors will be held accountable

Vive Le Republique.

David DeGerolamo

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Whiskey Tango
Whiskey Tango
3 years ago

Catching on, the Xiden regime would probably send F-15’s to the Fayetteville rally while joint chiefs watch in silence. 

Whiskey Tango
Whiskey Tango
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Let’s start with the fact that the joint chiefs and more than enough of their reports stood down for operation warp speed, stolen elections and instillation of Viceroy Biden.

Don’t be surprised when they stand down after China takes Taiwan too.

Whiskey Tango
Whiskey Tango
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Amen to that.

These soldiers wont stand down
These soldiers wont stand down
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

These soldiers won’t stand down to American patriots:

<body><img src=”&nbspcomment image” alt=”Afghansoldiers”></body>

Like in CW1, they would have less of a problem b/c they don’t have to turn on their fellow countrymen

Last edited 3 years ago by These soldiers wont stand down
3 years ago

Word. The “American Military/American Police” are hired guns for whoever is in power and pays them. I have seen what they do. I have met them and talked with them. They are tatted-up, ‘roided-out Orcs and Orcettes. Plan accordingly.

Dean drews
Dean drews
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

FWIW, I have never seen the Naval Officer nearby with it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whiskey Tango

The military leaders will use nukes against us if they think it will keep them in power. Lincoln would have nuked the South if he had had nuclear weapons.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  Borchardt

Improbable. There are huge number of dissidents even in deep blue cities . It would do no regime good to destroy say Virginia.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Great idea let us start the revival of the Republic.

3 years ago

Everything you said but, not the part on state’s governors. As bad as many of them are, the Fed’s should have no power to mandate new elections in the states. Let that work itself out after all the other actions take place.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Then there is the communist state of michigan,minnesota,wisconsin & many more. The machines didn’t just cheat for biden and the uniparty. Question; how does a person ever trust an election again if there are machines and/or computers involved??

Last edited 3 years ago by oldtimer505
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Simple. You don’t.
Technology cannot create integrity.
Only men of sound mind and strong will can do that.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

That is good logic as to why, David, and it is hard to argue with that. My thoughts are that the constitution has been torn one tiny piece at a time. If we are going to start over, I’d like to see the constitution adhered to and wipe out all the other laws on the books.
If the audit process gets done (unlikely at this juncture) then we will know for sure which governors lost (like Bevin). Those I would definitely say overturn.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Is the not the problem stolen elections and not the process or even the term limits? Once criminals are punished to the full extent, there should clean up the thought to committing that crime again.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

The problem is there is a good chance Trump will let his supporters hang again.

I would have no issue going there. But I would not go to stand there holding hands singing kumbaya. Also I would want Trump to be in my vehicle so the could not turn tail and run at the last minute.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

No one. The People (notice the big P) are not looking to follow anyone. They are looking for someone to do it for them.

BTW, that was not trash talk, that was fact. These are the fruits he bore when the chips where down. He did not have to call on people to come to DC. He did not have to call on people on 6 Jan speech to march to capital with him. He could have changed his mind, but he did not. He did have what, over 500,000 people there following him? That is a large force. It was not like he was on his own.

Would you really follow someone after he let you hang. Then would not stand up for you when they arrested you. That is no leader to follow and that is not man that would do any of the above. What is coming calls for someone that would, “pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”.

Yes I would love a leader to rise up. But that is up to God and in God’s time. We are under Judgement right now.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Don’t forget this mess with the vaccines is entirely Trump’s fault. His leadership on that issues was abysmal and had he any knowledge beyond Real Estate , he could have shut this mess down in 2020.
That level of failures means he simply isn’t enough.
Now President Rump is smart and loves his country but its cancelled out by mediocre discernment and a lack of broad knowledge.
We need smarter younger leaders.
It will odd enough probably be a millennial. The vast bulk of Gen X want to be Grey Men or at least not have to lead, left alone as latchkey kids, they just want to be left alone as adults.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

President Trump choose Fauci pushed Warp Speed and thus the buck stops at his desk. And apologies calling the former President Rump was a typo. No disrespect was intended,
In any case, you won’t have a leader without some goals.
If you want a future you must get the birth rate up, seal the borders , reform marriage and relationships (i.e shut down social media) and make sure people have work .
Reforming the election of Senators is well and good and needed but its not any kind of solution. Its just nibbling around the edges,
There is no “Liberty” option in a damaged culture. No leave me alone” no pretending to be Cinnicinatus and toodling off to Monticello 2.0.
You want power, you had best be ready to use it. And yes this means within limits if somehow you could win public office.
You aren’t there to loot but to lead or outright rule.
Our technology itself is neutering us and if you can’t deal with it, you lose.

3 years ago

Any such march in the future must include……and any resistance along the way must be………complete sentence at your discretion.

3 years ago

change amendment a to “repeal 17th amendment”
the senate was suppose to be the states voice, and the senators served at the pleasure of the govener and could be replaced at any time. this ment if the govener switched from one party to the other, new senators could be installed. or if a senator pissed the govener off by voting for/against something that was in the states best interest, the govener could replace him, no questions asked.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Sounds like a plan. I think it was the 17th Amendment that took the financial & control away from the states to fund their own congress person. It would go a long way if neither senators nor congressmen were recipients of federal government salaries, healthcare, mailing budgets, staff from the pool of indoctrinated researchers & aids, transportation, security, etc. Until these people who serve at the leisure of big $ are forced to seek the approval of their home states, we have no way to clean this up except to shut them down completely. But seriously, why do we need the federal government at all? The IRS?, The Dept of Education?, Military??? Each state can keep their own military. Parents can work with their own schools. You see, the mesmerizing of Americans into thinking we have to suffer these fools at all, is the source of the deception. That is not to say that Satan and his minions are not the authors, but it is to say that the beginning of the web of lies is that we need them,

J. Smith
J. Smith
3 years ago

May I add tribunals for all the traitors, and collaborators and oath breakers. Defund and disband all federal leos except Marshall’s service, form a state leo cooperation using the former-fbi labs, and tools they have great capability, etc…to handle interstate crime, bring the services leos afosi, cid, ncis…in under jttf authority in the interim. FBI employees blocked from federal service in perpetuity. Defund cdc, niah, usaid, epa, cia give the national intelligence mission to dia. Get rid of 75% of the worthless, bloated federal agencies and put a constitutional limit on them in perpetuity. Cut DoS funding to 25%. Fire every military leader above LTC, interview COL and 1-stars on case by case basis to possibly return them to duty. DHS is gone, obliterated, done. All gov employees above gs-13 banned from federal service in perpetuity. SES positions are renewed by congress every two years, subject to peer review all current SES stay temporarily for right seat rides with newly hired staff. All former military banned from sitting on all defense, biotech and pharmaceutical boards of these companies. Constitutional flat tax passed on all purchases, 20-25% one time tax, IRS gone, the building razed, the ground salted. Remove US from all UN and NATO treaties. Start removing troops from 160 locations around the world. Bring the boys home. End tariffs with china, penalize all companies that claim they are US companies yet sit overseas or offshore. Bring back US production, take restrictions off US energy development. Get rid of federal reserve, new currency backed by gold. All potential federal politicians must go through a full-scope poly and a ts-sci background investigation. Add a byline to the constitution for the people outside of congress to be able to remove any sitting official with recall petitions. The real power of the people, elections are no longer sufficient. Also, no electronic voting, mandated id for all elections. ICE and CBP get 50% budget increase for four years to then be reviewed. A full southern border wall funded, and mandated be built in two years.

3 years ago
Reply to  J. Smith

Mr Smith…. marshals have been involved in many traitorous anti liberty events in the last 30 years or so that I can remember, you’ve got some history book perusal to do, sir.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

This is a really lively discussion with very salient points. Hope y’all tuck this one in your boot to ponder.

3 years ago

How? Slowly at first,then all at once.

We started in the Woodrow Wilson regime.

Joe Redneck
Joe Redneck
3 years ago

You won’t defeat the Army, Navy , Air Force, Marines, FBI and local SWAT teams etc., etc. The best you can do is eliminate 270 Americans, most with a “D” behind their names, and take back our government from the democratic communists.

Joe Redneck
Joe Redneck
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Taliban didn’t defeat anybody. They just hid until Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines et al. left. I truly doubt that would happen here but good luck doing it your way.

3 years ago

No more Trump. Does anyone really think he knows how to do the job?

I lost faith in him after reviewing who he fired and hired or promoted, not to mention Operation Warp Speed. Here is where we see the greatest illustration for “Listen to my words but don’t look at my (personnel) decisions.”

Every one of us got twisted in knots as we saw how weak and whiney he looked and sounded. If you don’t have the capability to bring power to your administration, then don’t ask for the job.

So I do prefer a right wing strong man to root out all the corruption and the traitors to America and the Constitution. Anybody who’s been alive long enough has seen how the enemy for over 80 years has used the constitution to get us to this point. That’s a shame, but if it can work one way then we can undo it, extra legally if necessary.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

First of all for anyone reading this I don’t trash talk Trump, I’m simply stating facts. Furthermore, I’m hoping somebody will be able to help me understand my main criticism, which is why didn’t he at least try to appoint people to the FBI, the attorney general of the United States, and why did he promote Mark Milley, and why did he fire general Flynn when he really didn’t have to? These are all questions that nobody has been able to answer for me so I can only assume that Trump and his advisers just threw up their hands and appointed people that the deep state approved. I wouldn’t have done that; I would’ve fought them tooth and nail for every one of those appointments because it’s those appointments that are now being weaponized against us. Another question is, it was OK for Barack Obama to fire the top generals in the military to replace them with red diaper babies; why didn’t Trump fire all of those guys? I mean these are glaring questions that nobody wants to answer and everybody wants to just assume that he had no support in Washington DC, or he had no Rolodex to hire anybody. Well if all that’s true, I certainly cannot vote for him again. So you ask who is the person that will replace him? My guess is that a leader will emerge if things go sideways in this country. And it won’t be your typical politician.

3 years ago
Reply to  Retired

I would have to concur. The Donald had every opportunity as CIC to right the ship. He did not. The security provisions of the NDAA allowed him to declare martial law within 100 miles of Amerika’s borders and squash the criminal vermin forcing their way into the country. And, when he was ousted via a fraudulent “election” he could have, again as CIC, invoked the Insurrection Act. He did not.
Face it. Some Deep State Orc or group of Orcs had the goods on him from some past crime or peccadillo involving and underage girl(Lolita Express?). Either that, or they just threatened to wipe out his family, like they did to Timothy McVeigh. Either way, it’s all water under the bridge. The collapse is indeed upon us. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

3 years ago

He really wanted to be liked by TPTB. He also didn’t have the stomach for opposing amnesty, and I recall his ICE crackdown: it was preceded with announcement of date that ICe would be coming. Lol. So ineffective.

His rhetoric? That’s just for the fawning dirt people.

The cheer squad is salivating “Trump/DeSantis 2024.”
If I were RDS I’d be insulted.

3 years ago

LARPing retardery.
As has been said, Trump is not the man. He had four years and did about 1% of what should have been done, and by all appearances it only started to dawn on him just how big the problem was in the last year or two, when he should have been purging the military and intelligence bureaucracies within the first six months. Trump is not the man. More importantly, imitating what has happened in the past, just because it happened once, is a terribly stupid thing to do. Americans will look at this thing you propose, go “WTF?” and go back to their TV and video games, and when your LARP convoy reached DC they’d all be arrested and the Jan6 fallout would be a shadow of the shrieking and hair-pulling that would arise from this.
Trump has no organized powerbase, and definitely not one in the military. Trump has not led anybody on a 20-year-long epic of continuous victory. Trump has a big mouth and a heart in the right place. That’s about it.
You have to address underlying causes. You have to build groups of people who trust each other. You have to have a track record of low-level success before you go for the big successes. You cannot just wishful-think cargo-cult your way back to everything being wonderful. That’s precisely the laziness that got us here in the first place.

3 years ago

Anyone who assumes the position of defender of the past, and any person who makes serious personnel moves to accomplish that goal, will be targeted for assassination. The leader of the movement to take down imperial Washington will have to be one not afraid of the risks.

Trump must have sensed those limits, so forget him. This might be where we start talking about bone spurs. If you don’t have the character of a warrior or if you can’t recognize character, you are of no use.

The leader will emerge only in a hot war.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Speculate is all I can do. So I will speculate some more.

Why didn’t DJT execute EO 13848?

1. He didn’t have the generals on his side. And Milley, who DJT promoted, gladly affirmed that. Milley bases his understanding of what is or isn’t constitutional on which team he is rooting for, not to mention who controls his career. Why did Trump promote him? And why fire the ONE GUY Obama hated or feared the most?— General Flynn.

2. Trump may have bought into the hype that he was acting as a dictator if he would have invoked the EO, even though he believes or seems to believe that the election of Biden was illegal, which it most certainly was. (Funny how typing that can get me in trouble today, but yelling “Not My President” along with “Resist”, was totally permitted.) I read something that indicated Trump didn’t really understand the EO, and it was never even on his mind. I don’t like how he blamed Pence.

3. If #2 is valid then he most certainly feared for his and his family’s lives. Someone else here was correct in pointing out that DJT doesn’t really have a power base.

Do I dislike Trump? No. Do I disagree with MAGA? No.

I want my questions answered. They won’t be.

Note about the next leader:

Thinking about my belief that he will emerge in the CW. Probably not since there won’t be a central leader based on the local nature of the violence once feds make this thing happen.

3 years ago

The collapse of the corrupt Afghani government without the US to prop it up was a foregone outcome. The Afghan army was never a threat to anyone….except our own troops. And the Taliban/Al Qaeda was always hiding in caves and cellars waiting for us to leave. The ONLY way they weren’t going to regain power was for the US to NEVER leave or for us to exterminate ALL of them like the disease they are. Since neither of those things were going to happen their return to power was always the eventual outcome. And I have no doubt the CCP told their puppets in the Biden “administration” to get out, get out NOW and don’t interfere with the Taliban. China has plans for Afghanistan…..and those plans don’t include anyone from the West. The only real question is will the Chinese have any better luck in Afghanistan then us, the Russians or the British.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I sincerely hope not

Tennessee Budd
Tennessee Budd
3 years ago

You forgot ‘Senators to be appointed by the governments of the respective states, not elected in a perverse beauty contest’.


[…] Oddly ironic, ain’t it, how we’ve suddenly found ourselves tossed about on the stormy seas of all-too-familiar history, and yet are in completely uncharted territory simultaneously. But since Claire brought up the French and all, Dave Renegade reviews a little French history that might well contain a useful lesson or three for us. […]


[…] Then read this,,, pipe dream? Time will tell. I’m not laying any money down, either way, at this juncture. […]

3 years ago

The sold out and corrupt military Generals will follow their globalist masters; likely men inside the CFR; the Colonels, Majors, and Captains will follow the Generals, and the enlisted troops will follow the orders of the Lieutenants and most will commit any and all unthinkable atrocities against the patriot citizen. Stop and think; the entirety of the officer ranks and a percentage of the enlisted ranks are composed of university indoctrinated Marxists. Therefore; in no way will our military save us. The good news is that there are legions of well trained former military men in America who are patriots, well trained, and pissed.


[…] I posted this link yesterday as well. But did some thinkin’ on it last night. […]

3 years ago

How ’bout a detour through Atlanta on the way? Few things there that might be of interest…

3 years ago

Yes, I totally agree that the senate should only be beholden to the state legislatures. Therefore, no more lobbyist could sway them and the state could fire them. Ben Stein summed up our situation perfectly. Paraphrasing; he said our country no longer had a representative form of government since there are now too many people per congressman/ senator. If you don’t believe it, send them a letter. Most likely you’ll get a form letter back. Our gov is sooo corrupt.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

I’m with you brother, you’ve said nothing untrue…
But We The People are not pissed off enough yet.
You’ve got to WANT to shoot them in the face.